X-15 Research Results

X-15 Research Results With a Selected Bibliography
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Although numerous researchers across the country agreed on the need for such an aircraft, they did not all agree on its design. As a compromise, the researchers decided on a two-pronged approach to their research plane. The Skystreak's performance would not be as great as the X-1 design, but a rocket-powered aircraft was seen as a much riskier proposition. The dual approach, therefore, was thought to provide a greater assurance of success in a transonic research program. The X-1 was modeled after the shape of a bullet, which was the only shape that had been proven capable of stable transonic or supersonic flight.

Its four-chamber, 6,pound thrust rocket engine would give it a mere seconds of powered flight, which led to the decision to air-launch the aircraft from a specially modified Boeing B Superfortress. In December , only nine months after Bell Aircraft received an Army contract to build the plane, the first X-1 rolled out of the factory.

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Other findings of note included:. After 2 years' study of problems that might be encountered in manned space flight, a joint group - NACA, Air Force, and Navy - met in Washington to discuss the need for a hypersonic research vehicle and to decide on the type of aircraft that could attain these objectives. For this flight the traditional NASA instrumentation nose boom was still installed. The Aircraft Except for the number two X when modified as the XA-2, the X's were roughly 50 ft long, with a ft wing span. First flight with X INS and wing tip pods. Apogee : 34 km 21 mi.

Army Air Forces after , U. The X-1's mission was to investigate the transonic speed range speeds from just below to just above the speed of sound and, if possible, to break the "sound barrier. The basic X-1 aircraft were flown by a large number of different pilots from to The X-1 Program not only proved that humans could go beyond the speed of sound, it reinforced the understanding that technological barriers could be overcome.

The X-1s pioneered many structural and aerodynamic advances including extremely thin, yet extremely strong wing sections; supersonic fuselage configurations; control system requirements; powerplant compatibility; and cockpit environments. The X-1 aircraft were the first transonic-capable aircraft to use an all-moving stabilizer. The flights of the X-1s opened up a new era in aviation.


The X-1 aircraft were almost 31 feet long and had a wingspan of 28 feet. The X-1 was built of conventional aluminum stressed-skin construction to extremely high structural standards. The X-1E was also 31 feet long but had a wingspan of only 22 feet, 10 inches. It was powered by a Reaction Motors, Inc. As did all X-1 rocket engines, the LRRM-5 engine did not have throttle capability, but instead, depended on ignition of any one chamber or group of chambers to vary speed.

Powered flights began in December On Oct.

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The X-1E was used to obtain in-flight data at twice the speed of sound, with particular emphasis placed on investigating the improvements achieved with the high-speed wing. The X-1E used its rocket engine to power it up to a speed of 1, miles per hour Mach 2. Like the X-1 it was air-launched.

Adaptive Control and the NASA X-15-3 Flight Revisited

X-2 through X-5 The Douglas D Skystreak and D Skyrocket were, with the Bell XS-1, were the earliest transonic research aircraft built in this country to gather data so the aviation community could understand what was happening when aircraft approached the speed of sound. In the early s, fighter actually, in the terms of the time, pursuit aircraft like the P Lightning were approaching these speeds in dives and either could not get out of the dives before hitting the ground or were breaking apart from the effects of compressibility - increased density and disturbed airflow as the speed approached that of sound and created shock waves.

At this time, aerodynamicists lacked accurate wind - tunnel data for the speed range from roughly Mach 0.

To overcome the limited knowledge of what was happening at these transonic speeds, people in the aeronautics community - especially the NACA, the Army Air Forces AAF - Air Force after , and the Navy - agreed on the need for a research airplane with enough structural strength to withstand compressibility effects in this speed range. While the D with its jet engine was slower and less glamorous than the rocket-powered, air-launched XS-1, it flew for longer durations and thus gathered a lot of data more easily than its Bell counterpart.

The D was variously configured with jet and rocket engines, conventional takeoffs and air launchings. But the rocket-powered D number 2 became the first aircraft to reach Mach 2.

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All three of the Skyrockets had a height of 12 feet 8 inches, a length of 42 feet, and degree swept wings with a span of 25 feet. Until configured for air launch, NACA featured a Westinghouse J turbojet engine rated at 3, pounds of static thrust. It carried gallons of aviation gasoline and weighed 10, pounds at take-off. Its propellants were gallons of liquid oxygen and gallons of diluted ethyl alcohol. In its launch configuration, it weighed 15, pounds. It carried gallons of liquid oxygen, gallons of diluted ethyl alcohol, and gallons of aviation gasoline for a launch weight of 15, pounds.

The Space Race as it might have been

This semi-technical summary of the X–15 program is directed toward the less publicized aspects of its achievements. X–15 RESEARCH RESULTS. 2 long after it was history. Every pioneering flight stimulated the building of other airplanes, and further theoretical and.

The three X-1s and the D were, in a sense, the first generation of research aircraft planned by NACA and the military. The second generation was not far behind--in fact, follow-on aircraft were already in the planning stages before the X-1 even reached powered flight. The goals of this multi-aircraft flight research effort were twofold. The derivative versions of the X-1, as well as the X-2 and the D, were built to explore higher speeds and altitudes, both to help manufacturers build aircraft that could operate in that realm and to provide information useful for future space flight.

The X-3, X-4, and X-5, as well as the delta-wing XFA, explored the behavior of various configurations in the transonic range. The X-2 Starbuster The X-2 was a swept-wing, rocket-powered aircraft designed to fly faster than Mach 3 three times the speed of sound. It was built for the U.

These were constructed of K-monel a copper and nickel alloy for the fuselage and stainless steel for the swept wings and control surfaces. The aircraft had ejectable nose capsules instead of ejection seats because the development of ejection seats had not reached maturity at the time the X-2 was conceived.

Space History Photo: X-15 Crash at Mud Lake, Nevada

The X-2 ejection canopy was successfully tested using a German V-2 rocket. The X-2 used a skid-type landing gear to make room for more fuel. The airplane was air launched from a modified Boeing B Superfortress Bomber. The X-2 was, in a sense, a third generation research aircraft, designed to go further in investigating problems of aerodynamic heating as well as stability and control by operating at speeds of Mach 3 and at altitudes between , and , feet.

To make the plane more heat-resistant, the X-2 was made of stainless steel and a nickel alloy. Its 15,pound-thrust Curtiss-Wright rocket engine also had more than twice the thrust of the X-1 family engine. The International Space Station is actually allowed to drop as low as this before being boosted again, so this is well into space; Douglas did admit that the pilot would probably not survive the G forces of that flight and so recommended nothing higher than , feet kilometers.

On December 30, twelve contractors were invited; only four came up with proposals, probably because of the risk involved and the minimal profits that would stem from the two airplanes that NACA wanted built. Douglas replied with the Model Their proposed craft would hit a maximum of kilometers per hour, and reach heights of kilometers—in other words, they had to tone down the Model just to meet the NACA requirements. Even at that, this is still the edge of outer space: the Model would have been the first suborbital spaceplane. As it was headed for space, the pilot compartment was completely pressurized, and could carry two if the research instrumentation was removed.

Anyone onboard would wear a pressure suit the X program would actually develop the space suit used by Mercury astronauts , and in case of a dire emergency the entire forward fuselage would cut loose, push away from the main body of the craft on a small jet, and drift down to Earth under a parachute. The Model would have been lifted to about 30, feet by a B Superfortress bomber where it would be dropped.

At that point it would have ignited its liquid oxygen and ammonia engine and taken off on a trajectory for either speed or height. After reaching its apogee it would glide back to Earth, eventually landing at a long conventional airstrip at about kilometers per hour. In the particular case of the Space Shuttle this was done by covering it with ceramic heat tiles, but other cold structure options include ablative coverings which the Model would have used or cooling using some sort of liquid inside the skin that would be allowed to boil off.

A hot structure, on the other hand, approaches the problem head on: build the fuselage out of a material that holds up to high temperatures.

Oh no, there's been an error

Three of the bidders took the hint. The Model would have used HK31, an alloy of magnesium, thorium, and zirconium which is no longer in use since the three percent that is thorium makes the alloy radioactive. At the time its relatively low radioactivity was not considered much of a problem, though, and it had the advantage of being much lighter than Inconel X. The leading wing edges would be made of copper, which would conduct heat away quickly into the rest of the plane. What happened to make it fail: This one actually came quite close to existing, as it was a strong second in the NACA competition to the North American Aviation ESO; in the formal evaluation it actually outscored its rival to Essentially the decision came down to unhappiness with the choice of the HK31 alloy for its fuselage over Inconel X.

As a research craft, they wanted the X to be subjected to the heat of hypersonic travel. It was a better solution if one were just making this aircraft, but not if the whole point was to study high temperatures in flight for future aircraft. Basically it came down to what NACA was looking to build.

In looking to make something that would be relatively easy to develop into something the Navy would want to buy later for service, Douglas was too ambitious for their own good. The ESO would become the X What was necessary for it to succeed: North American Aviation actually asked to withdraw from the X competition in October , after it had informally been awarded the contract but before it was official. A slew of new design work had come their way and they no longer thought they could make the 30 month deadline for first flight that the contract would impose.

North American X-15 Research Project (1962)

Either they could award the contract to the Model if it was switched to an Inconel X skin, or they could give NAA an eight-month extension.