Cultural Rights: Technology, Legality and Personality (International Library of Sociology)

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It traces the historical roots of Superheroes in myths and legends, and then focuses on modern Superheroes in comic books, graphic novels and motion pictures. It uses Sociological theories to assess the significance of Superheroes in modern society.

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SOC - Sociology of Law A theoretical and practical analysis of sociological issues and contexts influencing the development, functioning, and effects of law in society. Some specific issues to be analyzed may include law and Aboriginal peoples, welfare fraud, terrorism, immigration, corporate crime, violence against women, homophobia, and the right to strike.

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A comparative and critical assessment of the sociological, psychological and biological models of explanation and intervention. SOC - Origins of Modern Society This course analyzes the social, political, and economic forces that gave rise to contemporary social conditions. The course includes an overview of different sociological explanations of social development and change.

SOC - Sociology of Knowledge This course introduces students to a detailed analysis of sociological perspectives on the social roots of knowledge and cultural life.

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Subject Name Description Accounting for Managers The objective of the course is to provide an understanding of practical aspects of accounting, managing assets, financial analysis, cost behavior and improve decision making skills. Arts and Culture and Planning Practice Historically, planners utilized art and culture as a community revitalization tool; more recently, however, planners are realizing the potential contributions of art and culture to other social, economic, and environmental aspects of community life. Includes footage from every continent and hundreds of unique cultures. The course critically examines the pillars of the population and the environment discourses with attention to differences between developed and developing countries. This course examines the relationship between art and society.

It has a particular focus on the ideological main streams of thought in contemporary industrial society. SOC - Power and Social Justice This course examines sociological perspectives on the impact of social power on social justice. It utilizes both historical and theoretical materials to analyze the effect on inequalities of power and wealth on justice and injustice in society.

SOC - Sociology of Work This course provides an overview of sociological perspectives on work in a globalized world. Specific topics that might be examined in this course include paid and unpaid work, alienation and resistance, and the ways in which class, gender, and race shape experiences and practices of work. SOC - Studies in Feminism This course analyzes feminist thought as both political practice and as academic discourse.

The course examines different perspectives in feminist thought as they relate to other social theories and as they relate to political and social action. SOC - Sociology of Development This course introduces students to sociological theories of international economic, social and political development.

It examines the global division between the West and the rest, and looks at the problems which poor countries face as they attempt to develop, including the role of Western corporations and organizations such as the International Monetary Fund. SOC - Advanced Studies in Crime and Justice This course examines advanced sociological perspectives on crime and criminal justice, and explores current controversies in Canadian crime and justice.

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SOC - The Social Determinants of Health This class will review the evidence and theoretical concepts used in assessing the social determinants of health. The social determinants of health include a range of factors such as income, education, employment, social cohesion, and early childhood development. SOC - Science and Technology This course examines the interrelationship between science and technology on the one hand, and social norms and values on the other.

Specific topics that might be covered include women and science, the environment, and the social impact of technology. SOC - Women and Social Policy An examination of the past, present and future of social policy from the perspective of women, primarily in Canada.

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A critical assessment of existing perspectives and practices in the formation of social policy and the implications for various groups of women and society in general. SOC - Sociology of the Environment This course examines social theories, social concepts, and methodological issues related to the understanding of the environment in classical and modern sociological theory. Specific topics might include the social construction of nature, gender, class, race and the environment, sustainability, and the challenges of interdisciplinarity.

SOC - Sociology of Disaster Sociological explanations of the different ways societies define and manage exposures to risk. Disasters, as distinct from hazards, are consequences of social conditions and social institutions generating vulnerability to risk. The course traces the historical development of the global food system and examines contemporary conflicts driving social change. SOC - Honours Seminar A weekly seminar devoted to the discussion of special issues in sociology, the reports of research projects, and to the presentation of papers by both students and faculty.

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Cultural Rights: Technology, Legality and Personality (International Library of Sociology) [Celia Lury] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Title, Cultural Rights: Technology, Legality, and Personality Educational Management Series ยท International Library of Sociology: Cultural Studies/ Sociology of.

SOC - Honours Seminar A weekly seminar devoted to the discussion of special issues in sociology, to reports of research projects, and to the presentation of papers by both students and faculty. SOC - Honours Research A senior undergraduate research methods seminar with special focus on controversies in social science methodology.

SOC - Classical Social Theories This course provides an overview of the emergence and development of sociological theories in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

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Students may receive credit for only one of SOC or SOC - Contemporary Social Theories The course provides an overview of the development of sociological theories through the 20th century into the 21st century. SOC - Theoretical Perspectives on Development and the Environment This senior seminar analyzes and reflects upon the major theoretical issues in development and the environment. SOC - Issues in Social Theory This senior seminar analyzes and reflects upon the major issues in the development of social theory.

SOC - Sociological Imaginations This senior seminar is the capstone class for sociology majors and is to be taken in the final year of the program. Students reflect upon and analyze the major theoretical issues in sociology. SOC - Honours Paper Candidates for the Honours degree work with a committee to prepare an honours paper in accordance with the department's guidelines. SOC - Graduate Seminar A weekly seminar devoted to the discussion of special issues in sociology, reports of research projects, and the presentation of papers by students and faculty.

International Library of Sociology - Routledge

Students are expected to register in the graduate seminar in two semesters. SOC - Advanced Research Methods I An advanced research methods course with special focus on controversies in social science methodology. SOC - Development and Environment This seminar investigates relationships between environmental issues and development processes.

Drawing upon theories such as political ecology, discourse analysis and ecofeminism, it provides a foundation for discussions of social, political and economic factors in environmental change and conflict. Issues explored may include water, agriculture, population, common property, and climate change.

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SOC - Sociology of Underdevelopment This seminar provides a critical examination of theory and case studies of development and underdevelopment throughout the world. A comparative, historical perspective will be emphasized. SOC - Knowledge, Science, Technology This seminar discusses the works of major figures in the sociology of knowledge, science, and technology.

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Issues covered will include the nature of scientific work, the organization of science, the drawing of boundaries between science and non-science, gender and science, the social relations of technology, and the epistemological and political authority of science. SOC - Sociology of Knowledge This course examines issues in the production, transmission, and use of knowledge.

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It provides an advanced perspective on such topics as construction of difference, discrimination, recialization, assimilation, and the interplay of gender, ethnicity, race, and other social factors. SOC - Crime, Deviance, Normalization This course examines explanation, theory construction, measurement procedures, and techniques for data collection and analysis within the sociology of crime and deviance.

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SOC AA - Sociology of Health An examination of the history of illness and health care, focusing on the development of the health care system. Issues covered will include the nature of scientific work, the organization of science, drawing boundaries between science and non-science, gender and science, social relations of technology, and the epistemological and political authority of science.

SOC AI - Studies in Masculinity The course explores the current literature addressing the emerging concept of hegemonic masculinity. While the current theoretical literature is the focus, attention will also be devoted to the empirical application of core concepts. SOC AJ - The Dynamics of Modernity This class will read and discuss major works analyzing modernity as a dynamic process from both first-world and third-world perspectives.

The student will be asked to develop an annotated bibliography and prepare an exploratory research paper. Students will learn to conduct interviews and focus groups, use visual research methods, and carry out qualitative data analysis. Emphasis is placed on the connection between methods and key philosophies of science and methodological paradigms. The course includes data analysis training in NVivo software.

The Journal publishes analytical studies on the impact of legal interventions into economic processes by legislators, courts and regulatory agencies. Finally, important developments and topics in law and economics analysis will be documented and examined in special issues dedicated to that subject. The journal is edited for readability; lawyers and economists, scholars and specialized practitioners count among its readers. Shibboleth authentication is only available to registered institutions.

Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Learn more. I agree. Short Description Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics provides readers with high quality and empirical research in law and economics.