GURPS Imperial Rome (GURPS: Generic Universal Role Playing System)

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[RPG]: GURPS Imperial Rome, 2nd Edition, reviewed by clmeier (3/2)

The only discrepancies from the contents of the Games Quarterly Catalog is information obtained via E-mail or announcement from the individual publisher or their representative. Out of print information regarding games not available in the United States are not included in The Games Quarterly Catalog, and is thus likely to be inaccurate. Note that just because a game is listed as "out of print" does not mean that individual stores will not have copies or that distributors will not have the product in stock, just that the publisher no longer has copies to send to distributors.

For anyone interested in the history of role-playing games, or a very complete list of RPG products published in or before, I strongly urge you to find this book.

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It contains a list of all products for every game system, and gives a brief description of each, and suggests few best games in each genre. Time Lord - The Dr.

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GURPS Imperial Rome (GURPS: Generic Universal Role Playing System) [C. Carella] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. GURPS Imperial . Steve Jackson Games GURPS – Generic Universal RolePlaying System GURPS Imperial Rome As an adventurer in the Imperial Age of Rome, you can .

Flying Buffalo, Inc. Traditional Fantasy Role-Playing Games are sword and sorcery style fantasy games, typically including lots of magical effects and creatures. Historical Fantasy Role-Playing Games are games that have a medieval setting.

Welcome to the Generic Universal RolePlaying System!

They may or may not have magic, but the background is based largely on the European middle ages. Literary Fantasy Role-Playing Games are fantasy games that are based pon some prior work. That work may be novels, movies, TV, or any similar work, but these games all share the distinction of being based upon some previous work. Pure Fantasy Role-Playing Games are games with a completely made-up setting--ones so fanciful that they run counter to established potentially "real" worlds--while still designed as "serious" role-playing games.

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Science Fantasy Role-Playing Games are games which have elements of science fiction, without losing the "feel" of a fantasy game. The emphasis is generally on a fantastic setting, without overly much thought to scientific consistency. Space Opera Role-Playing Games are games in which mankind or some other race has colonized the stars and may travel among the various worlds, often meeting various interstellar races, as they desire.

Science Fiction Combat Role-Playing Games are science fiction games where the primary focus seems to be combat.

Welcome to the Generic Universal RolePlaying System!

Time Travel Role-Playing Games are those games where the focus of play is on travelling to different eras in history past and future. Other Science Fiction Role-Playing Games covers any form of science fiction not mentioned in other categories, including "Hard" Science Fiction science fiction based on present scientific knowledge , futuristic settings of more limited scope than Space Opera and various near-future games. Cyberpunk Role-Playing Games are those games which are set in the grim, gritty near-future environment known as cyberpunk.

Mecha Role-Playing Games are those games where the focus is on human-controlled humanoid robots.

Conspiracy Role-Playing Games are games which make the assumption that a typically modern setting is actually secretly under the control of unidentified groups with hidden motives and agendas. Action-Adventure Role-Playing Games are games which focus on the "pulp" action adventure of novels and movies. Monster Role-Playing Games are those games designed for the players to play creatures generally classified as "monsters" vampires, werewolves, etc. Superhero Role-Playing Games are games concerning super-powered beings existing in the same setting with ordinary, every-day people.

Historical Role-Playing Games are games where the players take on characters from a specific era in history. Cross-Genre Role-Playing Games are those games whose environment includes several distinct genres within a single setting. Espionage Role-Playing Games are those games in which the players run modern secret agent style characters on spy missions.

GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Unboxing!

Horror Role-Playing Games are those games in which the players play characters thrust into horrific situations, generally to do battle with the horrific causes of those situations. Humor Role-Playing Games are those games whose main focus is to be fun and humorous, reality generally taking a back seat to farce or general silliness.

Role-Playing Games that defy categorization include those games which cannot easily be fit into any of the previous loose genres. Supplement Lines for Any Game are individual products or lines of products designed to work with one or more genres of role-playing game, without being tied to a particular system although some are written to work with one or more systems in particular. Live-Action Role-Playing Games are those games in which the role-playing situations are acted out, rather than merely described.

Listed are sets of rules for moderating such games. RPG-Style Miniatures Games are those miniature or combat rules that work on the level of individual characters, providing statistics for each character individually, what I would consider Role-Playing Games without the role-playing.

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  3. GURPS – the Generic Universal Roleplaying System – Details.

I am specifically not including unit-based historical games in this category, to save work. Games that are not really Role-Playing Games, but claim to be are those games which bill themselves as role-playing games which do not fit the criteria of role-playing games. RPG-related Board Games are those board games that either share a setting with an existing role-playing game, have traits in common with role-playing games, or were mistaken for role-playing games either by me or by someone who sent me mail.

Craig Brunson, James W. There are weapons rules for lariats and harpoons. Just saying. I do think the detail and the almost unfathomable possibilities the system presents can satisfy both the number-crunchers and the storytelling fans, so long as the party agrees beforehand where the middle ground lies. And I think the Dungeon Fantasy box is ideal for that. I keep them on my shelves for inspiration and reference the way some people have coffee table photography books or poster collections or art. And as one of those people who has always been intimidated by the sheer volume of GURPS material out there, the idea of a complete introduction to the system—especially one themed to my fantasy RPG tastes—was too appealing to pass up.

Click here to see all our tabletop game reviews. Get the Official GeekDad Books! Writer John Booth lives in northeast Ohio with his wife and daughter.

He is the author of the book "Collect All 21! My first character was a Barbarian who I made into a pygmy warrior with a halfling racial template and some great quirks. My second character was a half-ogre Swashbuckler who played very nicely as stern and honorable master of the exotic Katana. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email.

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