Accessible but critical, this volume is offers a balanced assessment of his enduring significance.
Product details Format Hardback pages Dimensions x x Illustrations note X, p. Other books in this series.
Add to basket. Memory and Massacre Paolo Pezzino. Forging Shoah Memories Stefania Lucamante.
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Carlo Tresca Nunzio Pernicone. Review Text 'James Martin's book is an excellent English-language introduction to Gobetti and places the ideas of this 'revolutionary liberal' who has, controversially, been both claimed and rejected by the liberal, socialist, communist and republican traditions in Italy in the 95 years since his death within the context of the broader liberal tradition for the first time. In doing so, Martin shows how Gobetti's ideas have implications that go beyond the Italian context, and that of the turbulent post-war climate in which they were developed.
Files consulted: Stampa Censurata and Uf fici di censura N. Description Reviews. Many tend to differentiate between Gobetti and Rosselli: the former was more of a theorist, a political philosopher, enclosed within a provincial environment, while the latter was an economist, open to the world. Skinner, Q. I as was it, in the CSCE, but it is a director.
Martin has rendered a service in setting Gobetti's liberalism firmly in the context of European liberal thinking, both historic and more recent, rather than just in the Italian context in which he is usually considered. Readers may find that they have much to learn from both the life and the ideas of this twentieth century heretic who managed to reconcile the apparent paradox of revolutionary liberalism.
But its merits are far greater than that: this is an important assessment of a political thinker from a contemporary methodological viewpoint, one that employs various parallel techniques and perspectives in order to draw out maximum interpretative advantage. James Martin skillfully blends intellectual biography with attention to various contexts - some historical, some ideational, and some relating to the future reception of Gobetti's writings and his personal impact.
This is an excellent study that will assist in giving some subtle aspects of early twentieth-century Italian thought the prominence they have not hitherto received outside Italy. Powered by PubFactory.
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Advanced Search Help. Before his sudden death in , he founded and edited three periodicals, including the fiercely antifascist La Rivoluzione Liberale and the literary journal Il Baretti. Historically and geographically, Turin was also the Italian city closest to France and northern Europe.
Piero Gobetti was a radical liberal and critic of Italian politics in the years after World War I, he proposed 'revolutionary Italian and Italian American Studies. Piero Gobetti was a radical liberal and critic of Italian politics in the years after World War I, Part of the Italian and Italian American Studies book series (IIAS).
Buy eBook. Currency depends on your shipping address. The text is graced with wonderfully informative notes that identify individuals and events Gobetti referred to, making the work accessible to nonspecialists. Moon, Choice.
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