Fundamentals of the Physics of Solids - Electronic Properties

ISBN 13: 9781618301185
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This course teaches the scientific and technological knowledge of solid materials semiconductors, insulators, metals, etc. This course is a core course in our electronic materials emphasis of the MSE undergraduate education.

The science, technology, processing and making of devices of electronic materials are an integral part of any modern MSE undergraduate curriculum. Students prepare 13 sets of homework, which will be due in a week and will be graded based on completion rather than correctness. Solution to each homework will be thoroughly discussed in the discussion hour. So the main text is probably better suited as a quick guide reference for people that already have an understanding of the material.

Or for those who really want to get a better understanding by working out all the derivations on their own.

Electronic Properties of Solids: Part-1

April 27, - Published on Amazon. This book offers a pretty decent overview of band theory, but it's woefully lacking in detail, especially in the later chapters, which seem to get progressively more qualitative.

Customer Reviews

You shouldn't rely on this book to give a thorough knowledge of band theory, but it's worth reading. I think it would be especially useful when preparing for talks, because the explanations in the book are pretty easy to understand. August 24, - Published on Amazon.

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Fundamentals of the Physics of Solids : Volume II: Electronic Properties

Particular areas of interest are quantum computing with spin qubits, many-body quantum coherence, and coherent spin-phonon coupling. Lewis Rothberg - Professor Rothberg studies the science of light emission, charge photogeneration and charge transport that underpins future applications of organic materials in lighting, flexible displays, electronic paper and organic solar cells.

The techniques we use span the range from transient spectroscopy of excited state relaxation to charge modulation spectroscopy in devices. Roman Sobolewski - Professor Sobolewski's current interests are concentrated on the physics of ultrafast phenomena in condensed matter systems using time-resolved femtosecond spectroscopy. He studies novel nanostructured electonic and optoelectronic semiconducting and superconducting materials and devices for single-photon quantum detection and the generation and detection of THz radiation transients.

Nick Vamivakas - Professor Vamivakas's research efforts center on light-matter interactions at the nanosclae, using optics to interrogate and contral both artifical and naturally occuring solid state quantum emitters.

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Potential applications range from optical metrology to quantum information science. Stephen Wu - Professor Wu's research involves using new quantum materials to create novel electronic devices beyond Moore's law computation. Topics such as spintronics, topological electronics, and multifunctional complex oxide based transistors are explored from the perspective of materials synthesis, nano-fabrication, and low-noise device characterization.

In particular he studies the optical and transport properties of two-dimensional materials with emphasis on transition-metal dichalcogenides, focusing on how excitons and other few-body complexes are affected by Coulomb interactions with the Fermi sea around them, with impurities and with phonons. Ignacio Franco — Professor Franco works at the interface of chemistry, physics, optics and nanoscience, using theory and simulation to develop new methods to probe and control the behavior of matter by means of external stimuli.

Topics of interest include quantum dynamics, investigating basic de-coherence processes in the condensed phase, exploring frontiers of the laser-matter interaction, and advancing single-molecule spectroscopies that can be constructed in the context of nanoscale junctions.