Framing the Iraq War Endgame: War’s Denouement in an Age of Terror

Writers, artists and civic leaders on the War: Pt. I
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Framing the Iraq War Endgame: War's Denouement in an Age of Terror

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Products of this store will be shipped directly from Hong Kong to your country. Lebanon Change Country. Shop By Category. It includes people from every faith, every race, every community, and of every political hue. I have not as yet met anyone in real life, white, black or Asian, left, right, or centre, who actually wants this war. If our government here blatantly disregards public opinion and chooses to participate in the action, or even to bless it, it will be a real travesty of the spirit of democracy.

There seem to be two kinds of left-wing reasoning. Many more, of course, it's in the nature of the left to fragment itself - which is both good and bad. The kind that reasons all tyranny must be brought down; the kind that reasons anything the right supports must be wrong. By March in Germany the Communists refused to join a United Front with the Social Democrats thus leaving the way free for Hitler to come to power. British Communists later opposed the war with Hitler because it had been declared by a right-wing government. They changed their minds when the Soviet Union entered the battle.

Having campaigned for years against the tyrannical Argentinean generals who slaughtered thousands, many unaccounted for - 'the disappeared ones' - the 'right-is- wrong' left then refused to support the war against Argentina's invasion of the Falklands because it was lead by the right-wing leader, Margaret Thatcher.

She brought down the fascist generals, and democracy returned to the Argentine. One of the most dangerous, murderous tyrants of recent times, Saddam Hussein of Iraq, has usurped the sovereignty of his people and dragged them through three bloody wars, one of them against his own Kurdish people. Bush and Blair are attempting to lead an international force to physically disarm and overthrow him.

Wars present many problems. For most of us, and this excludes genuine pacifists and Saddam-sympathisers, such knowledge would determine our support. Foremost among the casualties is Saddam Hussein himself. The whole operation is accompanied by a popular movement which establishes a genuine democracy in Iraq.

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Unlikely but not impossible. And even worse: the inevitable skyrocketing of oil price makes driving prohibitive while the recession turns into a depression. Still gung-ho on the war? The actual outcome is likely to be between these two poles; the precise point impossible to predict. But then, if we knew the outcome, there might never be wars.

War On Terror

We certainly would not have had the first, perhaps not even the second, world war. So war is risky. But before you cast your vote, think seriously: who is risking? Whose children? Whose future? Sonja Linden , playwright and theatre director. I have been feeling confused about my attitude to this proposed war - a lone and rather timid voice amongst all the people I know. Yet I have been amazed at the absence of concern for a totally oppressed population; there is almost no mention of it. All the talk is about whether action over Iraq is good or bad for 'us'.

My feeling is that all this resurgent energy against war should be directed to finding ways to aid populations in getting rid of regimes that murder and oppress them. The left's natural sympathies here have been skewered by virulent suspicion and hatred of the US. That's why people are clamouring for a United Nations lead; but the UN as it stands has proved to be a weak and much manipulated tool not least by great powers like the US. In my opinion, changes are urgently needed in the functioning and remit of the UN, including reform of Security Council membership.

The premise for action in cases like Iraq is genocide. Along with the likes of Milosevic and Pinochet, we should be able to indict and extradite Saddam Hussein. Terror and murder of one's own population is in my mind a much more legitimate reason for intervening in another state than weapons of mass destruction how to intervene is of course the next big question.

So many states currently fall under that category and the world still stands by. So much for 'Never Again'! We have more information now than at any other time in history about what is happening behind closed borders, and yet we are still paralysed. The current Iraq war hysteria has so many subtexts that the real issues are being totally fudged.

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These fanatics are out on a limb. The antiwar movement is getting out from under the sectarian left. Last week, at an American-assisted military academy in Tikrit, Saddam Hussein's home town, he began basic training for the fourth time. The Iraqi civilian death toll, far more numerous but also harder to count, appears to have climbed as well. Sign Up Log In. Just before the war of , the foreign minister of India asked me to advise him what position to take at the UN. The most enduring conflict of the past century, between Israelis and Palestinians, drags on drearily today.

The people of Iraq have suffered too long under this brutal regime. In this they share the fate of many countries in the Middle East and Africa.

These are the voices we should be hearing from now - the fugitives of hideous oppression. The war on Iraq may well be the first disaster of the century. Ironically if preemptive strikes are justifiable then Iraq at the moment may be justified in attacking the US and the UK who have been threatening to attack it for the last six months. Saddam has had access to chemical and biological weapons for over two decades, he used them against Iran without any criticism from the US or UK and he has used them against the Kurds, but he has never passed them on to any terrorists so far.

It may sound strange but it is true, Saddam's record is his best defense. An unjust war and prolonged occupation direct colonialism will generate intense anti-west sentiments, will alienate the US and UK and make them the most hated nations all over the world.

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As it is, anti-Americanism has become as global a phenomenon as Britney Spears. It is difficult to say who has killed more innocent people, Saddam or sanctions. I hope that all decent people in the world will stand up against this unjust war and let the war mongers know that the civilised world is not with them. Lindsay Waters , editor at Harvard University Press.

It is time to point out just how un-American Bush and his incompetent crew are. Behind the mask of this puppet we have a staff of right-wing fanatics totally out of line with the mainstream America they manipulate with a brazen braggadoccio that is, as our teens say, awesome. The republican virtue of Lincoln and Eisenhower has been tattered by those who inherit the name. Would even my Republican mother, a supporter of Barry Goldwater in , have supported these people?

Chapter 1 | Initial Planning and Execution in Afghanistan and Iraq

When Goldwater ran, his opponents warned the people should not be confused by his avuncular manner. If he were elected, he'd staff the White House with loonies who'd drop nuclear bombs on Vietnam. Well, look where we are today! I pray they will not prevail. For in threatening war to realise their geopolitical fantasies, they would sell our very souls. I am worried about my soul. It is against the law, the moral law, to invade a foreign country that has not attacked you, just because they might sometime attack you.

These fanatics are out on a limb. The whole lot of them needs to be confined, with their weapons taken away from them, until we can throw them out of office. Now, it behaves like a Leninist vanguard leading by the nose people it regards as dumb or "just following orders".

It is up to American liberals and leftists to stop talking as if Bush is dumb. Let him rather be accountable. We must demand he speak.