Leading with Emotional Labor. A Review and Assessment of Theory and Evidence.
Leadership pervades every aspect of organizational and social life, and its study has never been more diverse, nor more fertile. With contributions from those. Leadership pervades every aspect of organizational and social life, and its study has never been more diverse, nor more fertile.
Political and Philosophical Perspectives. Psychological Perspectives. The Usual Suspects and the Suspect Traits. Models and Findings. Emerging Perspectives.
Meditations on a Relational Approach to Leadership. Identities and Identity Work in Leadership. Author Index.
Subject Index. Leadership and followership: Some summary propositions. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 18, Situational factors in leadership. Hickman, C. Leading organizations: Perspectives for a new era 2nd ed.
A social identity theory of leadership. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 5, Hollander, E. Leadership, followership, se lf , and others. Leadership Quarterly, 3 1 , Jago, A. Leadership: Perspectives in theory and research.
Management Science, 28 3 , Kotter, J. A force for change: How leadership differs from management. Moore, B. The May conference on leadership. Personnel Journal, 6, Mumford, M. Mah'' -' ah , NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Peters, T. In search of excellence: Lessons from America 's best-run companies.
New York : Warner Books. Rost, ]. Leadership for the twenty-first century.
New York : Praeger. Seeman, M. Social status and leadership. Smith, J. A pattern approach to the study of leader emergence. Leadership Quarterly, 9 2 , Stogdill, R. Handbook of leadership: A survey of theory and research. New York : Free Press.
Watson, C. The role of task-related behavior in the emergence ofleaders. Croup 6 Organization Management, 29 6 ,