AmsTeX reference card (A4 paper)

AMS TEX Reference Card #1 Classes and Packages A
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Set which chapters to include when Latex is next run. The advantage of this method is that all your cross-references are remembered and Latex does not spit out loads of warnings. Finally, we make sure there is a link to the references section in the table of contents and reference the correct bibiography file which in this case is called bibliography. And there we have it: a complete thesis parent file that not only looks good on the printed page, but is fully functional and hyperlinked in PDF format. The additional argument to ps2pdf is required as the default paper size is US Letter.

Physical Review Journals - REVTeX Frequently Asked Questions

Note that you will probably need to bibtex your thesis file before running latex for the final time. The syntax for ps2pdf is slightly different in Windows compared to Unix - and note that the output pdf filename MUST be specified, else the ps file is overwritten and corrupted. Something wrong? Suggest an improvement or add a comment see article history Tagged with: latex Filed in: guides.

Overview This article is a guide to constructing a decent parent file for a thesis or dissertation compiled in Latex. I wrote this article after finishing my PhD in I haven't done any Latex since and am thus very rusty.

Ultimately, these days I'm unlikely to be able to answer many questions on this topic. Hi all, I want latex to generate footnote consecutive numbers automatically through out my document. But it only generate consecutive numbers only with in a page. In a new page it always begins with 1 every time. I want all the footnotes through out the document to have different numbering say 1, 2….

But it seems cumbersome. Can any one help me how to do it? Do you load the footmisc package or any other footnotes-related package? Hi Stefan, I use the document class scrbook. I loaded the footmisc package. But, it has not helped me. In this example the second footnote will fall onto the second page and will get number For instance, footmisc provides the option perpage , this causes such numbering per page.

Or send me the preamble or a document by email to check. The package pfnote resets the footnote counter for each page.

As I believe that this is its only purpose, you would not need it. Thank you very much Stefan. I removed that, and got what i exactly want. Hi all I just want to generate Nomeclature to my documents. I put the following and it perfectly runs. But it could not generate the nomenclatures. Any help please. Hi Stefan I am kind of new for latex.

Using pandoc

I read the manual and found also that i have to run the makeindex file as you said it. How do i run that? Run it at the command prompt. A command prompt window opens, which is usually black and contains only text. Change to your docment directory using the cd command, then type this makeindex command above.

Writing a Thesis in LaTeX

You could try raggedbottom in your preamble. Otherwise you could send me a code example showing the problem by email. Hi all, I want to include a pdf picture in my latex document. I use document class scrbook and winedit editor and run it with pdflatex. I am facing a problem with the align command. I need to include a running text in the first line followed by an equation in the second line. On compilation of the above code, the equation gets aligned to the right and the text gets left aligned.

However, I need the equation to be center aligned and the text left aligned. Write your text left aligned as usual and use an equation environment afterwards. Since the text is not a formula, writing it into a formula line and repairing the alignment concequences afterwards is not meaningful. Though it could be fixed by rlap, makebox, mathrlap and the like, but that would not be logical. Perhaps the problem has been solved.

Specifying formats

Otherwise please provide some more information. My problem is this: in the first line, i have a few characters, that are supposed to be followed by a certain amount of space and then a long mathematical formula, that should spread over the full line no further columns. In the second line, there are also a few characters first, which I want aligned on the right with the ones in the first line.

Then there is an equation and some conditions for the equation, i. The next lines contain only the equations and annotations, I would like them aligned with the equation and annotation of the second line. Schematically, this is what its supposed to look like:. I tried with align and then an aligned-environment inside the align.

Preparation steps

Is there another environment, that can do what I need? Or do you have any ideas, how I might realize it with align? I guess, multiple spaces are killed by this editor. I hope you can still get, what I mean by my despcription! Thanks for the answer! Thanks a lot, you made my day! I would like to change it to system of equations with labels, for example 1a , 1b , 1c — not 1 , 2 , 3.

How can we label only two selected equations not three? I look for this solution a lot of time.

Using pandoc

Cheat sheets: ServiceMix 4. Pandoc will look there for any files it does not find in the user data directory. How do I make my paper look like the journal? A number is algebraic if it is the root of a polynomial with rational coefficients. Any of these may be overridden by elements in the metadata file. Output goes to stdout by default. Physics Phys.

I have no idea. It is possible to find solution?? I use align to a long sequence of steps and sometimes I want to write a description of what was done in each step, how could put that kind of text with the align environment?

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However, alignat instead of align might be the better choice then, for aligning at several places. Unfotunately thats quite ugly, is there a way around? Thanks for all of the answers to how to switch to align! Using eqnarray, the relation symbols were aligned at their centers; with align they have to be aligned at their left or right edges, which looks ugly.

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Is there a way to fix this without manually figuring out and inserting the proper amount of extra space? Besides displaystyle, mentioned by Geoff, you could also use limits, which affects just that operator, not more, for example:. My code is:. Looking at my document with xdvi i see the two equations labelled by only one equation number that corresponding to mylabel2. The only usepackage i have loaded are amssymb and amsmath. Does anyone know how i can retrieve both labels and refer to them in my text without simply defining two separate equation environments which works but gives me a very large ugly space between the equations that i would like to eliminate.

Following commands work but beta0,beta1 and RSS are not at tht esame vertical order…. Thank you in advance. Can anybody help me? Perhaps visit us in the LaTeX-Community. Thanks in advance. Official website: adobe. See also: Adobe Systems.