The Praise Singer

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This fact, along with his friendship with gallivanting, brilliant Anakreon, makes him a perfect guide to the age. This ebook features an illustrated biography of Mary Renault including rare images of the author. It was there that she met her lifelong partner, fellow nurse Julie Mullard. There, Renault wrote the historical novels that would define her career. In , Renault was the subject of a BBC 4 documentary, and her books, many of which remain in print on both sides of the Atlantic, are often sought after for radio and dramatic interpretation.

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Sign in or create an account. Mary Renault's portraits of the ancient world are fierce, complex and eloquent, infused at every turn with her life-long passion for the Classics. Her characters live vividly both in their own time, and in ours. Virago Modern Classics.

See All Titles. Related Reads. Athenians will later praise their actions as Tyrannicide and they became the preeminent symbol of democracy to come. In the end it was the road along which the assassins ran to claim the goddess justice against the hubris of the Archon impiety; plunging their knives into his strawberry shaped heart. Truly, events fit for a cautionary song of lament by Simonides. Our protagonist, Sim, is a poet not a warrior.

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He is from a remote island and not an Athenian by birth. The audiobook is that of a memoir format told retrospectively by Simonides before his end at age It gives the work a nostalgic tone.

The Praise Singer

The view is up close and personal. It gives one a feel for the strengths and weakness of tyranny. Ultimately it is only as good and as enduring as the strengths and virtues of the tyrant himself. I look forward to the day when Audible will offer this work. It foreshadows the development of theater and the great Greek drama, tragedies, and comedies that shaped western culture.

It is not stated as her goal; however, I believe Ms. I love the fact one can take the character and place names and look up the history she is writing about and find out there is a close match between the general story line and historical facts. How can one not give this anything but thumbs-up.

To do otherwise would be to paint fool upon ones brow.

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Would you listen to The Praise Singer again? I have listened to this story several times - it was one my mother urged me for years to read. I have read Renault's Alexander series, and the Theseus books, but this book I'd begun several times, but never turned past the first pages; it did not grip me. I took a chance on it as an audiobook and it's one that I listen to when I have time for contemplation - there are layers.

It is Tim Bentinck's voice that brings me back - the characterizations, the tone, the cadence, the humanity of his interpretation brings this alive for me. What did you like best about this story? Renault's work makes one feel like it may not be necessary to read the Phillipics, Virgil, and Herodotus to understand the ancients. Through Google Earth I am able to stand on the roof of Delos and look around, and a quick look to the internet as I listen fleshes out Solon or Hipparchus as the tale unrolls.

Simonides of Ceos is also the originator of the 'mind-palace' or method of loci practice of memorization, just one of the many wonderful tangents from this story!


The Praise Singer is a historical novel by Mary Renault first published in Its narrator and main character is the real-life lyric poet Simonides of Keos, whose. Start by marking “The Praise Singer” as Want to Read: In the story of the great lyric poet Simonides, Mary Renault brings alive a time in Greece when tyrants kept an unsteady rule and poetry, music, and royal patronage combined to produce a flowering of the arts. Mary Renault was.

Which character — as performed by Tim Bentinck — was your favorite? Bentinck's treament of Simonides was so spot on for me that I went around looking for anything else narrated by him. He is my new John Lee; I want him to tell me every story. He lives the story more than he narrates it, making Simonides so human, so relatable. I'm grateful to have him for this story and hope he has more to give.

Athens, ionia, tyrants, persians; wade into the waters of the ancients. Mary Renault's ability to bring ancient Greece to life never fails - I found the whole novel engaging, even with my attention difficulties. The narrator did a fantastic job with subtle voice changes for the different characters and giving that little bit of spice to every sentence.

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Wonderful experience all round. It is remarkable how effective Mary Renault is in peopling the past with characters that we recognise and respond to. In The Praise Singer, she takes, as the protagonist, a figure from the sixth century BC, Simonides, about whom we know relatively little, but who is regarded as one of the great lyric poets of that period in ancient Greece.

And yet, in her presentation, she makes him live fully and convincingly in our minds and imaginations. And Mary Renault's clear knowledge of that complex period of Greek history when all was in flux, is truly awe-inspiring.