Genes, Women, Equality

Women’s Equality Day: Pioneering Women in STEM
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Scientists confirm what women always knew: men really are the weaker sex

Evolution Without Genes. So much of the earlier gender differences in behavior may be interpreted as the consequence of practical differences in how men and women live in a society where there is division of labor. Women were more nurturant because they did most of the child care. Nowadays, some men function as primary caregivers, making them as nurturant as women. Conversely, men were more aggressive, more risk-taking, and more competitive because they took responsibility for hunting and group defense, activities that elicited such qualities.

Nowadays, women are more competitive in careers and businesses. This propensity is associated with more participation in contact sports , greater use of alcohol and other drugs , and more dangerous driving as reflected in accident statistics. We are seeing profound gender changes without any associated change in the human gene pool.

This phenomenon is deeply embarrassing to theories of gene-based gender differences. Must we admit that evolutionary psychology is a failed paradigm? After all, the unisex modern world is a compelling example of human behavior shifting rapidly to match current conditions. This is adaptation. It is a case of evolution without genes. How this works is taken up in another post. The first measured century: An illustrated guide to trends in America, Cross-national variation in the motivation for uncommitted sex: The impact of disease and social risks.

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Evolutionary Psychology, 6, Men supposedly excel at "3-D skills" like hurling a spear, while women have better visual perception, and superior manual dexterity. Not so fast, there. These superior skills you have ascribed to women are most definitely 3-D in nature and relevant to hurling a spear, and in fact sound like other words for the exact same skills you have ascribed to men.

Unless one wishes to make a distinction between fine motor skills and gross motor skills, but that is not what you have stated in the article. Apart from physical size and shape, and innate behavior in seeking a mate, my opinion is that most "differences" reported between men and women are biased from a desire to reinforce learned cultural norms that the authors of such studies have become comfortable with. Could there not also be just as influential "mental genes" at work here too?

After all, if a situation changes rapidly, especially for people within breeding age, natural selection is way too slow.

Equality in Science Activities

Perhaps Mental genes are the precursor that informs eventual changes in physical genes? It is well known that mental attitude has an enormous impact on the immune system. Why then can't mental attitude and zeitgeist also have a covert effect on more systems?

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Furthermore, these Mental Genes can be quickly passed from individual to individual much like a virus. These could then inform or activate or deactivate certain latent properties in physical genes. Maybe women have a latent aggressive hunter side which is every bit as physical as males, but it has just not been switched on as yet. So I would not say it is "evolution without genes. Now, who is game to even propose a study of such a thing?

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Genetics is not gender neutral in its impact. Mahowald cites a wide range of biological and psychosocial examples that reveal its different impact on men and . Full text. Full text is available as a scanned copy of the original print version. Get a printable copy (PDF file) of the complete article (K), or click on a page.

Would the straitjacket of scientism ever allow that? Modern TFR is below replacement. How can these cultural changes be considered adaptive? Especially when these modern population are being replaced through immigration from non-modern populations who do not ascribe to these cultural norms and behaviours? This is the most wonderful thing i have ever experienced. I never believed it, because have never heard anything about such miracle before. No body would have been able to convince me about it not until DR OSEMU did a marvelous work for me that restored my marriage of 4 years by getting back my divorced wife just as i read on the internet.

I was truly shocked when my wife knelt down pleading for forgiveness to accept her back. For his a God sent to me and my entire family for divine restoration of marriage. Contact him now for any kind or help via Email: Doctorokpamenspelltemple hotmail.

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This is a red herring. Evolutionary psychologists never predicted that gender roles would not change, only that they were tethered to biology and not as easily changed as the cultural constructionists claim. I don't believe early societal arrangements have been adequately explored, in fact a regression has taken place. I took one university anthropology course and read some books and it was clear from that small investment in the subject that the modern nuclear family was a rarity in primitive societies, if it existed at all.

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Back Find Counselling. Nor can we count all 27 because at least 17 have copies on the X chromosome too. Edit this record. Most Popular in South Africa. Genes, Women, Equality. UEA Inaugural lecture: Alternative performance measures: do managers disclose them to inform us, or to mislead us?

It was likely also that women's labour was necessarily closer to home simply because of the need to supervise very small children and nurse them for much longer periods than are the present custom. There is evidence of female warrior cultures and it is quite possible that much of the difference in strength and size between men and women was a function of prejudice in food supply: men always ate first and best, in spite of the fact that fetus' health is dependent on proper nutrition.

Speculation based on few facts is not productive, in fact, it tends to harden existing prejudices concerng both present and past. Nigel Barber, Ph. Should we bring back the trees or choke off economic growth? Humor is often the first casualty of political correctness. Back Psychology Today.

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Back Find Counselling. Back Get Help. Currently, the committee is composed of the Gender Equality Officer and one representative of each the following groups: 1 group leaders, 2 postdocs, 3 PhDs, 4 technical staff, 5 administration. The Gender Equality Committee represents an important structural measure to firmly implement Gender Equality work at our Institute.

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The human genome

Useful links. Minerva FemmeNet Mentoring programme set up by the MPG that offers support to all female junior scientists - from graduate to top qualified scientists - tailored towards their respective professional qualifications.