Uncommon Wisdom: True Tales of What Our Lives as Doctors Have Taught Us about Love, Faith and Healing

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Great to hear about your peace breakthrough. Which church do you fellowship at? Do you still go to the JW? Blessings Marilena Fackerell. When I was a kid, in about the year , I had warts on my hands. I used that acid stuff to remove them, but more kept starting, and they were always growing larger. One day I prayed and all at once they all stopped growing. The viruses under the skin had all died. I finally removed them with toe nael clippers and that was the end of it. I was 15 in Thank you for your reply. There was a time, in the past when this man called Peter was lost.

Although rich in material things, he was poor in his heart. He spent his whole life believing in nothing. Doing and saying evil things. Then there came a time in his life when he started to ask why am I here? Searching through science to find an answer. None was to be found. Not believing in God, his soul became black with anger and sorrow. Many years passed.

Still he did not understand the glory of God. Wandering sinfully, with no clear path to the road of righteousness. Then came a time where his anger became his constant companion. As much as he tried to eradicate the anger, it would not leave him alone. At a loss on what to do, he finally started to read the Bible.

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He had his doubts, for you see he was a man of science. After 30 years of asking the question who am I? Consulting science for an answer, there was none to be found. He finally came to the realization that to be with God……….. He said to himself, I need to repent my sins and make Jesus my Lord and Savior. Because it is only through Jesus that I can be saved. For Jesus is love and the Bible is truth and mercy. But how can a man without love in his heart be saved? A man who in the past, only loved himself. For he had no love for anyone or anything else. So the cleansing began! But as soon as Peter started praying to God for his forgiveness and believing in God, Things started to change.

Slowly at first, because God needed Peter to learn a lesson. No, but Peter in his faith with God, kept on praying.

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Asking God to remove this anger from his soul. He asked many times and after each time His anger relented a little.

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Until there came the day when his anger of many years evaporated. So happy was Peter, for you see, his whole life he was lost, and now he is found. His eyes were closed but now they are open. His heart of stone was healed.

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Through the glory of God. For you see; those who truly believe, God will never forsake them. Now Peter is married, and he walks with a new purpose in life. Where anger was his only companion in the past, love now prevails.

Confusion replaced with understanding. Selfishness replaced with compassion.

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But most of all the love and personal relationship he now has with Jesus. For I am he, who has fallen, and through the glory of God, has risen a new man. Do not let others turn you away from the truth that is God. Walk with God, ask for forgiveness, repent, let go of your Pride.

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Do these things, and you will see, feel, and rejoice, that you have found the way To true happiness though the one, that is Jesus our Lord and savior. We are going through a tough time with our house sale. Our baby is due in 2 months time and we been trying to sell this 1 bedroom house for a year now and nothing happened so far.

There was 4 houses around our place with the same infrastructure, almost same price and all the three got sold except ours. They all moved to new big houses now. We been praying so hard and whenever each house nearby gets sold, we hope in Christ that He would do amazing things for us too! Now its last minute, but still we believe in Christ that nothing is impossible for HIM and He is never too late. Please remember us in your prayers. I am a Christian who moved away from Jesus and then Jesus brought me back. My love for God has increased so much after I realized how loving He is.

I used to pray a lot from childhood and always felt a connection to the Father God. Maybe it was having a very prayerful mother. But I guess praying does bring a lot of tests.


And how can we reach beyond our own limits in our individual lives? You can learn more about Hanukkah here. It lets us know that HOW we have been living has not suited us or enriched our lives. Sample the many flavors of faith. They play with my son.

When I was 13 I was molested and then it sort of shattered my faith. I was angry with everyone at this point. It was such an utter wonder because as I saw there sat a group of people speaking about abuse and I felt God made this show just for me. That was the first time, it dawned on me that there were others in the world who have been through this same trial and survived. Little by little He removed my anger and started speaking to me.

I used to spend more time in prayer.

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During my school days I used to have stalkers following me home back from school. Soon I started going to college, I got so busy with friends l that I stopped praying. But then sin started entering my life. I committed the worst sin possible. I figured God would understand because He loved me. He knew I was happy so He would understand for sure.

Those were my thoughts! I remember kneeling down, bowing my head in prayer in a Church and asking Jesus for forgiveness and asking Him to make me good. Then one year from then God put me in a hostel room with three Christians and I saw them read the Bible and spend time in prayer everyday. They would individually pray everyday. This created a very big impact on me. A major one. I missed Jesus so much. So I started reading the Bible as well.

I made it a practice to not go to bed without reading the Bible once everyday. I could feel God speaking to me guiding me and helping me with my problems. I suddenly felt nothing. God is so powerful. If Jesus would do this much for me, how much more would He do for you. Not that I was special, its just that He is our amazing loving Father God. I love Jesus so much, I could never love anyone more.