Location-Based Information Systems: Developing Real-Time Tracking Applications

CAALYX: a new generation of location-based services in healthcare
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Recent advances in mobile positioning systems and telecommunications are providing the technology needed for the development of location-aware tele-care applications. Back in January , we explored the concept of 'location-based health information services', and presented it as a new paradigm in personalised health information delivery [ 1 ]. Since then, location-aware applications and services, and location-sensitive mobile devices have undergone major improvements, and have become more widely available and less expensive [ 2 ].

These rapid developments have made their use in mission-critical tele-care and healthcare delivery significantly more prevalent today than it was in the near past [ 3 ]. A recent conference workshop, Locare '06, was fully dedicated to the subject of 'location-based services for healthcare' [ 4 ]. The year has been described as 'the year of Global Positioning System GPS -enabled mobile phones' par excellence [ 5 , 6 ]. In fact, mobile phones lend themselves very well to location-based technologies, as David Sym-Smith cleverly notes: " Prior to mobile phones, the most common opener to a telephone conversation was 'How are you?

This gadget will have a geo-location system so that the monitoring system may be able to know the elder's position in case of emergency especially outdoors ;. Another important aspect is the support for video communication and VoIP Voice over IP using the TV set, which can also be used for remote monitoring and service-provision.

This platform opens new possibilities for on-demand services for the elderly, like grocery shopping, cleaning, housekeeping or gardening, and periodic consultation with the doctor or personal caretaker. A key goal is to ensure social inclusion through the provided technology, e.

1st Edition

The caretaker will evaluate whether received alerts need to be communicated to the emergency service , in which case the geographic position and data about the likely type of emergency fall, stroke, etc. Besides this service, video-communication with the home environment will be provided to attend to the older person's demands. Other possible services include reminders to take pills, activity and scheduled visit reminders, e-visits, etc.

CAALYX uses a bottom-up design approach with full user representatives' involvement to satisfy final and intermediate user needs. Further details about CAALYX, including a typical Case Study illustrating the above functions in everyday use, are presented in the online public project presentation [ 10 ]. Other tele-monitoring projects either send location information without much or any details about the current medical status of the user, e.

Location Based Information Systems: Developing Real Time Tracking Applications

However, to be able to offer to users proper help during emergencies wherever they might be including incidents in which patients are unconscious or unable to adequately describe their location for any reason , a service would ideally require both detailed information about user's current medical status and details of the user's current location in order to dispatch a suitably equipped emergency team to the patient, and that is exactly what we are developing in CAALYX.

These wearable sensors accompany the older person anywhere they go, together with an outdoors' GPS solution.


Location-Based Information Systems (Open Access): Developing Real-Time Tracking Applications - CRC Press Book. Location-Based Information Systems: Developing Real-Time Tracking Applications (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer and Information Science Series) by Miguel.

Corscience mobile GPS tracking system. Diagram showing the main components of Corscience mobile GPS tracking system. One possible workaround would be to develop as part of a follow-on project a more comprehensive and robust geo-positioning solution for mobile older people, combining multiple geo-positioning technologies to cover locations where conventional GPS alone would fail. Other geo-positioning technologies to consider in this regard besides conventional GPS include:.

The Swiss company u-blox have recently announced the release of their first receiver for the European Galileo Positioning System, which will also use the signals of the American GPS satellites [ 20 ]. It is expected that Galileo will provide an enhanced coverage over the current GPS, higher positional accuracy, as well as better availability, making it possible to work in urban canyons and even in small buildings. Location capability poses service providers with the challenge of responsibly handling consumers' personal privacy [ 1 ].

This is particularly important with 'tracking services' that continuously monitor and log user's location, like Wherifone, an American location-tracking service for the elderly and children [ 21 ], and other live tracking services using technologies like the GpsGate Server [ 22 ].

Location-based information systems; developing real-time tracking applications.

Such services raise many privacy concerns and questions; for example, " If a consumer service allows one party access to the location of a second party, should that second party be notified when this location information has been provided? Thus CAALYX is not continuously tracking older people, or continuously communicating their location in real-time with the central monitoring station. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly, allowing the data logger a mobile smartphone that users carry on them to collect the data rather than continuously stream it to a remote server means that expensive bandwidth is saved.

It is also far more power-efficient than a system that has to continuously transmit data and pick up real-time geographic information via GPS, a paramount feature in any handheld device. But most importantly, it means people will not feel as if their every move is being watched.

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Location information is only sent when required during an emergency or when an alarm is raised. Europe is about to face a significant social change, brought about by an unprecedented demographic change: the ratio of older people to the entire population is steadily growing, while the ratio of younger age groups, especially the working population including healthcare workers is shrinking.

This demographic trend makes it difficult to foresee how Europe will find enough people to take care of its older population, without a major change in traditional older people's care methods. The role of e-health in facing such challenges will be very significant.

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Location and context overview

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