Surgery of the auricle: tumors, trauma, defects, abnormalities

Total Reconstruction of the Auricle: Our Experiences on Indications and Recent Techniques
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Role of Osseointegrated Implant-Supported Prosthesis. Figure 1: CT scan with radioopaque at prospective implant site Click here to view.

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Figure 2: Implant fixtures at the proposed site Click here to view. Figure 3: Transmucosal abutments Click here to view. Figure 4: Metal bar suprastructure with retentive clips Click here to view.


Alternate to Prosthesis: Autogenous Reconstruction. Newer Avenues for Management of Auricular Defects. Auricular prostheses and osseointegrated implants: UCLA experience.

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J Prosthet Dent ; A retrospective study of implant-retained auricular prostheses. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants ; Fate of implant-retained craniofacial prostheses: Life span and aftercare.

Surgery of the Auricle: Tumors, Trauma, Defects, Abnormalities

Fixation of auricular prostheses by osseointegrated implants. J Invest Surg ; Implant-retained auricular prosthesis: An assessment of implant success and prosthetic complications. Int J Prosthodont ; Magnet-retained auricular prosthesis with an implant-supported composite bar: A clinical report.

Osseointegration in maxillofacial prosthetics, Part II: Extraoral applications.

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Clauser L, Curioni C. Total facial rehabilitation: The evolving concept of reconstructive surgery. J Craniofac Surg ; Indications for extra-oral implantology. Brent B, Byrd HS. Secondary ear reconstruction with cartilage grafts covered by axial, random, and free flaps of temporoparietal fascia. Plast Reconstr Surg ; Brent B. The correction of microtia with autogenous cartilage grafts: The classic deformity? Nagata S.

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Secondary reconstruction for unfavorable microtia results utilizing temporoparietal and innominate fascia flaps. A single-stage two-flap method of total ear reconstruction. One-stage total reconstruction of the ear with simultaneous tympanoplasty. Clin Plast Surg ; Tissue expansion as an adjunct to reconstruction of congenital and acquired deformities. Br J Plast Surg ; Osseointegrated alloplastic versus autogenous ear reconstruction: Criteria for treatment selection.

Plast Reconstr Surg ; Fabrication of facial prosthesis by applying the osseointegrated concept for retention. Parel SM. Diminishing dependence on adhesives for retention of facial prosthesis. Mechanical behavior of three maxillofacial prosthetic adhesive systems: A pilot project.

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Silicone auricular prosthesis. J Am Acad Dermatol ; Treatment satisfaction with facial prostheses. Extraoral maxillofacial prosthetic rehabilitation at the MD Anderson Cancer Center: A survey of patient attitudes and opinions. Branemark PI, Lindstrom J.

Surgery of the Auricle, Tumors-Trauma-Defects-Abnormalities

A modified rabbit's ear chamber: High-power high resolution studies in regenerated and preformed tissues. Anat Rec ; Branemark PI. Osseointegration and its experimental background. A new method for fixation of external prostheses. Osseointegrated dental implants: Preliminary report on a replication study. Branemark PI, Albrektsson T. Titanium implants permanently penetrating human skin.

Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg ; Tjellstrom A. Osseointegrated implants for replacement of absent or defective ears. The bone-anchored auricular epithesis. Laryngoscope ; Long-term study of quality and safety of osseointegration for the retention of auricular prostheses. Keep up! Thieme emails bring you the latest medical and scientific resources. Forgot password? Review as guest. Surgery of the Auricle.


A comprehensive guide providing essential information for successful surgery. Winner of the First Prize in ENT at the BMA (British Medical Association). Surgery of the Auricle: Tumors-Trauma-Defects-Abnormalities by Hilko Weerda and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at.

Add to cart. Add to Favorite. Publication Date:. Look Inside. Table of Contents. Product Description.

A comprehensive guide providing essential information for successful surgery A comprehensive guide providing essential information for successful surgery Winner of the First Prize in ENT at the BMA British Medical Association Medical Book Competition This book is a comprehensive guide to the delicate and complex reconstructive procedures for the external ear. Features: More than 1, illustrations and photographs that aid comprehension of auricular problems and surgical steps Detailed discussion of classification of auricular defects and abnormalities Coverage of the radiologic examination of malformations of the petrous temporal bone An incomparable reference for all surgeons specializing in treating defects and disorders of the external ear, this volume succeeds beautifully in capturing the myriad creative, scientific, and technical facets of auricular reconstruction.

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