Models of Capitalism: Growth and Stagnation in the Modern Era

International Journal of Management and Economics
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Kose M.

Ayhan and Marco E. Kuruma Samezo ed. Lenin V.

Models of Capitalism: Growth and Stagnation in the Modern Era

I New York: International Publishers. Moscow Vol. Lloyd G. Marx Karl Oeuvres. Marx Karl [] Capital Vol. I translated by Ben Fowkes Harmondsworth: Penguin. Mattick Paul [Jr. Hunt and J. Schwartz Harmondsworth: Penguin. I edited by D.

Capitalism Has Failed—What Next?

Ruben and J. Mepham Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press. Robson Vol. Mitchell W. Morange M. Barberousse et al.

Models of Capitalism by David Coates (ebook)

Dordrecht: Springer. Idealization and Abstraction in the Sciences edited by M.

Moseley Fred Money and Totality. Moseley Fred and Tony Smith eds.

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  • Models of Capitalism: Growth and Stagnation in the Modern Era by David Coates (Paperback, 2000);
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Nowak Leszek The Structure of Idealization. Schrader eds. Overy R. Rabinbach Anson The Human Motor. Radelet S. Roemer J. Rolhausen Claus ed. Romer C. Routh G. Rubel Marx critique du marxisme Paris: Payot. Rubin I. Review quote 'A brilliantly comparative analysis of the contradictions that beset all the various capitalist models amidst globalization today as well as of the mode of thinking that limits our perspective to choosing among them.

A must read for everyone doing work in comparative and international political economy, and for all those concerned with finding a new way forward for labour movements and the left. I can only marvel at the breadth of coverage, the prescience of the analysis and of the issues raised, the accessibility of the text and, above all, the depth and sophistication of the argument.

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In an age of sound-bite politics and, worse still, sound-bite political analysis, this book is likely to become an enduring classic. It clearly bears comparison with Shonfield's magisterial Modern Capitalism. In a way, rather like Shonfield's book, this is simply so good as to be accessible to a very wide audience. And the book certainly delivers on its promise of being a provocative contribution to the ongoing discourse of thinkers on the Left.

Through its use of recent literature, the book is also useful to business historians as a survey. Coates' book will be useful to those who are interested, challenged or just plain confused by all the debates The book provides a convenient entry point into a range of debates, a detailed guide to the nuances within the literature, as well as a pointer to the broader literature about the relationship between economic regulatory systems and the political economy of industrial relations in a transforming economic marketplace.

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It is well worth a look. I finally have a book I can assign in my "comparative capitalisms" course without flinching. Rating details.

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Coates, D. Growth and Stagnation in the Modern Era, First ed. Growth and Stagnation in the Modern Era, Third ed. Cambridge: Polity Press. Drahokoupil, J. Ebenau, I. Bruff, C. May eds.