A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows (Outlander, Book 8.5)

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This short story can also be found in George R. This short story can be found as a standalone or in George R. Enter Minnie, the young French spy, hired to finish the job, who turns out to have compassion galore. As for the library floor action, how does this prove her as a good guy? The cover has a golden yellow background with a slight radial gradient. A deep gold banner spans the top with a note that this is a collection from the Outlander series.

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A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows (Outlander, #). Other editions. Enlarge refer to in the title? The Lord John Grey books also have fractional numbering. Available for the first time as an audiobook in this original Outlander novella, Diana Gabaldon reveals what really happened to Roger MacKenzie Wakefield's .

The title is in a deeper embossed red and takes up the whole bottom half. In between author and title is a a round bronze shield with the hilt of a sword in its center. The title is a reference to the number of stories within Seven Stones to Stand or Fall and how people deal with adversity. Toggle navigation. Just wish it had been longer! View all 4 comments.


Dec 20, Matt rated it really liked it Shelves: audiobook. As Gabaldon mentions in the story's preface, discussion of Jerry opened in An Echo in the Bone, where Claire admitted that the story Roger knew was not entirely true. With Roger finally encountering Jerry in , something must have happened related to the Stones, but the story is again not flushed out. Gabaldon chooses this point to offer a real account of events, just in time as Outlander fans What ever happened to Jerry MacKenzie, father of Roger, whose plane went down during the War effort?

Gabaldon chooses this point to offer a real account of events, just in time as Outlander fans are surely tearing their hair out with wonder, as the cliffhanger found no resolution within Written in My Own Heart's Blood. While out on reconnaissance, Jerry develops engine trouble and crash lands somewhere in Northumbria. As Jerry seeks to get his bearings, he discovers that he's been propelled into the past, but has no explanation for events. When he comes across a mysterious character, a little is revealed, including how to get back, but no clear understanding of the Stones is made known.

Returning to modern times, Jerry comes across his wife, Marjorie, but is not in a position to reach her to discuss his revelations. Filling a few cracks in the Outlander storylines, this short story fits nicely, yet leaves much to the imagination. This is the final instalment in the Outlander collection to date. I have endured much of Gabaldon's long-winded and detailed writing.

This story is a definite treat to flesh out some of the minor vignettes which received little printed space in the epic Outlander series. However, with the publication of Written in My Own Heart's Blood, Jerry MacKenzie's disappearance becomes much more important and knowing the backstory becomes of great interest to the reader and series follower.

That a Randall had something to do with it, loosely, is of no major shock, nor is it that the Stones played a role. That said, Gabaldon never ceases to amaze with all her dangling threads and how she chooses to tie them together or add additional literary fraying. I am totally enthralled and completely gobsmacked by all the hard work and literary effort you've put into this collection and hope you have a little more left to offer.

Feb 25, Melodie rated it it was amazing Shelves: historical-fiction , historical-thriller-mystery. This is one of the novellas that answers question,raises others and explores some character back stories in the Outlander series. On a training mission in Northumberland, Jerry finds himself having to make a ditch landing. When he comes to,he finds himself in another time.

Meanwhile his wife Dolly grieves the loss of her husband, raising little Roger in her mother's house during the London Blitz.

The only complaint I have is that it was too short. I "read" it as an audio book. The narrator was first rate, and I was immediately immersed in story. I think I may listen to the audio version of all her novellas. I loved it.

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It adds a number of details to the Outlander stories that I hadn't even realized I was missing, and wanted to know! And they is one really special element that I won't discuss because it is too delicious to experience it while reading the story. Thank you, Diana! Keep filling in the niches of the story as the opportunities arise! Nov 20, Caitlin rated it really liked it Shelves: series-finale-unknown , books-ive-rated , series-length-unknown , books-ive-reviewed.

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. In the excerpt from An Echo in the Bone that reappears in the introduction to this novella, Claire says Frank told her about this just before being recruited to MI6. But in the novella, he's already in MI6! As I've said in every review I've written of the Outlander series: huh???? Come on, Diana, you just said it! Other than that, it was good.

It made me cry when Jerry comes back to and looks for his family, because I predicted what was about to happen, and before I started re-reading this series, I hadn't cried at books in a while. It shows more of how all the characters are connected. This time it's information about Roger and his family.

Each time I learn a little tidbit of info, I get excited about where the author is leading us.

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Sep 10, Shron rated it it was amazing. I almost ripped my loved one's larynx out to keep him from obliterating the emotion I was realizing as I finished the last few pages of this novella. I somehow decided to read it before Echo and I am so glad I did!

A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows (Outlander, #8.5)

All I can say is wow I don't read these books as a romance fan-cuz l am not one ; -I read for the character development and for the genius of DB's depiction of the human condition using all the characters we all love. I literally put down my phone and cried not only because of the heartache, but because of the wonderful bliss of trying to work out the paradox just brought before me, though for not the first time.. Wow wow wow bravo!!!!

I don't think even Roger will enjoy his story as much as a reader of this novella would : poor chap Mar 26, Maryse rated it it was ok. If you've read anything about the author you know that she writes as an exercise. And this is what this felt like to me. It was an interesting turn and I enjoyed finding out more about roger's parents but it felt thrown together and unfinished and i found myself not caring at all about the characters.

Jan 22, Angie rated it really liked it Shelves: audiobooks , novella-serial-short-story , historical-fiction. This is a short story about what really happened with Roger' s parents. His father's death was even more sad than I originally thought. Gabaldon excels at keeping her details and timelines straight.

It was interesting finding out Frank Randall' s role as well. Great story! Jun 08, Beth rated it really liked it Shelves: historical-fiction , scifi , time-travel. Love this series. A Leaf on the Wind of All Hallows was a great "hold me over" until the next book in this series comes out. Gave you lots of great background on sub-characters that we absolutely wanted to know more about. I wanted it to be longer. It was an interesting peek into Roger's family, but his father's reactions to everything that happened were unusually absent for a DG book.

Jul 10, Jill rated it it was amazing Shelves: best-of-the-best. I wish it was longer!!!!!! I won't give away who it was but it brought tears to my eyes! Loved this novella! Dec 12, Tracy Winger rated it it was ok.

It just wasn't long enough to get all the information I think it should have had. While you assume Dolly also passed there could have been much more detail.

Discussing the Exile Part 2

Oct 18, Tracy rated it it was amazing. This is a shorter novella compared to the others but it was very good in my opinion! It's quite sad but has a sort of happy ending. Not exactly what I wanted but due to the circumstances it's a decent outcome. I was always curious what exactly happened to Roger's parents and this novella answers that question thoroughly. Highly recommended for any Outlander fan! Jan 28, Brittany rated it it was amazing Shelves: favorites.

This was the story I bought the book for, the one I couldn't wait to read, because Gabaldon promised it was about Roger's parents. I was disappointed to find it last in the book, but deteremined to read the darn book in order. Now I'm glad I did, because everything else even the really good ones would be a disappointment after Gabaldon's story which caused my heart to beat faster and raised actual goosebumps up and down my arms and legs and spine.

I don't know if the effect would have been as great if I hadn't read all her other books, but at this point it really doesn't matter. This story was truly heart-wrenching, very palpably about lost love, but also about secret, wonderful truths no one but the reader and Diana and God will ever know. Mar 06, Beth rated it it was amazing.