Taking the Red Pill: Science, Philosophy and Religion in The Matrix

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What is the purpose of life? Do humans have souls? Why do bad things happen to good people and vice versa?

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The His Dark Materials trilogy is an BenBella Books, Inc. Sir Arthur C. Still, the usual sci-fi combo is the reverse of that, having humans needing AI therapists. It is exactly what I call living. And in my best hypothetical sense, I envy it very much. And that leads us to the fact that AIs and humans might ultimately not share the same agenda. Joy was terrified that eventually our silicon creations would supplant us—as they do in such sci-fi films as The Terminator and The Matrix Let me explain what I think was really going on in that film—which I believe has been misunderstood for years.

A clearly artificial monolith shows up at the beginning of the movie amongst our Australopithecine ancestors and teaches them how to use bone tools. We then flash-forward to the future, and soon the spaceship Discovery is off on a voyage to Jupiter, looking for the monolith makers.

Taking the Red Pill : Science, Philosophy and the Religion in the Matrix

But what happens when he finally gets to where the monoliths come from? Why, all he finds is another monolith, and it puts him in a fancy hotel room until he dies. But what everyone is missing is that Hal is correct, and the humans are wrong. The monoliths are AIs, who millions of years ago supplanted whoever originally created them. Why did the monoliths send one of their own to Earth four million years ago? To teach ape-men to make tools, specifically so those ape-men could go on to their destiny, which is creating the most sophisticated tools of all, other AIs.

Hal is quite right when he says the mission—him, the computer controlling the spaceship Discovery, going to see the monoliths, the advanced AIs that put into motion the circumstances that led to his own birth—is too important for him to allow mere humans to jeopardize it. When a human being—when an ape-descendant! That, I think, is what is really about: the ultimate fate of biological life forms is to be replaced by their AIs.

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Actually, we should be so lucky. The classic counterargument to such fears is that if you build machines properly, they will function as designed. After the atomic bomb had been dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki just two years before, Williamson was looking for machines with built-in morality. But, as so often happens in science fiction, the best intentions of engineers go awry. But the robots have their own ideas. They decide that not having them around would be bad for humans, and so, obeying their own prime directive quite literally, they perform brain surgery on their creator Sledge, removing the knowledge needed to deactivate them.

Arthur C. Rather, it will appear unbidden out of the complexity of systems created for other purposes. And I think Clarke is right. Intelligence is an emergent property of complex systems.

This is an issue I explore at some length in my latest novel, Hominids Anatomically modern humans— Homo sapiens sapiens—emerged a hundred thousand years ago. Judging by their skulls, these guys had brains identical in size and shape to our own. And yet, for sixty thousand years, those brains went along doing only the things nature needed them to do: enabling these early humans to survive.

And then, suddenly, forty thousand years ago, it happened: intelligence—and consciousness itself— emerged. Art, fashion, and religion all appeared simultaneously; truly, a great leap forward. Intelligence, consciousness, sentience: it came into being, of its own accord, running on hardware that had evolved for other purposes. If it happened once, it might well happen again. If a computer ever truly does become conscious, will it lie awake at night, wondering if there is a cog?

Certainly, searching for their creators is something computers do over and over again in science fiction.

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Star Trek, in particular, had a fondness for this idea—including Mr. An interesting fact: that film was directed by Robert Wise, who went on, twenty-eight years later, to direct Star Trek: The Motion Picture. In The Day the Earth Stood Still, biological beings have decided that biological emotions and passions are too dangerous, and so they irrevocably turn over all their policing and safety issues to robots, who effectively run their society. There, Penrose argues that human consciousness is fundamentally quantum mechanical, and so can never be duplicated by a digital computer.

As Mr. After all, to keep the humans docile, the AIs have to create the vast virtual-reality construct that is our apparently real world. No, if you just want biological batteries, cattle would be a much better choice: they would probably never notice any inconsistencies in the fake meadows you might create for them, and, even if they did, they would never plan to overthrow their AI masters. What the AIs of The Matrix plainly needed was not the energy of human bodies but, rather, the power of human minds—of true consciousness. In some interpretations of quantum mechanics, it is only the power of observation by qualified observers that gives shape to reality; without it, nothing but superimposed possibilities would exist.

As Morpheus says to Neo in The Matrix, take your pick: the red pill or the blue pill. Certainly, there are two possibilities for the future of AI. I did it myself in my Nebula Award-winning novel The Terminal Experiment, in which a scientist uploads three copies of his consciousness into a computer, and then proceeds to examine the psychological changes certain alterations make. In one case, he simulates what it would be like to live forever, excising all fears of death and feelings that time is running out.

In another, he tries to simulate what his soul— if he had any such thing—would be like after death, divorced from his body, by eliminating all references to his physical form. And the third one is just a control, unmodified—but even that one is changed by the simple knowledge that it is in fact a copy of someone else.

Australian Greg Egan is the best sci-fi author currently writing about AI. Egan continues to do great work about AI, but his masterpiece in this area is his novel Permutation City. You are going to live forever.

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Immortality is a reality. A medical miracle? Not exactly. The world you see around you, the you that is seeing it, has been digitized, scanned, and downloaded into a virtual reality program. You are a Copy that knows it is a copy. By law, every Copy has the option of terminating itself, and waking up to normal flesh-and-blood life again. The bailout is on the utilities menu. You pull it down. Someone has blocked the bail-out option.

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And you know who did it. You did. The other you. The real you. The one that wants to keep you here forever. Read Greg Egan, and see for yourself. Of course, in Egan, as in much sci-fi, technology often creates more problems than it solves. Physicist Frank Tipler, in his whacko nonfiction book The Physics of Immortality, does have a couple of intriguing points: ultimately, it will be possible to simulate with computers not just one human consciousness, but every human consciousness that might theoretically possibly exist.

Needless to say, things end up going very badly indeed— for, although much about the future of artificial intelligence is unknown, one fact is certain: as long as sci-fi authors continue to write about robots and AI, nothing can possibly go wrong. Egan, Greg, Permutation City Harper, Gibson, William, Neuromancer Ace Books, Pohl, Frederik, Gateway Ballantine Books, Renowned science-fiction author and historian James Gunn explores the reality paradox in science fiction.

People appear happy, their every need satisfied. But the more he comes to understand this future reality, the more disturbing Tichy finds it. People are reliant on drugs to fulfil their every need.

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Taking the Red Pill: Science, Philosophy and the Religion in the Matrix (Smart Pop series) [Glenn Yeffeth, David Gerrold] on giuliettasprint.konfer.eu *FREE* shipping on . Taking the Red Pill: Science, Philosophy and Religion in The Matrix [Glenn Yeffeth, David Gerrold] on giuliettasprint.konfer.eu *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

Tichy is determined to avoid the artificiality of the drugs but he comes to realize that they are everywhere, unavoidable. Finally escaping from the influence of the drugs, he discovers the nightmarish reality.

ISBN 13: 9780143002901

Commuters slosh barefoot through the snow, convinced they are driving the latest cars. People are deformed or crippled a side effect of the drugs but are convinced by the drugs that they are whole. That is why its sleep must not be disturbed.