Intellectual Property and Innovation Management in Small Firms (Routledge Studies in Small Business)

Connotation and types of innovation
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According to Bass and Ernst-Siebert , SMEs seem to be the ideal vehicle to promote a sustainable innovation-based economic growth. Why SMEs are considered to be the engine of innovation development and progress in Europe? There are many evidences from literature sources and practice. According to Pavitt, Robson and Townsend , SMEs are less bounded by routine and their management is much more likely to use and develop innovations.

Many researches reach the conclusion that innovation is critical to enable SMEs to compete in domestic and global markets Lee, Lee, and Pennings ; Hitt et al. There are evidences that SMEs and, especially, small enterprises with less than 50 employees are much more able to benefit from open innovation than larger enterprises but at the same time they are unable to build and participate in such an infrastructure, required for open innovation performance Vahter, Love, and Roper Even though there is no doubt for anyone that being an innovative enterprise is always essential for profit, sustainability and competitiveness Rosenbusch, Brinckmann, and Bausch , a lot of SMEs actually decide not to be.

What are the reasons for that decision is under research in this study. Khan and Manopichetwattana , divided the non-innovative enterprises into the following types.

Innovation is especially important for industrial enterprises, being considered a key component in their success and in the extension of their capacity. The trend is confirmed by the increasing interest towards Industry 4. That is why, this research is focus on industrial SMEs as they are amongst the priorities of EU and they are the main stakeholders of innovation trends. Innovative and non-innovative enterprises as main stakeholders of EU in terms of innovations.

The definition and clarifications, as well as differentiation between innovative and non-innovative enterprises has become even more interesting after evidence showing that innovative enterprises are able to sustain higher financial results than non innovative ones Carvalho et al. Baumgartner sets seven essential characteristics of innovative enterprises. For Lazonick an innovative enterprise is an organization that is able to transform the technological and market conditions into a result generating higher quality, lower cost or higher profit.

Lewicka and Misterek concluded that innovative enterprises have the ability to quickly adapt to market changes by modifying their products or processes. However, after a thorough research, features that are usually matched to innovative enterprises are: market adaptiveness, continuous improvement and fast adaptation to changes. Innovation specialists have summarized some of the most widespread reasons that make enterprises being non-innovative. These are: fear of failure, lack of money, lack of know-how, corporate bureaucracy, poor leadership, limited and non-spreading information, no recognition, bottom up thinking, handcuffing employees and no customer input HLB That is why, they are selected as a subject of this research.

There are many factors, circumstances and reasons that help, motivate or obligate enterprises to innovate. Therefore, there are a huge amount of research and papers examining that topic. Nevertheless, the factors, circumstances and reasons why enterprises are non-innovative are not so clear and they are not opposite to those that help enterprises to innovate. Innovation is an essential element for obtaining profit and taking leading market position.

Innovation is also important for business performance and business development de Jong, Marston, and Roth However, there are still controversial opinions about the relationship between innovation and financial performance of enterprises Terra, Barbosa, and Bouzada However, further study is necessary to uncover the factors that influence innovation performance and that make an enterprise being innovative or non-innovative.

Knowing that factors and dependencies would be much easier for enterprises to handle, manage and use those factors, obstacles and circumstances in their advantage. When summarizing financial constraints, many indicators could be mentioned: financial costs, cost of capital, required rate of return, tax policy, takeovers, difference in cost of internal funds retained profits and external funds new equity or debt , cash flow dependencies, credits, capital markets and a lot more.

Financial constraints, in terms of innovation, are usually connected to funding, financial markets, investments, cash-flow, profitability and scalability.

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Himmelberg and Petersen ; Hall, Mairesse, and Mulkay As banks are one of the logical funding sources for SMEs and their innovation projects, researchers pointing out that asymmetric and unconvincing information characterizing innovation projects also troubles their development and the accessibility to bank loans. In particular, lack of financing is an obstacle relatively more important and frequently met by independent and smaller enterprises than for enterprises that belong to business groups or international conglomerates Tamayo and Huergo Other problems, related to the difficult funding are: intangible assets, which are not desired by banks for a collateral Williamson ; high risk; high uncertainty; unclear metrics; scalability requirements, that foster predominantly information and technology projects, etc.

The research of Savignac estimates the impact of the financial constraints on the decision making process for innovations and his conclusion is that if financial constraints exist, they may significantly reduce the likelihood of an enterprise to undertake innovative projects. A study of Liang, McLean and Zhao found a clear, positive link between the financial system and meaningful innovation. The development of innovation contributes to financial performance of industrial SMEs, specifically, it is relevant to the customer needs and differentiating from competitors Bigliardi Small and medium size enterprises need innovations and require innovative bank products to respond to these expanding needs Yordanova A research of KfW shows that some financial constraints exist due to asymmetric information between innovative enterprises and potential external investors.

Henderson and Cockburn Market competition and market demand as potential factors that hamper innovation in SMEs. Market demand and innovation in interaction are discussed by Mowery and Rosenberg even in the end of th. Hashem and Ugur categorize the relationship between market and innovation as a conflict topic between different researchers because of the controversial opinions. Schumpeter interpreted market competition in terms of innovations as one of the drivers of innovations, but also as a destructive process in which effort, assets, and fortunes were continuously destroyed by innovation Hovenkamp Following the thesis of Mowery and Rosenberg , Adner and Levinthal found that in the early technological development, enterprises are guided by customer needs and requirements instead of their own innovative vision.

Innovation management

These researchers claim that the very moment after the market price and performance are met, technological innovation is driven by competition to attract technologically satisfied customers. Findings of Beneito, Rochina-Barrachina and Sanchis show that market competition is negatively affected by the innovation-related industrial property rights. Market competition and market demand, in terms of innovation, both touch the topic of market concentration. Market concentration is especially important for the discussion of this research because of its object - the SMEs.

The cross point between SMEs and market concentration is large enterprises market performance, respectively how SMEs cope with managing innovations in comparison with large enterprises in the highly competitive market and considering innovation as a key competitive tool for market leadership Blagoev and Yordanova Market competition and market demand usually refer to active innovation performance and, generally, they boost innovation activities in enterprises Kose and Topcu For Yusuf et.

Market liberalization also has positive effects on enterprises innovative performance Cambini, Caviggioli, and Scellato However, each coin has two sides and these two factors can also harm the innovation performance of enterprises. How is that possible and how market competition and market demand may actually trouble innovations?

According to Li and Kozhikode the increasing need of enterprises to respond to the market by quickly developing innovative products, effectively, intensively, frequently and at competitive cost, leads to lower innovation quality. It turns out that innovation is not an advancement or desire for development, but rather it is an essential and the sole tool for enterprises to survive and prosper in the current competitive and turbulent global environment. Other researchers pointed out that innovation performance has grown in the last decades as a result of consumers increasing demand for a variety of products and services Schaarschmidt and Kilian Findings of Szczygielski, Grabowski and Woodward show that the varieties of innovation are strongly sector-specific and tax-related, which in terms of EU industrial SMEs gives a reason for a lot of differentiations and constraints.

Obstacles to innovation, in terms of market competition and market demand, come also from the processes of globalization and the difficulties for SMEs to collect specific market information about foreign markets, competition and customer demand Iammarino et al. The local market and internationalization factors can be seen from two perspectives: as an obstacle and as an advantage for innovative performance Iammarino et al. The international factor and the globalization process are an obstacle for SMEs, but they are an advantage for multinational enterprises in their innovation activities, because technology transfer plays a more important role in innovation development and technical knowledge Ietto-Gillies ; Dunning and Wymbs This paper intent to find out which are the factors that influence the percentage of non-innovative industrial SMEs.

For this purpose, a cross-sectional study including several European countries is performed. Unlike the method of a longitudinal study which takes in consideration one and the same variables during a specified interval of time, the cross-sectional study takes in consideration the variables in a specific moment in time, in our case this is the moment between to The statistic method that is used in the paper is a linear regression using SPSS software version Regression defines a vast set of statistical techniques used to model relationships between variables and to predict the value of a dependent variable or response from a set of independent or predictive variables.

The linear regression is selected as main method for answering the research question as the regression analysis belongs to the most important tools in statistical analysis for analysing dependent factors Hron, Filzmoser, and Thompson The percentage of non-innovative industrial SMEs is the dependent variable of the paper.

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We test as independent variables, four of the variables tested in the Community Innovation Survey CIS as reasons not to innovate. The independent variables of the study are in accordance with the performed literature review. All variables and respective acronyms that are going to be used to facilitate the presentation of results are listed in table 1. The Data, used in the research was collected from the Eurostat website and it is based on CIS that studies innovation activities during the period The Community Innovation Survey is a survey about innovation activities in enterprises, designed to provide information on the innovativeness of sectors by type of enterprises, on the different types of innovation and on various aspects of the development of an innovation, such as objectives, sources of information, public funding or expenditures.

The CIS provides statistics broken down by countries, types of innovators, economic activities and size classes. In order to ensure comparability across countries Eurostat developed a standard core questionnaire accompanied by a set of definitions and methodological recommendations. The collected data includes only SMEs from the industrial sector as these enterprises are the main contributors to the innovative targets and policies of Europe.

In the present study, the industrial SMEs are divided into two groups: the first group contains industrial SMEs with a number of employees between 50 and and the second group consists of industrial SMEs with a number of employees between 10 and The CIS data set allows extracting data for these two groups of SMEs and this paper is going to take advantage of that fact by comparing results between larger and smaller industrial SMEs.

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Relations between small innovative companies SI and their partners. ARS Technica; Deals and Shenanigans. At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. Appendix I—H. Building a better a better business model is better than getting to market first ….

For the second group, beside the previously mentioned countries, it was also possible to obtain data for Bulgaria, Greece and Portugal. The total number of the SMEs that the data set contains and that take part in the research is SMEs with employees from 10 to 49 and 54 SMEs with employees between 50 and The total number of the enterprises in that data set is In this section, the results from the linear regressions performed using SPSS, v.

Results from the linear regression are in tables 3 to 5. Tables 6 and 7 present the results of the multicollinearity tests. From table 3 it is possible to see that the R2 has a value of Sain, Branko and Owens, Jonathan D. Management services, 48 6. Turner, Paul and Kane, Ros and Jackson, Christine Combining methods to research an emergency department: a case study. British Journal of Healthcare Management, 21 2. Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 13 4.

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IGI Global, pp. Izak, Michal Transcending liquidity: towards a new embeddedness. In: Liquid organization: Zygmunt Bauman and organization theory. Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Verlag, pp. ISBN , Webster, Andrew and Rappert, Brian and Charles, David Controlling intellectual property across the high-tech frontier: university spin-offs, SMEs, and the science base.

In: Intellectual property and innovation management in small firms. Schlosser, F.

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