Worlds of Dissent: Charter 77, The Plastic People of the Universe, and Czech Culture under Communism

The Plastic People of the Universe
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Worlds of Dissent

The metonymic legend took off, Bolton argues, because it allowed Vaclav Havel and likeminded intellectuals to interpret the trial as the persecution of "pre-political" young people who were simply trying to live authentically, when in fact the reality was more complicated. Also demystifying is Bolton's account of the genesis of Charter He carefully reconstructs conversations where the idea of the Charter germinated, describes how signatures were collected in defiance of police surveillance, and explains how the first three spokespersons were chosen. He corrects a misperception common in English-language literature that the Helsinki Accords of provided the impetus for the Charter, pointing out that reference to the Accords was almost an afterthought and that the primary motivation lay in local philosophy and circumstances.

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  • Were women really absent from pre Czechoslovak dissent? » V4Revue.
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Dispelling notions that those who did not sign were somehow less courageous than those who did, Bolton provides a fascinating discussion of the very good reasons why people, who nonetheless supported the Charter, might choose to withhold their signatures. Bolton also points out that Jan Patocka, one of the Charter's first spokespersons, was not actually killed during an interrogation, as is often averred, but died ten days after a detention, which may not in fact have been brutal.

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Read preview. This is a major contribution to our knowledge of dissent and of the communist experience. Intelligent, judicious, and deeply researched, Worlds of Dissent takes us beyond both romantic simplifications and cynical dismissals to recover the ambiguities, complexities, and contradictions of the Cold War phenomenon to which the West once gave the name "dissidence. This is a major addition to the scholarly literature--as well as a damn good read. In this riveting and thought-provoking book, Bolton masterfully captures oppositional intellectual life under communist rule in all its vibrant and often contradictory complexity.

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He demonstrates that 'dissent' and dissidents were neither what outsiders thought they were at the time nor what later historians have imagined them to be. And he does so in a gripping style that brings to life the dissidents and their ideas. Anyone who seeks to understand everyday existence and oppositional thought in the later decades of communist one-party rule must start with this book. A remarkable book by an erudite and thoughtful scholar who revisits, redefines, and reinvents the study of Czech dissent.

What Should You Call The Czech Republic?

Bolton's history wisely rejects the mythologies that have plagued most accounts of the dissident movement. Instead of telling the history of dissent solely through the pronouncements of its leaders, he enlists the stories of a variety of protagonists and, through their eyes, provides the reader with the great diversity of the meanings of "dissent. See All Customer Reviews. Shop Books.

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Were women really absent from pre Czechoslovak dissent? » V4Revue

Overview Worlds of Dissent analyzes the myths of Czech resistance popularized by Western journalists and historians, and replaces these heroic victory narratives with a picture of the struggle against state repression as dissidents themselves understood and lived it. Their diaries, letters, and essays convey the texture of dissent in a closed society. Show More. Average Review. Write a Review.

Were women really absent from pre-89 Czechoslovak dissent?

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