Heterosexual Masculinities: Contemporary Perspectives from Psychoanalytic Gender Theory

Robert Grossmark, PhD
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Your Account Logout. Heterosexual Masculinities. Edition 1st Edition. First Published Imprint Routledge. Pages pages. Subjects Area Studies, Behavioral Sciences. Export Citation. Get Citation. Reis, B. Adams closes by undergirding the need for clinicians to pay careful attention to institutional and socio-political oppressive factors in concert with one's individual psychological world, and explicates the need to be mindful of the seductive lure of focusing too much on one at the exclusion of the other.

In a strikingly personal essay, Harris traces her childhood experiences and the ways in which she developed a vividly constructed image of her physically absent father, who was overseas during World War II. Harris uses her upbringing as a springboard to investigate her clinical work, and theorizes on the co-evolvement of genders, identities, and sexualities born out of the ongoing relational interactions between parent and child. The author postulates that father-daughter relationships serve as a vehicle by which fathers are able to expand their narrow confines of manhood e.

Also leaning on a personal parent-child relationship, Louis Rothschild examines fatherhood prompted by his nurturing of his transiently ill son. Taken together, Harris and Rothschild beautifully explicate the intricacies of fatherhood, while offering different perspectives of fathering. As Harris describes the positive outgrowth of today's less restrictive paternal and masculine roles, Rothschild describes the uncertainty left in the wake of the postmodern jettisoning of the "father-knows-best" omniscient status.

Both accentuate a father's ability and willingness to be "soft" and nurturing with rich clinical vignettes.

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As such, these two chapters of Heterosexual Masculinities comfortably integrate the personal experiences of the authors with theory and practice. Gerald Fogel Interiority and Inner Genital Space in Men closes Heterosexual Masculinities by describing men's experiences of both "traditional" masculine phalicity and activity and "traditional" feminine receptivity and passivity.

In the process, he reconceptualizes castration anxieties by suggesting that such fantasies potentially tap into empowering internalized maternal representations. Heterosexual Masculinities represents a much-needed addition to the psychoanalytic literature. While attention to men and heterosexuality has been thoroughly lacking in recent decades, Reis and Grossmark present a text that fully immerses the reader in contemporary male gender theorizing. Steeped in patient work, skilled clinicians apply analytic thinking to the consulting room in order to demonstrate the complexities of male, primarily heterosexual, psychologies.

The authors featured in Heterosexual Masculinities offer cogent clinical hypotheses about healthy and pathological male heterosexual proclivities based on a range of clinical cases. The approach and structure of each author is as varied as men themselves. Chapters range from primarily metapsychological Diamond, Fogel, Kaftal, Person , to personal developmental experiences Harris , to socio-political Adams , and from the patient's perspective Cornell , to the focus on the consulting room experience Grossmark, Hirsch, Rozmarin to a near-even balance between theory and application Reis, Rothschild.

As such, Heterosexual Masculinities offers a unique range of clinical information on the breadth of male sexuality.

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More titles by Robert Grossmark. Most of the scholarly focus in this area has been in the areas of feminist, gay, and lesbian studies, and heterosexual masculinity - which tended to be defined by lack and absence - has not received the critical and scholarly attention these other areas have received. It is essential that interventions with individual men should focus on the male privileges that stem from the patriarchal social order and change in practices and beliefs of men, whilst contributing to an overarching goal of change in the configuration of masculine ideals. To those unfamiliar with psychodiagnostics, Bipolar 3. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press. Jewkes and Morrell , 40 Masculinities are multiple, fluid and dynamic and hegemonic positions are not the only masculinities available in a given society. It can also be used in this way in interventions that seek to impact on social norms related to masculinity, but when interventions are with individual men or groups of men, its value is to surface and then shift values and attitudes and provoke reflection on behaviour.

Reis and Grossmark's excellent read is sure to be appreciated by any analytically oriented practitioner. Certain to enhance one's clinical work with men at-large, regardless of sexual orientation, Heterosexual Masculinities widens conceptual and treatment abilities by providing a solid analytic prospective to go along with rich consulting room data. The authors offer a balanced view of heterosexual men by highlighting proactive and destructive aspects of masculinity.


A successful extension of previous analytic texts that cover the multifaceted aspects of gender and sexuality, this book will help practitioners in the direct treatment of men and couples and will be an ancillary aid with women patients in better understanding the men in their lives. In other words, Heterosexual Masculinities will significantly help one's clinical work, regardless of the gender or sexual orientation of their patients.

Nonetheless, Heterosexual Masculinities suffers from limitations. One weakness is its lack of research-based information. Although the text is theoretically and clinically heavy, it is scientifically light. However, the lack of scientifically grounded psychoanalytic evidence is a result of the lack of such research, not an omission by the authors or editors.

Perhaps an unexpected positive outgrowth of Heterosexual Masculinities will be the stimulation of systematic laboratory and applied empirical examinations of psychoanalytic gender theory and treatment. Another limitation of this book is that many of the chapters are reprints and extensions of earlier published articles and do not represent new scholarship. Even so, Heterosexual Masculinities is a worthy purchase as having this collection of well-written works as a reference in one place is quite handy.

In sum, Heterosexual Masculinities: Contemporary Perspectives from Psychoanalytic Gender Theory is a true asset to any clinician wishing to better understand the men with whom they work. Chodorow, N.

Femininities, masculinities, and sexualities: Freud and beyond. Lexington: University of Kentucky Press.

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Fogel, G. The psychology of men: New psychoanalytic perspectives. New York: Basic Books. New York: Routledge. Fischer, B. The process of healing shame. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 4 , Giorgi, A.

Heterosexual Masculinities: Contemporary Perspectives from Psychoanalytic - Google книги

Phenomenology and Psychological Research. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press. Giugliano, J.

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Heterosexual Masculinities: Contemporary Perspectives fro and millions of other . Gender in Psychoanalytic Space: Between clinic and culture ( Conteporary this theoretical lacuna by assembling a broad range of texts from contemporary. Editorial Reviews. Review. "The time has come when men can stop complaining that Heterosexual Masculinities: Contemporary Perspectives from Psychoanalytic Gender Theory (Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series 11) - Kindle edition by Bruce Reis, Robert Grossmark. Download it once and read it on your Kindle.

A psychoanalytic overview of excessive sexual behavior and addiction. Goldner, V. Toward a critical relational theory of gender. Goodman, A. Sexual Addiction. An Integrated Approach. Hartman, L. Sexual addiction and substance addiction: Comparing sexual addiction treatment outcomes among clients with and without comorbid substance use disorders. Hollway, W. London: Sage. Sexualities , 1 , — Karim, R.

Behavioral addictions: An overview. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 44, Kellog, S. Re-envisioning addiction treatment: A six-point plan.

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Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 30, Kulish, N. Clinical implications of contemporary gender theory. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association , 58, Larkin, M.. Experiences of addiction and recovery: the case for subjective accounts.

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Addiction Research and Theory, 10 , Levine, S. What is sexual addiction? Sex and Marital Therapy , 36 , Mudry, T. Conceptualizing excessive behaviour syndromes: A systematic review.