Progress in Dopamine Research in Schizophrenia: Pocketbook

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Indian Journal of Psychiatry 37, Chadda RK Psychiatric morbidity in preschool children - a clinic based study. Indian Journal of Pediatrics, 62, Chadda RK Dhat syndrome - Is it a distinct clinical entity? A study of illness behaviour characteristics.

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Progress in Dopamine Research in Schizophrenia: Pocketbook eBook: Yves Lecrubier MD PhD, Arvid Carlsson, Yves Lecrubier: Kindle Store. Progress in Dopamine Research Schizophrenia: A Guide for Physicians This handy pocket book provides a summary of research on the role of dopamine in.

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International Psychiatry, 6, Sharma S, Joshi S, Chadda RK Therapeutic drug monitoring of lithium in patients with bipolar affective disorder: Experiences from a tertiary care hospital in India. The National Medical Journal of India, 22, Indian Journal of Psychiatry,51, The National Medical Journal of India, 22, - Chadda RK, Sood M, Kumar N Experiences of a sensitization program on common mental disorders for primary care physicians using a problem based learning approach.

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Preventive psychiatry: Current status in contemporary psychiatry. Changing pattern of clinical profile of first-contact patients attending outpatient services at a general hospital psychiatric unit in India over the last 50 years. J ECT. Psychiatry Res. An open trial of sodium valproate in tardive dyskinesia-Principal investigator, Negative and depressive symptoms in schizophrenia-Co-Investigator, Clinical characteristics of Dhat Syndrome-Principal investigator, A clinical study of somatising patients attending a psychiatric clinic- Principal investigator, Psychiatric morbidity in patients attending dermatological clinic- Co-investigator, A study of psychiatric outpatient referrals in general outpatient setting-Principal investigator, A diagnostic and clinical investigation of patients presenting with unexplained physical symptoms in a psychiatric outpatient clinic- Principal investigator, Potential effects include:.

Some of the following side effects may less serious, but should prompt you to call your doctor as soon as possible. There are several less serious side effects that people may experience while using Haldol. Though these are not an emergency or don't usually mean that you need to stop the medication, talk to your doctor if you find them bothersome. There are sometimes simply measures you can take to either cope with these side effects or help them to go away, for example, by using sunscreen when you are out of doors.

Treatment with Haldol can cause a movement disorder called tardive dyskinesia. This disorder is thought to occur due to an increased brain sensitivity to the neurotransmitter dopamine. Signs of tardive dyskinesia include fine, worm-like movements of the tongue, or other uncontrolled movements of the mouth, tongue, cheeks, jaw, or arms and legs.

These symptoms may not go away after you stop taking the drug. Unfortunately, this side effect is far too common. In the past, it was thought that almost one in 10 to one in 20 people might develop tardive dyskinesia one year after starting the medication. Research shows that other drugs for bipolar disorder may not have as great a risk of tardive dyskinesia as Haldol.

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If you're concerned about your risk, talk to your doctor about your medication options. You may wish to go over the alternative medications that are available and determine which ones have a side effect profile that you find would be more tolerable for you. For those who need to take Haldol, research is in progress looking at methods of decreasing the risk of tardive dyskinesia. Many of the studies, such as those looking at antioxidants such as Ginkgo biloba or alpha-tocopherol a type of vitamin E , have only been done on animals in the lab, but it's likely we will soon learn more about how to protect people from these side effects.

Before starting the medication, talk to your doctor about any options she feels may decrease your risk. When you're discontinuing Haldol, you may experience trembling in your fingers and hands, along with uncontrolled movements of your mouth, tongue, and jaw. If you do have these side effects, notify your doctor as soon as possible. Symptoms of a Haldol overdose include severe breathing difficulty; severe dizziness; severe drowsiness; severe muscle trembling, jerking, stiffness or uncontrolled movements; and severe, unusual tiredness or weakness. If you experience these symptoms, seek emergency medical assistance.

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Our guide offers strategies to help you or your loved one live better with bipolar disorder. Sign up for our newsletter and get it free. More in Bipolar Disorder. Serious Side Effects. Mild Side Effects. Tardive Dyskinesia. Overdose and Discontinuation. View All. Convulsions seizures from neuroleptic malignant syndrome Difficult or fast breathing Fast heartbeat or irregular pulse High fever High or low blood pressure Increased sweating Loss of bladder control Severe muscle stiffness Unusually pale skin Unusual tiredness or weakness.

More common serious side effects include:.