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My long term goal is to publish the story under creative commons, and make it open and public. I want to have it out there as an inspiration to others who may be struggling to recover from similar traumas. I had the idea today that I wanted to begin self-identifying as an Ariste, and work that into my own narrative. This led me to researching whether or not this is something others are already doing and perhaps I could find a new social group to interact with and also led me here.

I would like to formally request permission to include my experience of reading Aristoi into my own narrative. Your work has been highly influential in my healing process, and I would love to give credit where credit is due as I share that process with the world. You have permission to credit me with anything I deserve credit for, and I wish you all the best on your writing venture.

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Reading Aristoi now for the first time since I sent in page proofs in , what strikes me the most is its absolutely demented ambition. I believe I have read it over a dozen times since I acquired my first copy of it. Shelve Limit of Vision. Lady of Mazes by Karl Schroeder. The Logarchy is reminiscent of some of the ideas of Plato. Alex US English. Norstrilia by Cordwainer Smith.

I thought Aristoi was a fresh, brilliant concept when I encountered it in the mid 90s and I still do, which is probably why I keep checking in for news about a sequel. Thank you once again for making us multiples real in our own way, and not homocidial villains or irreparably broken beings. Your work is an inspiration to us all puns not intended. Please have a happy and wildly diverse New Year! I own copies in paperback, hardcover, and now e-book.

Previous post: Three Works Fly Free. Next post: I Am Working. Being Aristoi by wjw on April 11, When I wrote Aristoi I damn near had to teach myself to write all over again. The book was just that different.

When I started writing science fiction, I believe in late , I came up with a list of what I wanted to do. So here is my list: The future where everything went right. This became my novel Knight Moves. The future where everything went wrong. Which, as I wrote them, led to a certain amount of anxiety.

Aristoi Classical Upper School - Katy, Texas - TX | GreatSchools

I was coming to the end of my list. What would I write next?

And then I jammed them all together in one incredibly detailed piece of worldbuilding. Snort , I snorted.

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I can think of all sorts of ways that autocracies will not only survive, but thrive. And it was a good thing. I wanted to write about nanotechnology, which I had only touched on in previous works.

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And I wanted to write about multiple personalities. Now I had met a couple people who suffered from what was then called Multiple Personality Disorder a term no longer in use. When I was with my friends, my personality was different than when I was with my parents, which was different from my personality in the karate school.

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The personalities that I adopt in this blog, and when speaking on panels at science fiction conventions, are to a degree constructs. The difference between me and someone with MPD is that I have someone in charge. I have a governing me who decides which personality to employ in any given situation. I worked out the world of Aristoi in immense detail while I was writing books like Angel Station and Days of Atonement. Because it was an aristocratic society, with an elite in charge, the world of the Aristoi would share features with other conservative societies.

There would be an appeal to tradition and to the past. Hence the characters are always quoting classical poetry or thinkers of the past in order to buttress their arguments. I realized that the only way to construct such a radically different society would be in reaction to severe trauma— in this case, the destruction of Earth by runaway technology. Society has developed technology so dangerous that only a small class of people can be allowed to wield it. A problem with conservative societies throughout history is how they pass on wealth and power— through heredity.

As Charlie Stross recently remarked on his blog, a society ruled by a monarch has a single point of failure. Or that his offspring will be? All children are planned, wanted, and loved. Education is there to take you as far as you care to go.

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Life extension technology is available that will allow people to live for hundreds of years. Though each Ariste is absolute within her own domaine, the borders are porous enough that people can leave if their lives become too oppressive. Having worked out my world in some detail, I then set myself to figuring out my point-of-view character. He would be an Aristos, a sort of self-made prince. I made him aesthetic, because that would enable him to experience his own world in all its rich detail. I gave him lots of different and contrasting voices in his head, some of whom were female and lusted after men.

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I have no personal experience with bisexuality, but I figured what the hell, I have a good imagination. In the past, my books each started with a character I wanted to write about, and I built the world and the plot around that character. Now, I created the world first, and then the character. But what of the plot? Plot stopped me for a long time. Things seemed too stable, too perfect. Whatever crisis arose, the Aristoi would simply deal with it. The answer came while I was sitting on a panel at a science fiction convention.

Ap. 2019: Aristoi 3-1 Manchester Pity

I sat next to Gene Wolfe; and while he was talking, the entire plot of Aristoi unfolded inside my head. What was Gene talking about? I have no idea. I believe it was a panel on workshops. Thanks, Gene! So I was able to put a proposal together, and sell it to Tor. And then I wrote it. I decided that I was really going to pull out all the stops. I was going to make every scene a tour-de-force.

Reading Aristoi now for the first time since I sent in page proofs in , what strikes me the most is its absolutely demented ambition. This, by the way, is a fairly literal description of the sorts of dialogs that go on in my own head. I just loved writing this book. It just poured onto the page in all its operatic detail. More stories.

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The school opened in as West Houston Charter School, with an emphasis on fine arts. In , the student population was only , and there were many unfilled seats. Enrollment began to increase immediately with the new focus as families began to see the value of securing a free classical education. The grammar stage K-4 th grades provides a thorough foundation in phonics, spelling, grammar, literature, vocabulary history, biology, and basic mathematics. The logic stage 5th -8 th grades focuses on higher mathematics and the application of logic to all subjects e.

In addition, beginning skills in logical argument and debate are fostered in this stage. In the rhetoric stage 9th th grades , students learn to write at a collegiate level, speak eloquently, and defend original ideas. Public speaking becomes second nature.

Seniors present and defend a thesis prior to graduation. Near Aristoi Classical Academy. WoodCreek Elementary Elementary School. Related Pages. Aristoi Classical Academy Education.