Learning to Spell: Research, Theory, and Practice Across Languages

Does Phonics Make Kids Bad Spellers?
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The links between grammar and spelling: A cognitive hurdle in deep orthographies?

Notes made by these chil- mastery of this ability, they only cover learn- dren, and more specifically — their depar- ing in school Bogdanowicz, ; Macie- tures from standard orthography — tend jewska, ; Pietras, The work which not to be accidental and allow inference to treats writing awareness as a part of language be made about their conceptualisation of awareness and a component of maturity to written language and its relation to spo- learn to read and write Krasowicz-Kupis, ken language.

They illustrate the process , as well as work devoted to determi- of increasing linguistic and orthographic nants of early writing Awramiuk, awareness and prove their cognitive effort. Work Against the background of dynamically on methodology and pedagogy recommend developing international research, there is against encouraging children to write too a lack of Polish work on writing acquisition early, to avoid strengthening potentially im- by children at preschool age.

Polish studies proper graphic models. The opinion prevails on writing have analysed the issue mainly that young children do not have the ability from the pedagogical perspective and fo- to code language. The work concerning writ- start to learn to read and write. Early assessment of writ- children start to acquire alphabetic language ing ability conducted by psychological and spontaneously before they are instructed by pedagogical counselling centres concerns their guardians. A different approach spelling, emergent spelling, early writing the latter is most prevails in Western countries: children are frequently used in relation to children writing their own encouraged to write and their work full of names.

It is considered children starting to learn at first-grade. Children pose sounds in writing. In the most general terms, certain hypotheses e. A typical error occurs in con- which they then test through contact with fusion of the phonetic value of a letter with written language and receiving proper feed- its name, e. The review of studies will structure of the word, they have reached the allow explanation of the development of early next stage the phonetic stage at full alpha- writing abilities and differentiate factors de- betical level. At this stage, similarly to the termining it, such as early morphological and earlier stage, while writing, children apply graphotactic awareness3 or teaching meth- a mainly phonological strategy but they do ods.

The review of literature was confined not yet use knowledge of spelling or orthog- to work on healthy children, showing typical raphy e. In the in native European alphabetic languages. The course of time, mainly by learning to read, focus was on studies of linguistic condition- children learn that the relationship between ing for early writing abilities. They also start to use Invented spelling from the morphological knowledge and recognise developmental perspective semantic relationships between words and spelling regularities. The majority of the older models related to Models with stages have been criticised, writing acquisition published in s and as they described reading and writing acqui- s in English , despite the differences in sition as a sequence of adoption of different terms, describe a similar course through types of knowledge from phonological to subsequent stages Ehri, ; Gentry, orthographical and morphological and thus, ; Henderson, At the earliest stage they underestimate the abilities and aptitude preliterate writing, pre-communicative of children.

Children may simultaneously em- stage , the initial experiences of holding ploy different strategies and types of informa- a pencil, a child understands that writing is tion while learning Bourassa and Treiman, not the same as drawing, but does not yet ; Gombert, ; Treiman and Cassar, appreciate that writing relates to speaking. Recent studies provided a more ex- At the following stage letter-name spelling, act view of how children learn to write.

They semi-phonetic stage, partial alphabetic level proved that characteristic errors of omission the child, striving to understand the essence of certain letters are justified linguistically. Eme segments e. Goswami and Bryant, Furthermore, the omission of con- structure of other letter names e. She analysed how linguistic features of struent consonants such as f, t, s, p c. Bou- the words the number of syllables, frequency rassa and Treiman, ; Werfel and Schuele, of graphemes and means of coding of mor- While methodology.

For the Polish letters, there are two sets of names: the official, introduced Polish children, confuse the sequence of relatively late to school a, be, ce, etc. They write ZS in- sulting from the method of teaching a, by, cy, etc. The research mistakes made by children did not occur was conducted in Toronto Canada over four accidentally, but illustrated their attempts years with children whose first language was to manipulate the language in the course of English.

Two groups of preschoolers, who writing according to phonological process- had started preschool at the age of 3 were ing. The research confirmed not only the ne- observed until they had finished the first cessity to include the characteristics of writ- grade as six-year-olds. The task required writing particular frequently reflect the difficulties of the writ- words, figures and word combinations.

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Read preview. Reasoning, Necessity, and Logic. This collection of papers presents a sample of contemporary research across different languages that addresses this ability. Many of the papers themselves reflect more than one perspective, and the reader will find important observations about orthographies, the relationship between spelling and reading, and issues of learning and teaching throughout the collection. To date, only a handful of studies have demonstrated that orthographic learning can occur during spelling e. Kaplan, J. Cognitive Development.

They ing system being learnt. The age between 4. He ties in preschool children aged 3—4 could discussed work that described how children predict literacy skills in the first grade at differentiated drawing from writing and fac- the age of 6. The results of preschool writ- tors linguistic, semantic, educational in- ing tasks were a significant factor for predic- fluencing invented spelling of preschoolers. Caravolas, of similar studies carried out in other coun- Hulme and Snowling, ; National Early tries and in other languages, confirming Literacy Panel, While learning to writing permitted construction of various write in languages with different alphabets, tools for the assessment of development of children undergo similar stages of develop- these abilities on the basis of errors that chil- ment: from ideographic signs drawings dren made while writing single words c.

These tools are used for diag- first without relating to sound, then repre- nosis, increasing the effectiveness of teaching senting the whole word , letter combinations, through its individualisation, early interven- phonetic writing at first partial, then pho- tion as well as for predicting later reading and netically complete to orthographic writing. Tantaros also discussed Greek research on the knowledge of letters. Greek preschoolers, Early language awareness as compared with English-speaking children, could more frequently utter the sound than Literacy acquisition, especially at the ini- the name of the letter, and similarly as in tial stage, is determined by characteristics of many other languages, could sometimes use a given language and varies according to the these signs to write their own names, even rules of spelling or orthography Awramiuk, without knowledge of the letter names or the ; Bourassa and Treiman, ; Spencer sounds they represented.

Over the course of mother tongue relatively early e. Comparative research port their spelling Bourassa and Treiman, on reading acquisition in thirteen European ; Gombert, ; Treiman, Deep orthography7 that morphological awareness developed rel- caused more difficulty in learning to read and atively early.

It was found that while writing write than shallow orthography. Language final consonant clusters, children made fewer awareness also developed differently in these mistakes in two-morpheme words such as two types of orthography. To some two questions about which part of language is extent, children used morphological knowl- represented in writing and how it is achieved.

If they did, letter omissions would be Their answers are factors determining in- similarly frequent owing to the identical vented spelling. Research on how children phonological structure of the pairs of words differentiate phonemes, what knowledge they e. Titos, Defior, Alegria and language awareness and assess its role in writ- Martos, tried to establish to what ex- ing acquisition process. They investigated ical awareness developed together with liter- Spanish children during their first three years acy.

It was more developed in eight-year-olds of school children aged 6 to 8 and ana- than in six-year-olds, and in twelve-year-olds lysed how they wrote silent parts of words — more than in eight-year-olds Ehri ; written but not uttered. Their experiments Nunes, Bryant and Bindman, ; Rispens, proved that children more often wrote the McBride-Chang and Reitsma, ; Sangster silent part of the word if it conveyed mor- and Deacon, ; Treiman, Despite phological information e.

These results have countered the widespread belief that morphological information is not used in 6 This concerns ability to distinguish sounds relevant to a particular language, perception of functional differences transparent orthography. As in the case of morphological awareness, 7 In shallow, transparent orthography the relationship be- children can use knowledge of orthographi- tween graphemes and phonemes is coherent and consistent, cal patterns of their mother tongue relatively while deep, opaque orthography describes more irregular early. This use is related to the acceptability of relationships in which the same grapheme may represent several different phonemes, and numerous exceptions from letter clusters and graphical means of repre- the basic rules of correspondence between grapheme and senting certain phonemes depending on their phoneme occur.

Studies have regarded gradual e. However, according to they could also recognise which letters were the authors, this thesis was not confirmed doubled or which never occurred at the be- by evidence from relatively early even by ginning of words. First-grader invented spell- five-year-olds use of this information and ing revealed that letters which are doubled evidence that adults also do not always apply in English e. The authors demonstrated that both doubled than those which are never doubled graphotactic and morphological patterns in- in a conventional system e. CK never represents initial sounds.

Gombert conducted experiments Teaching methods with French-speaking children at preschool age. In one experiment children assessed The studies analysed linguistic conditioning which non-words presented to them were for early literacy, showing how the way chil- similar to real words. The letter K is The form was used by two observers who for more often written before I and C than before two weeks looked at the chosen groups in pre- A, which reflects the regularities of English schools.

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Following data analysis, preschool spelling. Similar results were obtained in teachers were divided into three groups on the the study of transcription of non-words by basis of the teaching methods of reading and French-speaking children Pacton, Fayol and writing they applied. Children were divided Perruchet, It 56 children average age 5. Between the tests, in groups positively influenced how children one group G1 discussed graphophonetic re- understood functions of written language, its lationships of fricatives and another group G2 relationship to oral language, as well as their of stops, while the control group intervention early writing abilities.

Both experimental influence of linguistic and instruction fac- groups made significant progress with writing tors on writing competence of French first- compared with the control group, however, -graders average age 6. Two teaching without significant difference between the re- methods were analysed: an integrated and sults of the experimental groups.

Both groups a code-oriented approach in two countries could correctly write the phonemes discussed France and Quebec, Canada. The code- and not discussed in the initial and final posi- -oriented approach was described as meth- tions.

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by Charles A. Perfetti (Editor), Laurence Rieben (Editor), Michel Fayol (Editor) & 0 more. This distinctive cross-linguistic examination of spelling examines the cognitive processes that underlie spelling and the process of learning how to spell. Framing the specific research on. This across-language review of spelling examines the cognitive processes that underlie spelling and the process of learning how to spell. The chapters report.

Group G1 achieved significantly better odological teaching, based on prepared texts results in phonetisation of the discussed frica- and the previously established programme tive phonemes in the initial position than in the explaining the precise relationships between final position, while group G2 correctly wrote sounds and letters. The contrasting integrat- sounds in both positions. Children had to write such correlation. The results also confirmed eight words belonging to one semantic field the value of the interventions to child develop- names of animals , differing in linguistic fea- ment of early writing, helping them to under- tures such as: number of phonemes, syllabic stand the principles of writing and stimulate structure, phonemic polyvalence, complexity their phonetisation ability, including writing of graphemes or the presence of silent letters.

A preliminary diagnostic test reflect on language structure and to look for compared initial abilities of the participants suitable methods of representing the rela- and 56 preschool children, whose abilities tionships between grapheme and phoneme, were comparable and who were chosen for whereas errors in writing are conditioned by further tests. They were divided into three problems caused by phonological segmenta- groups with different approaches for in- tion and categorisation of heard sounds.

All appropriate pre-emptive measures and ef- children participated in 16 training sessions fective help with the mother tongue system. The guistic and cognitive conditionings of their findings clearly indicated that children in the attempts allow better understanding of how invented spelling group learnt to read more these young children acquire the principles words than children in the other groups.

As of writing and think about the functions and expected, the children in groups practic- nature of written language. Together with ing phoneme segmentation and invented phonological awareness and knowledge of spelling performed better in tasks assessing letters, invented spelling is a significant fac- phonological awareness than children in the tor predicting future literacy skills.

Teachers storytelling group. More importantly, in the can monitor development at this early stage, two first groups an increase in phonological support those who have not yet encountered awareness was observed with the invented writing and show signs of delay, intervening spelling group showing a significant im- using tools suitable for children at risk of provement in reading and writing abilities. The results confirmed that invented spelling Reading and writing are basic to deter- facilitated introduction to writing and appro- mining future success in school.

Any defi- priate assistance from the teacher, ensuring cit will have major repercussions on career feedback during experiment with writing, prospects.

Language Learning Theories

Modern communication technol- helped to develop early literacy, creating the ogy not only facilitates communication with right conditions for discovering the relation- writing, but also places literacy in a vital role. Literature Conclusions Awramiuk, E. The analysis basis for initial learning to read and write in Polish]. Bogdanowicz, M.

Spelling tic and orthographical and morphological development and disability: the importance of rules of a given language by preschoolers. Language, Speech and Hearing Invented spelling helps a child to understand Services in Schools, 32 3 , — Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Szkolne skills]. Krasowicz-Kupis ed.

Nauka czytania i pisania lexia.

The main problems] pp. Warszawa: Wydaw- Krasowicz-Kupis, G. Teoria i praktyka [The develop- Caravolas, M. Theory and The foundations of spelling ability: evidence from practice]. Journal of Memory and Lehtonen, A.