Research in Finance, Volume 18

JFCP Research Journal
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What type of paper does IJBR publish? IJBR publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research, technical notes, and book reviews. Does IJBR publish special issue? Yes, special issues devoted to important topics in business and economics will occasionally be published. Who is the publisher of IJBR? I want to submit my paper to IJBR.

How should I submit it? Yes, click here to navigate to the Paper Submission Page. Yes, click here to access the Submission Guidlines. Is there any page limit of the paper? How long is the review process? The editorial board is highly committed to a quick review process of the paper, but not at the expense of the quality of the journal.

Journal of Financial Services Research

The review process usually takes between 4 and 8 weeks. Does IJBR require any publication fee? Author s will receive one copy of the printed journal one printed copy is provided regardless of the number of the authors. Authors can also get additional copies of the printed journal by paying 60 USD for each additional copy.

What is the acceptance rate of papers? Can I submit more than one paper for the same issue? Yes, you can submit more than one paper at a time. My paper has been accepted for publication. How can I pay the publication fee? Contact the editor at editor ijbr-journal.

I want to know about the copyright policy of IJBR. Click here to access the copyright policy. I want to subscribe to IJBR. How can I place an order? Please e-mail your subscription order to the editor at editor ijbr-journal.

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What is the frequency of publication of IJBR? There are 4 issues of IJBR published each year. List of Authors, one line per Author. The Abstract should be in italic. Khade, Alan S. Harison, Norma and Samson, D. Hesterbrink, C. There is no fee to submit a paper for peer review. If your manuscript is not successfully submitted, please send it as an attachment to editor ijbr-journal. The manuscript of an Article that has been accepted for publication and which typically includes author-incorporated changes suggested during submission, peer review, and editor-author communications.

Use by the author's institution for classroom teaching at the institution and for internal training purposes including distribution of copies, paper or electronic, and use in course packs and courseware programs, but not in MOOCs — Massive Open Online Courses and inclusion of the Article in applications for grant funding. For authors employed by companies, the use by that company for internal training purposes. Preprints should not be added to or enhanced in any way in order to appear more like, or to substitute for, the Published Journal Article.

The definitive final record of published research that appears or will appear in the journal and embodies all value-adding publisher activities including peer review co-ordination, copy-editing, formatting, if relevant pagination, and online enrichment. Preprint: Sharing of Preprints by an author on any website or repository at any time. When the Article is accepted, the author is encouraged to include a link to the formal publication through the relevant DOI.

All entities who contributed to the article, including research funders and all organizations that collected or processed data or provided any other assistance. All persons who made significant contributions to the manuscript must be included in the list of authors. There are no rules about the number or order of authors.

It is assumed that all authors have equal contributions to the manuscript. If the request comes after the manuscript is published, publishers with managing editor will verify the consent of the coauthors and then try to find the best resolution to the problem. For citation, use quotation marks for paragraphs taken verbatim from a source and then give detailed information about the source that you use. For paraphrase, present in your own words concepts, major ideas, or a summary phrase followed by an indication of the source or sources that you used.

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Provide all information about the source author, title, name of publication, number, volume, pages, date of publication. Indicate in the reference section all sources that you use in your research. You can use different types of sources: printed sources books, magazines, journals, articles, etc. To submit only the manuscript that is no longer considered for publication by other journals and has not previously been published. To present only real information, without intervening in any way in the collection or processing of the data used in the research, and without changing the results of the research.

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Is this journal published both in print and online versions? This track brings together research on entrepreneurial finance undertaken by academics from different disciplines and conducted from various methodological and philosophical standpoints using a variety of research methods. This suggests that a high spike in the wage distribution at the minimum wage level is, in some contexts, an issue of fiscal enforcement, more than a labour market issue. Published and forthcoming papers in peer-reviewed journals Projections of scaled Bessel processs with Johannes Ruf. Google Scholar Citations. I show that introducing a minimum wage creates a spike in the distribution of earnings and induces higher compliance by some agents, thus reducing their disposable income.

If there are suspicions of plagiarism or suspicions that the authors tried to influence the research or change data, etc. To specify all authors who have contributed significantly to the manuscript and to disclose the identity of all contributors who do not fulfill the authorship criteria. Read the article critically in order to identify the structure, the methodology, and the data used to support conclusions. Assess the quality of the manuscript. Reviewers will not take into consideration any recommendation of the editors regarding acceptance or rejection of a manuscript.

Reviewers will not make any changes to the manuscript. They will only suggest changes to the author. In case of delay, please inform the editor. A Reviewer will inform the editor if he or she is not qualified to review a particular manuscript.

Reviewers will not use any data, theories, or conclusions from any manuscript for their own purpose and will not reveal to anyone the contents of any paper they review. Reviewers will not ask for the identity of the author. At all times this information is to remain confidential. Reviewers should disclose any conflict of interests to the editor before starting the review process.

Reviewers should inform the editor if they are not qualified for the manuscript distributed to them. Before asking for another certified opinion, reviewers must request permission from the editor and they must provide detailed information about the outside experts. Elaborate a set of standards that provide guidelines for writing and submitting a scientific research manuscript. Preserve the confidentiality of all information, data and ideas from the content of submitted manuscripts. Set standards for the review process in order to ensure the integrity of the evaluation process.

The evaluation process will be double blind peer review. Inform reviewers that they cannot make any changes to the manuscript. They can only suggest changes to the author. Work together with reviewers and publishers in order to attract the best manuscripts and authors in the economic field. The manuscript will be accepted with major revisions.

In this case, the authors must make all the requested changes and resubmit the manuscript for evaluation by a new reviewer. Recommendation not to publish. The manuscript is rejected based on the recommendation of two reviewers.

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Authors have the right to receive all the reviewer comments if they require this. IABE allows editors and board members to submit manuscripts. In these cases, the review and final decision regarding publishing of the manuscript must be made by a different editor. Submit only the manuscript that is no longer considered for publication by other journals and has not previously been published.

Present only real information, without intervening in any way in the collection or processing the data used in the research, without changing the results of the research.

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Specify all authors who have contributed significantly to the manuscript and to disclose the identity of all contributors who does not fulfill the authorship criteria. Keep confidential all the information from manuscripts. Not ask information about the identity of the author, the author name will remained confidential. Ask permission to the editor in case they need another certified opinion. It is mandatory to present detailed information about these persons to meet deadlines imposed by publishers.

Name of the person or organization with a relevant relationship to the person author, editor, or reviewer. For citation, use quotation marks for paragraphs taken verbatim from a source and then give detailed information about the source of the quote. Complete information about the source author, title, name of publication, number, volume, pages, date of publication.

In the bibliography, a complete list of all sources used in the research. There is clear evidence that the findings within the article are unreliable, either due to fabrication or to honest error. The electronic version. The next issue of the journal will include a retraction note giving article title, author list, the DOI link to the original article, and the reason for the retraction.