Deep Spirit & Great Heart: Living In Marijuana Consciousness

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However we also know weed is not physically addicting only psychologically so for me here the difference for people being addicted or not is their brain power, will power and maturity. When i first started smoking it was solely to get as stoned as possible at any possible time. All my friends were like that through highschool with any drug they used, we just wanted to get fucked up.

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Now that I have been smoking on and off for about 9 years I have finally realized what it is weed does and how it helps me and how I can control my smoking when i want to. It is a drug that will expand your mind, make you creative, make you question rules, laws, society and pretty much anything and everything around you. That is the beauty of the drug, it helps you sift through all the bull shit life throws at us constantly. It will help you learn by sparking your interest in things that never before mattered and give you an opened mind.

It will help alleviate hate in your life if you actually reflect on life and dont veg out every time you smoke. There is a reason it has been used for thousands of years in cultures that promote peace, meditation and love. It is horribly demonized in the world now, at least by western society, and that is why is gets the negative stigma to it and thats why people abuse the drug as teens and young adults because they are using it for the wrong reason. If it were legal and promoted for what it is, a love drug, a meditative drug then society would be using it differently and having different effects from it.

We would have to be around the horrible dealers, shitty fucking people if it were legal, and we all know it should be. Propaganda ruined this magical drug, and it is only now that people are opening their minds and realizing, hey this isnt a bad thing, its natural and it has healing powers. I can only hope that more people are awakened to the wonders of this plant for medical and recreational use and it one day becomes legal.

How to Get Off Marijuana | Psychology Today

Thats the other problem with some people that they over use and we all know anything can be bad when that happens no matter the vice. Weed is definitely something that has helped a lot of people throughout their lives but it does however have its negative sides. I used to smoke pretty much every day or every second day and I loved it, it made me think about things in a different way, made me stop being such an asshole to everyone, made me all around better. Weed is amazing, I still recommend it to people to this day even after what it did to me.

We have to acknowledge its potential bad side effects though; I thought it was the Holy of Holies up until the day the existential crisis started. Similarly as a hammer may be used to break a skull open, it may also be used to build a garden. We do have cannabanoids in our bodies along with other psychoactive chemical structures such as DMT. Makes you think that plants may contain natural neurotransmitters…. It is so difficult at times but also so loving.


If we are all one, how could we hate another, except by hating ourselves? It challenges us to examine our lives on a very complex plane. The remark about the dying tree is wonderful, to hear that ganja allowed you to truly see life as it is. We need to be vehicles of change, we need to be brutally compassionate. To call out that which is not aware, so to say! I went through the same awakening as you. Marijuana transformed me on such a profound level that I rejected suicide. It opens up the heart, and that is the key. Thank you so much for sharing such wonderful thoughts.

It does enhance whatever one experiences. I have many friends in sad situations with marijuana. Similarly, one may kill or hit a home run with a bat. I share similar experiences with friends.

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It can be the most damaging addiction. I always take one hit and stop, and as the threshold is crossed, one is able to do the work they set out to do.


That's all I can do now is hope, doctors can't find anything wrong with my ears but they are jacked up most definitely. Ask your doctor to start you on a low dose, and increase your dose very slowly. Despite my drug abuse, I managed to get a PhD in science, and always had a decent job since then How to break the blame-guilt-blame cycle in your relationship. A 25 year old suburban white lady from Irvine has no business playing with stuff like this. I feel like this is my legacy, that what I do makes a difference on the planet, to my neighbors in the community.

A delicate balance must be maintained with this herb. To suggest that marijuana convinces one to use different psychoactive compounds is a serious lack of responsibility. Once or twice a week is by far the best way. I use it one a week as well and feel that it allows for the clearest insights that way.

Try taking one small hit. Marijuana receives the stigma it does because it threatens the power structure. It forces one to question authoritarian society and recognize how barbaric and unnecessary it is.

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I am delighted to hear about your transformation and growing experiences with the herb. You are so right about it being a love drug. The immediate results are interesting…. I want participants for an Astral Projection Expt. However I have a much deeper reasoning of doing this, for all of you lovers of THC please take part in the experiment. Overall, I think weed has the inherent benefit of making people more open minded by inviting them to look at reality from a viewpoint beyond their regular perspective.

In this sense it is a good thing. People need to actually want to use their mind, and only then do all of these positive things follow. A lot of people look at it like alcohol and drinking, where for weed they smoke just to get really stoned, not for introspection or creativity. Personally, I started getting a lot more out of weed when I started smoking by myself. I can smoke a tiny amount and get a lot of out of it alters my consciousness in the slightest.

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I find that when i take a bong hit or 2 then go for a drive usually to my girls house my head is filled with thoughts. I starts solving personal issues and larger issues in my head.


Things really start to make more and more sense as i am driving. I wish I wrote that stuff down, so maybe it would be good for me to chill in my room alone once and a while and start writing this stuff down. Its pretty amazing how the thought process changes. Well i started smoking weed about years ago and i never stopped. My life seems to have improved astronomically from smoking weed. Everythings better on weed so why not smoke it all day everyday? All i had to do was not buy weed saving money yeah! The first couple days were somewhat of a tease because everyone would blow bonghits in my face and oh they smelled so good.

Marijuana can be very beneficial to a person, or very detrimental depending on how you use it. The same goes for many other substances that mess with the nervous system. How do people use it negatively? Basically just using it to get high is using it negatively. I can really see a positive reason as to why governments would want to ban its use.

The whole pot culture is really just advocating escapism in my opinion. Normal consciousness is boring, so they need to ingest a substance in order to alter their perceptions. Yeah you might have some interesting thoughts, but after a while you get pretty used being in the altered state, and then you just need more and more.

How do people use it positively? From my experience, it leads to conscious control of the nervous system. Marijuana alters and stresses the normal functioning of the nervous system, and if you can stay totally alert, you can learn to regulate and bypass these effects. If you can learn to balance the nervous system by submitting it to a specific amount of stress that you can handle marijuana is one way of doing this, if you use it responsibly to go just beyond your normal edge , you can learn stay alert and centered at all times.

I believe this herb has the potential to change human history if used correctly. I would like to hear thoughts, insights, similar experiences. Most importantly, if something helps you gain higher consciousness, it is only healthy to use. Sort replies by: Votes Oldest Newest. Adding Brahmi or Jatamansi to this mix will limit the tamasic impact of ganja. In summary, the global movement to legalize cannabis is an enormously positive shift towards social and ecological justice. We have waged war against Mother Nature for far too long, and now is the time is for reconciliation. That being said, marijuana is a powerful plant that, like many medicines, has the potential to both heal and poison.

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Let us all use our best discrimination as we engage with this sacred green entity. If ever in doubt, please seek the expert guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner. Or, if your local dispensary is not yet wise enough to employ a full-time holistic herbalist , trust the knowing that arises from within your own intuitive heart.