Encyclopedia of Algorithms

SIAM Journal on Computing
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The dPoW system is designed to allow the blockchain to continue functioning without the notary nodes. In such a situation, the dPoW blockchain can continue operating based upon its initial consensus method; however, it would no longer have the added security of the attached blockchain. Delayed Proof of Work, then, allows for increased security and reduced energy usage for any blockchain making use of this consensus method. For example, as Komodo uses the Equihash hashing algorithm to prevent mining with ASICs and it relies upon a round-robin method of mining for notary nodes, incentives are structured to reduce the possibility that competition between nodes will lead to excessive use of energy or computing power.

In addition, a dPoW blockchain such as Komodo can add value to other blockchains by indirectly providing Bitcoin security without paying the cost of Bitcoin transactions: A third blockchain using dPoW can attach itself to Komodo, which is subsequently attached to Bitcoin. Finally, the separated functions of notary nodes and normal nodes within the system ensure that the initial consensus mechanism continues to operate in the event that the notary nodes fail.

This interdependence creates an incentive for other networks to support the continued maintenance of the Bitcoin network without becoming entirely reliant upon its direct functionality. Further Reading: Delegated-Proof of Work. Explanation: In DPoS, the stake holders in the system can elect leaders witnesses who will vote in their behalf. This makes it faster than the normal PoS.

Encyclopedia of Algorithms

The witnesses are paid a fee for producing blocks. The fee is set by the stake holders. Usually all the nodes produce blocks one at a time in a round-robin fashion.

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The Encyclopedia of Algorithms will provide a comprehensive set of solutions to important algorithmic problems for students and researchers interested in. Editors: Kao, Ming-Yang (Ed.) Covers a wealth of problems currently relevant in diverse fields including biology, economics, financial software and computer science, amongst others. This dynamic reference work provides solutions to vital algorithmic problems for scholars.

This prevents a node from publishing consecutive blocks, preventing him to execute double-spending attacks. If a witness does not produce a block in their time slot, then that time slot is skipped, and the next witness produces the next block. If a witness continually misses his blocks or publishes invalid transactions then the stakers vote him out and replace him with a better witness.

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Further information: Computational physics. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. The dBFT combines digital identity technology, meaning the bookkeepers can be a real name of the individual or institution. Turing proposed a very simple conceptual device involving a tape with a movable reader that could mark and erase letters on the tape. To carry out the bubble sort, we perform the basic operation, that is, interchanging a larger element with a smaller one following it, starting at the beginning of the list, for a full pass.

By partially centralizing the creation of blocks, DPoS is able to run orders of magnitude faster than most other consensus algorithms. EOS which uses dPoS is the first blockchain to achieve a block time of 0. Further Reading: Delegated-Proof of Stake. Used by: POA. Network , Ethereum Kovan testnet , VeChain. Explanation: In PoA-based networks, transactions and blocks are validated by approved accounts, known as validators.

Validators run software allowing them to put transactions in blocks. The process is automated and does not require validators to be constantly monitoring their computers. It, however, does require maintaining the computer the authority node uncompromised. With PoA individuals earn the right to become validators, so there is an incentive to retain the position that they have gained. By attaching a reputation to identity, validators are incentivized to uphold the transaction process, as they do not wish to have their identities attached to a negative reputation, thus losing the hard-earned validator role.

Further Reading: Proof of Authority. Used by: Algorand. Explanation: Proof-of-Weight is a broad classification of consensus algorithms based around the Algorand consensus model. Further Reading: Proof of Weight. Explanation: Similar to Proof of Authority. As mentioned by GoChain :. Proof of Reputation PoR consensus model depends on the reputation of the participants to keep the network secure. A participant a block signer must have a reputation important enough that they would face significant financial and brand consequences if they were to attempt to cheat the system.

This is a relative concept as almost all businesses would suffer significantly if they were caught attempting to be deceitful, but larger companies will typically have more to lose and thus are chosen over companies with less to use smaller businesses. Once a company proves reputation and passes verification, they may be voted into the network as an authoritative node and at this point, it operates like a Proof of Authority network PoA , where only authoritative nodes can sign and validate blocks.

Further Reading: Proof of Reputation. Used by: HyperLedger Sawtooth. Explanation: PoET is a consensus mechanism algorithm that is often used on the permissioned blockchain networks to decide the mining rights or the block winners on the network. Permissioned blockchain networks are those which require any prospective participant to identify themselves before they are allowed to join.

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Based on the principle of a fair lottery system where every single node is equally likely to be a winner, the PoET mechanism is based on spreading the chances of a winning fairly across the largest possible number of network participants. The working of the PoET algorithm is as follows. Each participating node in the network is required to wait for a randomly chosen time period, and the first one to complete the designated waiting time wins the new block.

Each node in the blockchain network generates a random wait time and goes to sleep for that specified duration. The PoET network consensus mechanism needs to ensure two important factors. First, that the participating nodes genuinely select a time that is indeed random and not a shorter duration chosen purposely by the participants in order to win, and two, the winner has indeed completed the waiting time. The PoET concept was invented during early by Intel, the famous chip manufacturing giant.

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The mechanism of running trusted code within a secure environment also takes care of many other necessities of the network. It ensures that the trusted code indeed runs within the secure environment and is not alterable by any external participant.

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It also ensures that the results are verifiable by external participants and entities, thereby enhancing transparency of the network consensus. PoET controls the cost of the consensus process and keeps it nimble so that the cost remains proportional to the value derived from the process , a key requirement for the cryptocurrency economy to continue flourishing.

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Further Reading: Proof of Elapsed Time. Used by: Burstcoin , Chia , SpaceMint. Explanation: Proof-of-space PoSpace , also called proof-of-capacity PoC , is a means of showing that one has a legitimate interest in a service such as sending an email by allocating a non-trivial amount of memory or disk space to solve a challenge presented by the service provider. The concept was formulated by Dziembowski et al. Ateniese et al. Proofs of space are very similar to proofs of work , except that instead of computation, storage is used.

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Proof-of-space is related to, but also considerably different from, memory-hard functions and proofs of retrievability. A proof-of-space is a piece of data that a prover sends to a verifier to prove that the prover has reserved a certain amount of space. For practicality, the verification process needs to be efficient, namely, consumes a small amount of space and time.

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For soundness, it should be hard for the prover to pass the verification if it does not actually reserve the claimed amount of space. One way of implementing PoSpace is by using hard-to-pebble graphs. The verifier asks the prover to build a labeling of a hard-to-pebble graph. The prover commits to the labeling. The verifier then asks the prover to open several random locations in the commitment. Proofs of space are seen as a fairer and greener alternative due to the general-purpose nature of storage and the lower energy cost required by storage.

Further Reading: Proof of Space. Used by: Solana. Explanation: The basic idea here is that instead of trusting the timestamp on the transaction, you could prove that the transaction occurred sometime before and after an event. When you take a photograph with the cover of New York Times, you are creating a proof that your photograph was taken after that newspaper was published, or you have some way to influence what New York Times publishes.

With Proof of History, you can create a historical record that proves that an event has occurred at a specific moment in time. A Verifiable Delay Function requires a specific number of sequential steps to evaluate, yet produces a unique output that can be efficiently and publicly verified. This specific implementation uses a sequential pre-image resistant hash that runs over itself continuously with the previous output used as the next input.

Periodically the count and the current output are recorded. We can then be certain that real time has passed between each counter as it was generated, and that the recorded order each counter is the same as it was in real time. Further Reading: Proof of History. Used by: Reddcoin.