Reviving the Left: The Need to Restore Liberal Values in America

Peter Thiel and the Path to a New Conservatism
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No fact-checker can defend it. But in an act of glorious self-parody, Hillary Clinton reiterated it two days after the lie was debunked. The piece was a perfectly defensible airing of the real possibility that Kavanaugh would vote to overturn Roe , but the headline said something else. When The Weekly Standard notified Facebook of the lie, the piece was rightly defined as false, which prompted a huge swath of left-liberal media to … demand The Weekly Standard be stripped of its Facebook role in policing untruth.

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It is, in other words, a McCarthyite smear. Seriously, guys? She claimed in the letter that Kavanaugh and a classmate of his, both of whom had been drinking, turned up music that was playing in the room to conceal the sound of her protests, and that Kavanaugh covered her mouth with his hand. She was able to free herself.

Throwing it out there at the last minute is beyond lame. Look: There is no comparison between the lies and smears and personal demonization among leftists and liberals, and the staggering dishonesty and indecency of this president. But Trump can corrupt more than just the government. He can corrupt his opposition, who are forced to deal with him on this polarized turf, and can resort to tactics that take us deeper into the post-truth maze. We will not defeat Trump by imitating Trump.

In fact, we run the risk of legitimizing the forces that have empowered him. See you next Friday.

E-cigarette maker Juul is shutting down broadcast, print and digital advertising and ending lobbying efforts in Washington as safety concerns over vaping intensify. The company on Wednesday said its CEO was stepping down and will be replaced by a senior executive from Altria, the maker of Marlboro. Also on Wednesday, one month after announcing that they were in merger talks, the tobacco giants Altria and Philip Morris International said they were calling off those discussions.

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Juul has long pushed its e-cigarettes as an alternative for adults looking to wean themselves off tobacco products. But e-cigarettes have become popular among teenagers, and illnesses potentially linked to the product are on the rise. About a half-million students could lose access to free school meals under a Trump administration proposal to limit the number of people who qualify for food stamps, drawing protests from congressional Democrats who say it could harm needy schoolchildren.

It is intended to eliminate eligibility for people who get food stamps because they have qualified for other forms of government aid, even though they may have savings or other assets. Already a subscriber? Log in or link your magazine subscription.

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Account Profile. Sign Out. The decline of conservatism is a loss for liberals, too. Tags: interesting times andrew sullivan. Most Viewed Stories.

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State of the World. By David Wallace-Wells. Most Popular. Trump is now telling the UN news conference about his Electoral College votes. Some media are quoting me from last week about my hope that America will remove Donald Trump by an election, not Impeachment. Blocks diversion of funds for wall.

This will not be any kind of breaking point for most Republicans. Besides MittRomney , have not heard a single Republican senator express any concern. Lankford, Grassley and Scott all dismiss or downplay the transcript. Everything you need to know about the next steps in Congress, and the consequences Trump might face. Impeachment over this?

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In the circumstances they confront, in order to keep things going as they are, their safest option is to try, as best they can, to restore the fear-driven mobilizations of the original Cold War period, relying on longstanding, deeply entrenched fears to keep people enough in line to render the old regime safe from fundamental transformations. Neoliberalism shamelessly enriches the few at the very top, leaving the material condition of the vast majority to stagnate or decline. With new House freshmen elected in , record numbers of women in the House and Senate, and the prospect of more renewal in , a full reboot of congressional engagement on foreign policy is necessary—and possible. William Alberts From Extinguished to Distinguished. Brennan Jr. Gore case on December 9, [] the Supreme Court reversed a Florida Supreme Court decision ordering a third recount, essentially ending the dispute and resulting in Bush winning the presidency by electoral vote, although he lost the popular vote to Democrat and incumbent Vice President Al Gore.

What a nothing non-quid pro quo burger. Democrats have lost their minds when it comes to President realDonaldTrump. That erases the historic resistance of religious communities of color.

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And their civil disobedience crosses racial, ethnic and even party lines in new ways. One reason for this is simple: Migration has become increasingly visible in recent years, especially under Trump. The number of undocumented immigrants in the U. Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama approached this issue by using relatively pro-immigrant language while deporting hundreds of thousands each year.

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In , an unprecedented surge in Central American children seeking asylum protections got significant media attention. Donald Trump began his presidential campaign the next year with a speech maligning migrants. During his administration, his rhetoric has slowly become policy. Photo by Leslie Scanlon. These texts help explain why support for immigrants crosses traditional left-right religious boundaries. So do the Catholic bishops and Southern Baptists , which are typically more socially and politically conservative.

Beyond directly assisting migrants at the U. And Jesus often told religious and political officials how to act and criticized the oppression of foreigners, widows and orphans by those in authority. More than people gather at First Presbyterian Church in Metuchen, New Jersey to voice opposition to the arrests of Immigrant Christians for possible deportation. If you can't find this email, please check your spam folder. Reset Password Cancel. Get our weekly newsletters. By proceeding, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions.

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The Populist Turn and the Rejection of Liberalism

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