Read All About It! Pieces for Preteens and Teens edited by Jim Trelease. This wonderfully diverse collection of excerpts from newspapers, magazines, and books. With selections representing many different cultures, genres, writing.
Stephen R. By offering revealing anecdotes about ordinary people as well as helpful suggestions about changing everyday behavior, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families shows how and why to have family meetings, the importance of keeping promises, how to balance individual and family needs, and how to move from dependence to interdependence. Full of role-playing exercises, games, and other activities that adults can do with children, Manners Kids Should Know explains not only what manners to teach, but also how—and at what ages—to present them.
Sheryl Eberly. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. From Golden Book editor Barbara Shook Hazen comes this rhyme-tastic, animal-themed Little Golden Book that will have young readers giggling and rhyming along. Sprinkled throughout the book are role-playing exercises, games, and other activities that help reinforce the lessons. Vicki Courtney. Ships with Tracking Number! Show related SlideShares at end.
In Smart Money Smart Kids , financial expert and best-selling author Dave Ramsey and his daughter Rachel Cruze equip parents to teach their children how to win with money. Starting with the basics like working, spending, saving, and giving, and moving into more challenging issues like avoiding debt for life, paying cash for college, and battling discontentment, Dave and Rachel present a no-nonsense, common-sense approach for changing your family tree. One of the greatest gifts you can give your children is a strong sense of personal values. Helping your children develop values such as honesty, self-reliance, and dependability is as important a part of their education as teaching them to read or how to cross the street safely.
The values you teach your children are their best protection from the influences of peer pressure and the temptations of consumer culture. With their own values clearly defined, your children can make their own decisions -- rather than imitate their friends or the latest fashions. In Teaching Your Children Values , Linda and Richard Eyre present a practical, proven, month-by-month program of games, family activities, and value-building exercises for kids of all ages. Most of us look at our days in the wrong way: We exaggerate yesterday.
We overestimate tomorrow.
And if you help young children learn polite and caring behavior, they will continue to use good manners and become more socially aware as they get older. Here's how you can make learning manners fun! Does your child use bad manners at home? Would you be embarrassed if those bad manners surfaced in public? You have to decide that bad manners will not be tolerated in the house. That advice comes from an expert! Some tips on teaching good manners from the Family Corner include teach, don't reprimand, correct privately, accept mistakes, and expect good manners.
Here are the 10 Commandments of good table manners to help your child develop and practice good manners at the table -- anywhere. Parents who want to help their children learn proper etiquette will find a helpful primer on teaching kids how to be polite. The parenting tips from Dr.
Marilyn Heins at Parent Kids Right include restaurant manners, telephone manners and writing manners. Dave and Dr. Dee to the rescue with 12 Basic Table Manners for Kids.
Catering to your child is not respect. By saying "yes" to a child's requests for things, the end result is detrimental to them. Want your child to grow into a thoughtful, loving, creative person who will possess resilience, generosity, curiosity, consideration for others, respect and perserverance?
This article about the discipline crisis among Generation X parents is a must-read if you care about the emotional health of your child. The parent who doesn't make courtesy a priority, and who caters and enables, helps a child develop bad manners. Got a spoiled kid? Not yours? Take this test and find out! The Emily Post Institute offers great advice for parents: teaching kids table manners, kids and telephone manners, teaching kids not to interrupt, please and thank you, and other helpful pointers.
When you teach children to be respectful, you instill good values like kindness and consideration which are the building blocks of good manners.
Sesame Workshop's "Do Manners Matter? For kids to develop values that essential to being courteous, they need to see those same qualities in people whom they respect -- parents have the power to exert powerful positive influences. Here are three keys to parenting a polite child.
When you're eating out with the kids, here are some pointers on restaurant behavior. Practice good manners at home for every meal , and your children will be prepared when you eat out.
Included are resources for teaching through stories, poems, songs, games, biographies, lesson plans and activities. Emily was crying by the time the softball game ended. But only because her dad yelled at her — in front of all her teammates — for missing the fly ball that could have saved the game. Emily is just 8 years old. So very, very sad. Parents, please, take a minute and click here for some tips on good sportsmanship for kids.
You lose gold. How can you instill in your child the importance of good sportsmanship and offset the "win at all costs" philosophy? Please look at this parent-friendly link. Professional players and coaches might not always display the same good attitudes toward other team members or sense of fair play that you expect from your own child.
Instances of professional players cheating at sports—such as using drugs to enhance their performance—are often well-publicized.
Your child may even witness his or her sports idol throwing a tantrum, starting a fight, or bad-mouthing the referee. What's a parent to do? Find out here.