Organizing Bronze Age Societies: The Mediterranean, Central Europe, and Scandanavia Compared

Organizing Bronze Age Societies: The Mediterranean, Central Europe, and Scandanavia Compared
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Kristian Kristiansen

This book presents the first in-depth, comparative study of household, economy, and settlement in three microregions: the Mediterranean Sicily , central Europe Hungary , and northern Europe south Scandinavia. The results are based on ten years of fieldwork employing similar documentation, and scientific analyses were used in each of the regional studies, making controlled comparisons possible. The new evidence demonstrates how differences in settlement organization and household economies were counterbalanced by similarities in the organized use of the landscape in an economy dominated by the herding of large flocks of sheep and cattle.

Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology Edition.

Kristian Kristiansen - University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Contents Search. Kristiansen, Kristian.

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Soil, especially the light soils, became more prone to erosive forces as well as nutrient depletion, especially when no longer sustained by forest regeneration. Comparison of the settlement structure and organisation from three regions in Europe. This would appear to represent increased grazing pressure as well as some cultivation. Excavation of an ancient battlefield in northern Germany revealed signs of a great battle, such as closely packed bones, as seen in this photo of the site. These are professional fighters.

How to cite. He received his Ph.

  1. Goethe-Universität — Dr. Claes Uhnér.
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  3. Slaughter at the bridge: Uncovering a colossal Bronze Age battle | Science | AAAS.
  4. Nicolas Slonimsky: Writings on Music: Russian and Soviet Music and Composers (Nicolas Slonimsky: Writings on Music).
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He became Professor of Archaeology at the University of Gothenburg in and served as Chair from to His lasting contributions to European prehistory and world archaeology include a major reconceptualization of Bronze Age Scandinavia and Europe, the internationalization of Bronze Age studies, the formulation of model field research projects that combine diverse scientific and humanist approaches, and a reconceptualization of heritage work within Europe. Open image This is a preview of subscription content, log in to check access.

Top 10 Cities in Scandinavia & Baltic Europe - Visit North Europe

Earle, T. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Google Scholar. History of Europe.

  1. Organizing Bronze Age Societies: The Mediterranean, Central Europe, and Scandanavia Compared.
  2. Lipoxin.
  3. Basic Biographical Information.

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PDF | The Bronze Age was a formative period in European history when the The mediterranean, central Europe, and scandinavia compared. Organizing Bronze Age Societies. The Mediterranean, Central Europe and Scandinavia Compared. Edited by Timothy Earle and Kristian Kristiansen. mm.

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