Word Problems Made Easy

Word Problems Made Easy
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These worksheets have addition word problems with extra unused facts in the problem. Word problem worksheets for subtraction with extra unused facts in each problem. The worksheets start out with subtraction problems with smaller values and progress through more difficult problems. Mixed operation addition and subtraction word problem worksheets with extra unused facts in the problems.

Word problems for multiplication with extra unused facts in the problem. The worksheets in this set start out with multiplication problems with smaller values and progress through more difficult problems. The worksheets in this section include math word problems for division with extra unused facts in the problem. The quotients in these division problems do not include remainders.

Subtraction Word Problems

This is a collection of worksheets with mixed multiplication and division word problems and extra unused facts in the problem. These story problems deal with travel time, including determining the travel distance, travel time and speed using miles customry units. This is a very common class of word problem and specific practice with these worksheets will prepare students when they encounter similar problems on standardized tests.

Wondering when the train arrives? These story problems deal with travel time, including determining the travel distance, travel time and speed using kilometers metric units. The math worksheets on this section of the site deal with simple word problems appropriate for primary grades. The simple addition word problems can be introduced very early, in first or second grade depending on student aptitude.

Follow those worksheets up with the subtraction word problems once subtraction concept are covered, and then proceed with multiplication and division word problems in the same fashion. Word problems are often a source of anxiety for students because we tend to introduce math operations in the abstract. Students struggle to apply even elementary operations to word problems unless they have been taught consistently to think about math operations in their day to day routines.

Talking with kids regularly about 'how many more do you need' or 'how many do you have left over' or other seemingly simple questions when asked regularly can build that basic number sense that helps enormously when word problems and applied math start to show up. There are many tricks for solving word problems that can bridge the gap, and they can be helpful tools if students are either struggling with where to start with a problem or just need a way to check their thinking on a particular problem.

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Make sure your student reads the entire problem first. It is very easy to start reading a word problem and think after the first sentence or two that 'I know what they're asking for Overcoming this early solution bias can be difficult, and it is much better to develop the habit of making a complete pass over the problem before deciding on a path to the solution. There are particular words that seem to show up in word problems for different operations that can tip you off to what might be the correct operation to apply.

These key words aren't a sure-fire way to know what to do with a problem, but they can be a useful starting point. For example, phrases like 'combined,' 'total,' 'together' or 'sum' are very often signals that the problem is going to involve addition. Subtraction word problems very often use words such as 'difference,' 'less,' or 'decrease' in their wording.

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Word problems for younger kids will also use verbs like 'gave' or 'shared' as a stand-in for subtraction. The key phrases to watch out for multiplication word problems include obvious ones like 'times' and 'product,' but also be on the look out for 'for each' and 'every. We know that we're dealing with a circle since our focus is a pizza.

We also know that the pizza weighs 3 pounds. Because we'll need to solve the weight of each slice in ounces, let's first convert the total weight of our pizza from pounds into ounces.

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What can we help you find? The problem states that their sum is Page 10 of Joined: 12 Oct Posts: Kudos [? Login or E-mail. Mixed Operation Word Problems.

We now have two equal-sized pieces. Let's continue drawing. The problem then says that we divide each half into three equal pieces again, not drawn to scale :. This gives us a total of six equal-sized pieces. Since we know the total weight of the pizza is 48 ounces, all we have to do is divide by 6 the number of pieces to get the weight in ounces per piece of pizza:. In this case, make your own drawing of the scene. Even a rough sketch can help you visualize the math problem and keep all your information in order.

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giuliettasprint.konfer.eu: Math Word Problems Made Easy: Grade 3 (): Bob Krech: Books. Word problems are a special kind of math challenge. Not only do they require computation skills, but they also test students' reading comprehension and.

One of the best ways to keep all your pieces straight is to underline your key information in the problem, and then write them out yourself before you set up your equation. So take a moment to perform this step before you zero in on solving the question.

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It can be infuriating to find yourself solving for the wrong variable or writing in your given values in the wrong places. And yet this is entirely too easy to do when working with math word problems. Are you looking for the area or the perimeter? The value of x, 2x, or y? If you have any areas of mathematical weakness, now's a good time to brush up on them—or else SAT word problems might be trickier than you were expecting!

For this problem, we have to use the information we're given to set up an equation. We know that Ken spent x dollars, and Paul spent 1 dollar more than Ken did.

Age Word Problems In Algebra - Past, Present, Future

Therefore, we can write the following equation for Paul:. Ken and Paul split the bill evenly.

This means that we'll have to solve for the total amount of both their sandwiches and then divide it by 2. But we're not finished yet. Algebraically, this looks like this:. You'll have to be familiar with statistics in order to understand what this question is asking. Since Nick surveyed a random sample of his freshman class, we can say that this sample will accurately reflect the opinion and thus the same percentages as the entire freshman class. Of the 90 freshmen sampled, All we have to do now is find this percentage of the entire freshmen class which consists of students to determine how many total freshmen would prefer an October festival:.

Since the question is asking "about how many students"—and since we obviously can't have a fraction of a person! This is one of those problems that is asking you to define a value in the equation given. It might look confusing, but don't be scared—it's actually not as difficult as it appears! First off, we know that t represents the number of seconds passed after an object is launched upward.

Decimals Percents and Word Problems (grades 5-6)

But what if no time has passed yet? Here's what happens to the equation when we plug in 0 for t :. As we can see, before the object is even launched, it has a height of 72 feet. This means that 72 must represent the initial height, in feet, of the object, or answer choice A. You might be tempted to draw a diagram for this problem since it's talking about a pool rectangle , but it's actually quicker to just look at the numbers given and work from there. We know that the pool currently holds gallons of water and that water has been hosed into it at a rate of 8 gallons a minute for a total of 70 minutes.

To find the amount of water in the pool now, we'll have to first solve for the amount of water added to the pool by hose. We know that 8 gallons were added each minute for 70 minutes, so all we have to do is multiply 8 by This tells us that gallons of water were added to our already-filled, gallon pool.

To find the total amount of water, then, we simply add these two numbers together:. But this is still only half the battle. Therefore, be sure to learn not only how to approach math word problems as a whole, but also how to narrow your focus on any SAT Math topics you need help with. Want to brush up on SAT Math topics? Check out our individual math guides to get an overview of each and every topic on SAT Math.