Elements of algebraic coding systems

Elements of Algebraic Coding Systems
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Performing lower-level computations associated with a technique, such as. For more information about error-control coding capabilities, see Block Codes. Throughout this section, the information to be encoded consists of message symbols and the code that is produced consists of codewords. Each block of K message symbols is encoded into a codeword that consists of N message symbols. K is called the message length, N is called the codeword length, and the code is called an [ N , K ] code.

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Each message or codeword is an ordered grouping of symbols. Each block in the Block Coding sublibrary processes one word in each time step, as described in the following section, Binary Format All Coding Methods. Reed-Solomon coding blocks also let you choose between binary and integer data, as described in Integer Format Reed-Solomon Only. Binary Format All Coding Methods. You can structure messages and codewords as binary vector signals, where each vector represents a message word or a codeword.

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At a given time, the encoder receives an entire message word, encodes it, and outputs the entire codeword. The message and code signals operate over the same sample time. This example illustrates the encoder receiving a four-bit message and producing a five-bit codeword at time 0. It repeats this process with a new message at time 1. For all coding techniques except Reed-Solomon using binary input, the message vector must have length K and the corresponding code vector has length N. For Reed-Solomon codes with binary input, the symbols for the code are binary sequences of length M, corresponding to elements of the Galois field GF 2 M.

If the input to a block-coding block is a frame-based vector, it must be a column vector instead of a row vector. To produce sample-based messages in the binary format, you can configure the Bernoulli Binary Generator block so that its Probability of a zero parameter is a vector whose length is that of the signal you want to create. To produce frame-based messages in the binary format, you can configure the same block so that its Probability of a zero parameter is a scalar and its Samples per frame parameter is the length of the signal you want to create.


Elements of Algebraic Coding Systems is an introductory text to algebraic coding theory. In the first chapter, you'll gain inside knowledge of. Elements of Algebraic Coding Systems [Valdemar Cardosa da Rocha] on giuliettasprint.konfer.eu *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Elements of Algebraic Coding.

If you prefer to structure messages and codewords as scalar signals, where several samples jointly form a message word or codeword, you can use the Buffer and Unbuffer blocks. Buffering involves latency and multirate processing. If your model computes error rates, the initial delay in the coding-buffering combination influences the Receive delay parameter in the Error Rate Calculation block. Alternatively, you can attach Probe blocks to connector lines to help evaluate sample timing, buffering and delays.

Integer Format Reed-Solomon Only.

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The symbols are binary sequences of length M, corresponding to elements of the Galois field GF 2 M , in descending order of powers. The integer format for Reed-Solomon codes lets you structure messages and codewords as integer signals instead of binary signals. The input must be a frame-based column vector.

In this context, Simulink expects the first bit to be the most significant bit in the symbol. The following figure illustrates the equivalence between binary and integer signals for a Reed-Solomon encoder.

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Announcements Moodle Moodle is used for the lecture and the exercises. One can refer to the book by J. The symbols are binary sequences of length M, corresponding to elements of the Galois field GF 2 M , in descending order of powers. The Galois field arrays h and h1 are identical, but the creation of h uses a simpler syntax. Specifying the Primitive Polynomial describes how to represent elements of a Galois field with respect to a primitive polynomial of your choice.

The case for the decoder is similar. To produce sample-based messages in the integer format, you can configure the Random Integer Generator block so that M-ary number and Initial seed parameters are vectors of the desired length and all entries of the M-ary number vector are 2 M. To produce frame-based messages in the integer format, you can configure the same block so that its M-ary number and Initial seed parameters are scalars and its Samples per frame parameter is the length of the signal you want to create.

Once you have configured the coding blocks, a few tips can help you place them correctly within your model:. If a block has multiple outputs, the first one is always the stream of coding data. Be sure that the signal sizes are appropriate for the mask parameters. This example uses a Reed-Solomon code in integer format. It illustrates the appropriate vector lengths of the code and message signals for the coding blocks.

It also exhibits error correction, using a simple way of introducing errors into each codeword. To build the model, gather and configure these blocks:. Random Integer Generator , in the Comm Sources library. Set M-ary number to Set Initial seed to a positive number, randn is chosen here. Check the Frame-based outputs check box. Set Samples per frame to 5. Integer-Input RS Encoder. Set Codeword length N to Set Message length K to 5.

Gain , in the Simulink Math Operations library. Set Gain to [0; 0; 0; 0; 0; ones 10,1 ]. Integer-Output RS Decoder.

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Scope , in the Simulink Sinks library. Get two copies of this block. Sum , in the Simulink Math Operations library. Connect the blocks as in the preceding figure. From the Simulation menu of the model window, select Model Configuration Parameters. In the Configuration Parameters dialog box, set Stop Time to The encoder accepts a vector of length 5 which is K in this case and produces a vector of length 15 which is N in this case. The decoder does the opposite. Running the model produces the following scope images.

The plotted error count will vary based on the Initial Seed value used in the Random Integer Generator block. To make the axis range exactly match that of the first scope, right-click the plot area in the scope and select Axes Properties. The second plot is the number of errors that the decoder detected while trying to recover the message.

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Often the number is five because the Gain block replaces the first five symbols in each codeword with zeros. However, the number of errors is less than five whenever a correct codeword contains one or more zeros in the first five places. The first plot is the difference between the original message and the recovered message; since the decoder was able to correct all errors that occurred, each of the five data streams in the plot is zero. Although the Block Coding sublibrary is somewhat uniform in its look and feel, the various coding techniques are not identical.

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This section describes special options and restrictions that apply to parameters and signals for the coding technique categories in this sublibrary. Generic Linear Block Codes. Encoding a message using a generic linear block code requires a generator matrix. Decoding the code requires the generator matrix and possibly a truth table. To use the Binary Linear Encoder and Binary Linear Decoder blocks, you must understand the Generator matrix and Error-correction truth table parameters. Specifically, a 1-by-K message vector v is encoded into the 1-by-N codeword vector vG.

Some authors, such as Clark and Cain [2] , use the first standard form, while others, such as Lin and Costello [3] , use the second. The linear block-coding blocks in this product require the Generator matrix mask parameter to be in standard form. Decoding Table - A decoding table tells a decoder how to correct errors that may have corrupted the code during transmission. Hamming codes can correct any single-symbol error in any codeword.

Other codes can correct, or partially correct, errors that corrupt more than one symbol in a given codeword. The Binary Linear Decoder block allows you to specify a decoding table in the Error-correction truth table parameter.

Represent a decoding table as a matrix with N columns and 2 N-K rows. Each row gives a correction vector for one received codeword vector. You can avoid specifying a decoding table explicitly, by setting the Error-correction truth table parameter to 0. When Error-correction truth table is 0 , the block computes a decoding table using the syndtable function. For cyclic codes, the codeword length N must have the form 2 M -1, where M is an integer greater than or equal to 3.

Generator Polynomials - Cyclic codes have special algebraic properties that allow a polynomial to determine the coding process completely. This so-called generator polynomial is a degree- N-K divisor of the polynomial x N Van Lint [5] explains how a generator polynomial determines a cyclic code. The Binary Cyclic Encoder and Binary Cyclic Decoder blocks allow you to specify a generator polynomial as the second mask parameter, instead of specifying K there.

The blocks represent a generator polynomial using a vector that lists the coefficients of the polynomial in order of ascending powers of the variable. You can find generator polynomials for cyclic codes using the cyclpoly function. If you do not want to specify a generator polynomial, set the second mask parameter to the value of K.

For Hamming codes, the codeword length N must have the form 2 M -1, where M is an integer greater than or equal to 3. The message length K must equal N-M. Primitive Polynomials - Hamming codes rely on algebraic fields that have 2 M elements or, more generally, p M elements for a prime number p. Elements of such fields are named relative to a distinguished element of the field that is called a primitive element. The minimal polynomial of a primitive element is called a primitive polynomial. The Hamming Encoder and Hamming Decoder blocks allow you to specify a primitive polynomial for the finite field that they use for computations.

If you want to specify this polynomial, do so in the second mask parameter field. The blocks represent a primitive polynomial using a vector that lists the coefficients of the polynomial in order of ascending powers of the variable. You can find generator polynomials for Galois fields using the gfprimfd function. If you do not want to specify a primitive polynomial, set the second mask parameter to the value of K.

BCH codes are cyclic error-correcting codes that are constructed using finite fields. For these codes, the codeword length N must have the form 2 M -1, where M is an integer from 3 to 9. The message length K is restricted to particular values that depend on N. To see which values of K are valid for a given N, see the comm.