The Winters Tale

The Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare
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Don't make me laugh, kid.

The Winter's Tale Scenes

What the fuck have YOU done? He works for the fucking MAN. Do you want me to get stabbed to death? A few leeches should cure what ails him. View all 14 comments. Apr 11, Khush rated it it was amazing. This is a story of male friendship. We have the king of Sicily, Leontes, and the king of Bohemia, Polixenes indulging their fondness for each other. From the very outset, we see how these two friends socialize and enjoy the pleasures of being together.

Even if they both have wives in tow however, Prolixness is visiting Leontes without his queen , it is still a queer friendship. For instance, they both are kings, but Polixenes have the time to spend nine months with Leontes. Conventionally, this This is a story of male friendship. Conventionally, this would have made more sense, had he actually been in love with the Leontes' queen, Hermione.

But this is not the case, he is in the kingdom of Sicily only because of Leontes. Their bond is unique; it is based on loyalty, concern, and tenderness for each. Clearly, in those times, it must have been difficult for men, especially for noblemen— more so for the Kings— to love other men the way they could keep any number of women. But there must be a way, there must have been spaces where homosexual-urges could find nourishment. This is not to suggest that the kings in the play are sexually involved, but to say that their friendship has a distinct flavor of same-sex love to it.

After spending nine months together, Polixenes wants to return to his kingdom. Such a long stay in the case of a king was itself odd.

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Treading new dramatic ground The Winter's Tale embraces tragedy, poetry, folklore, magic realism, music, comedy and the infamous stage direction "exit pursued by a bear". Art thou my calf? Susan Snyder Editor. There are definitely other great works of literature before I'd go back to read something I didn't much care for. My bad! And the really funny thing is it's been a hella dark play until this moment.

One would have understood such a carefree, long sojourn if they were both poets, or at least one of them was. One wonders how could Polixenes stay such a long time with Leontes.

See a Problem?

Who looked after his kingdom, his queen? Now when he wants to leave, Leontes does not want him to go.

  1. Review: A disappointing “Winter’s Tale”;
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  4. Synopsis: The Winter's Tale — Utah Shakespeare Festival.
  5. The Winter’s Tale.
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As if being a king, having a wonderful queen Hermione and all the pleasures that come with it are not enough for Leontes, as if his life would be less on his friend's departure. Even after having him for long, Leontes is not sated.

Winter's Tale Official Trailer #2 (2014) - Colin Farrell, Jennifer Connelly Fantasy Movie HD

He begs Polixenes to extend his stay. These pleadings are the pleadings of a lover. When his pleadings do not work, Leontes involves his wife and asks her to intervene and implore Prolixenes to prolong his stay.

The Winter's Tale: Synopsis

This works, but finally, this has severe consequences. Leontes turns suspicious and wonders how come Prolixenes agreed so readily to stay on the requests of the queen and ignored his pleas. These freakish thoughts tinged with jealousy again tell us about the dynamics of his relationship with Prolixenes. He becomes furious less like a friend, more like a spurned lover— whose love interest has somehow ditched him by giving in to the beseechings of Hermione; something that is withheld from him.

In reality, Polixenes might have been moved by the queen's request to stay; as if her asking him validates, in some fundamental way, his friendship with Leontes Sadly, such a possibility never occurred to Leontes, in his passion and blinded involvement, he could not see it. However, once the jealousy and doubt emerge, they cloud Leontes' mind entirely, and he commits atrocities of the most ignoble kind.

But the play, at last, ends happily.

The Winter's Tale (TV Movie ) - IMDb

The unmistakable hints of same-sex love if not an outright homosexual relationship that we see in the first few acts are finally subsumed in the final act. The Princess meets his Prince, The King his Queen, and somewhere in the background, 'a male friendship' is restored. In other words, the straight narrative exerts itself in the final act and takes center stage, whereas the unruly male friendship is pushed to the margins. View all 7 comments. Shelves: And the really funny thing is it's been a hella dark play until this moment.

What happened is King Leontes has become suddenly and irrationally convinced that his wife is cheating on him like Othello, with some Lear , so he thinks his infant daughter isn't his, so he orders her exposed in the wilderness to die, and the guy who dro "Exit, pursued by a bear" is the most famous stage direction in literature. What happened is King Leontes has become suddenly and irrationally convinced that his wife is cheating on him like Othello, with some Lear , so he thinks his infant daughter isn't his, so he orders her exposed in the wilderness to die, and the guy who drops her off, Antigonus, immediately gets chased off screen by the bear.

It's conceivable that Shakespeare used a real bear. Antigonus view spoiler [dies, by the way, the bear gets him.

The Playbill

Act IV moves forward 16 years and shifts radically into silliness - and porniness, too: the dialogue between Florizel and Perdita is some of Shakespeare's hornier work. A tinker shows up bearing "such delicate burdens of dildos and fadings," and fadings means orgasms and dildos means dildos, so if you're wondering where dildos pop up first in literature it's Aristophanes but here's this too. Act IV is not really very good: it's confusing, full of characters and subplots that aren't remotely necessary.

And that tonal shift is jarring. This is sometimes called one of Shakespeare's "problem plays": the bummer rug gets pulled out from under us when it ends happily, and we're left unsure what to make of it. Queen Hermione view spoiler [comes back to life in a Pygmalion moment, and it's not even clear whether this has been magic or trickery. The obvious guess is trickery, but when she died it was implied that Leontes saw her body. But it sticks with you; it leaves an impression. But it's an interesting wind.

  1. In This Section;
  2. The Winter’s Tale - Cheek by Jowl.
  3. The Rise and Fall of Arab Presidents for Life.
  4. The Winter’s Tale;
  5. Franco Sells Spain to America: Hollywood, Tourism and Public Relations as Postwar Spanish Soft Power.

The BBC does an amazing job with this audiobook. As for the story, I really wish the king had gotten far more of comeuppance for his bad behavior. Sep 05, James rated it it was ok Shelves: 4-written-preth-century , 1-fiction , 5-least-favorite-books. I read this play back in my junior year of college as part of my Shakespeare course. The course was 15 weeks long and held on Saturday mornings at 9am. I had no option but to take it at this time. As a junior, even though I was quite studious, I also liked to have some fun I may or may not no confessions here have n Book Review I will begin this review of The Winter's Tale by William Shakespeare by saying a few things to keep it in context: 1.

I may or may not no confessions here have not quite turned 21 yet And then I had to go to class the next morning. In this Shakespeare course, we read 1 play each week, wrote a paper on it, and then discussed it from 9 to This was a really difficult course mostly due to the advanced nature of the analysis, the ruthless professor whom I actually was quite close with and the time it was held. Towards the end, The Winter's Tale was one of those 15 plays We wrote 5 major papers, 5 small papers and 5 journal entries.

I got lucky and this was a journal entry. It did not capture my attention for all of the above reasons, but also because it was a little too "out there" for me. I love most of Shakespeare's work, but this was not one I could engage with. It was written towards the end of his career and probably one of his better masterpieces, given everything he learned over his prolific career.

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But the play had so many themes, sub-plots and topics, I was just a bit overwhelmed. If this is the first review you're reading from me, you should have stopped earlier and read some different ones before this one. I rarely give a 5 out, only when my life has been changed as a result of reading it.

I only give a 1 out of it should never have been published.

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The Winter's Tale is a play by William Shakespeare originally published in the First Folio of Although it was grouped among the comedies, some modern . King Leontes of Sicilia begs his childhood friend, King Polixenes of Bohemia, to extend his visit to Sicilia. Leontes, meanwhile, has become possessed with jealousy—convinced that Polixenes and Hermione are lovers, he orders his loyal retainer, Camillo, to poison the Bohemian.