Their Lips Talk of Mischief

Their Lips Talk of Mischief
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A complete edition of John James Audubon's world famous The Birds of America, bound in linen and beautifully presented in a special slipcase. Warner is at pains to point out that not all Scottish writers favour a break from the UK. He mentions Allan Massie as a demurring voice. Others, worse perhaps, have yet to plump for one side or another, or are "sitting on the fence with sore balls," as Warner has it.

As Scotland undergoes a period of heightened self-examination, so too does Warner.

Their Lips Talk of Mischief : Alan Warner :

Once a young, heavy boozy writer in London himself, Warner loots the past for inspiration. Asked about his preference for young protagonists, he chalks it up to the drama of youth. He is, he confesses, a "drama queen novelist, looking for drama. Thriving on cannily delivered anecdotes, Warner recalls a conversation with boys outside a head shop.

They ask him to buy some legal highs on their behalf.

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But it's not just a menage a trois, for Aoife's friend Abby is also a model, and closely 'intertwined' with them. They make an unlikely foursome living through a grimy, plummeting early-to-mid 80s. The miners' strike runs down and is crushed at the start, and the book ends around the time of the Brighton bomb just failing to kill Margaret Thatcher.

Not long then. A drink and drug dream and fug they live in, money - what little there is - spent on booze rather than food, smoky pubs, spirits and Guinness, cannabis, and one memorable, hilarious acid trip, where Llewellyn has a religious conversion under a neon Lucozade sign. They're on their way to Harmondsworth when this happens, to find out why Penguin located there, and why their non existent masterpieces are not on the Penguin Classics list. Both awed by Aoife's beauty which shines and burns through the pages.

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I hope. Character Of Wicked Evil Devices. In a sense, the title is ironic — in the case of strict morality, we are all modern sinners and evil-doers. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Back in the flat, Llewellyn has a baby with his wonderfully beautiful girlfriend, Aoife. It is when friendships are tested that the truth of their nature begins to emerge. Copyright Knowing-Jesus.

Anyway despite a few puzzles, and for the marvellous indulgences and set pieces the registry office marriage, followed by the restaurant meal where they all do a runner in their wedding finery ; for all its gorgeousness, I love it. Feb 25, Julia rated it liked it. At times I thought the book suffered for trying to be too clever, and the characters too literary, but there are far worse things a book can be.

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The opening chapter is absolutely brilliant. Again, when Warner is good, he is very, very good. And his considerable skill infuses the entire book with richly evocative descriptions and characters for whom you feel a real tenderness. This book really took hold of me. I was awake until the early hours, unable to stop reading.

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The setting was well-drawn and very familiar. It is London with no money in I was young and impoverished and well-read in a tiny flat in London in , then a student, and a few years later signing on and drinking too much, then on benefits with a baby less than 10 years after The characters and story are realistic and beautiful and funny and sad in many ways. It's a story I've never read before. The yearnings and tensions and excitements between the characters are palpable and I got very involved.

Llewelyn is one of those great, memorable central characters. The ending is just right. I definitely recommend this book for an absorbing, involving, interesting read. Jul 05, Lorraine rated it did not like it Shelves: unfinished. I really didn't like this book - the characters were, as others have said, pretentious.

I hate giving up on books halfway through, but sad too say I couldn't even manage halfway with this one, I really just couldn't motivate myself to read any further. However, it has at leas prompted me to add another shelf - unfinished - where it will languish, and i hope it is some time before I need to add more books to that particular shelf. View 2 comments.

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Sep 15, Steven Pilling rated it really liked it. Close to a 5 if i am being honest. What i like about Warner is he has this ability to create bottle worlds which his characters inhabit. I sort of imagine Martin Amis would love to be able to write like this , it feels effortless its transgressive and yet you can understand it. The book goes at an amazing pace, plot is not sacrificed and yet it is a literary novel.

My views changed throughout the novel the sex is actually readable and again that is so hard to do. Sep 15, Anthony rated it it was amazing.

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In Thatcher's Britain, two aspiring writers quench their thirst while chasing their dreams (and the same girl). For their heart studieth destruction, and their lips talk of mischief." The reader is thus put on notice that at least one of the novel's central.

Mar 24, Jim Scobbie rated it did not like it. I think that will be me not reading any more by Alan Warner unless I read a few reviews that really appeal to me, and no bad ones that lift the lid. So far, the good reviews still look fairly appealing.

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Here is a bad one, to help others like me I don't like books or films about slackers, particularly arty male drunk slackers barring Withnail and I. While the subject matter put me off from before the start, there was no plot, or what was there rarely picked up, the characters were from cent I think that will be me not reading any more by Alan Warner unless I read a few reviews that really appeal to me, and no bad ones that lift the lid. While the subject matter put me off from before the start, there was no plot, or what was there rarely picked up, the characters were from central casting, the female characters never arrived with any convincingness at all, and I felt really, REALLY let down by the end.

Jun 12, Sara Cox rated it did not like it. I've never given up on a book until now. This was difficult to read and came across as so pretentious. I only managed 40 pages. It had a few times where characters were quoting literature and I feel that unless you've read all the referenced works these are lost on you. I've also been in conversations where people have conversations by bouncing films quotes of each other and it is a really annoying conversation to listen to.

Their Lips Talk of Mischief by Alan Warner, review: 'dark satire'

This book just mirrored this for me. Jan 20, Claudia - rated it really liked it. A Welshman, a Scotsman and an Irishwoman… Two brilliant young slackers who dream of writing the perfect novel, but instead while away their time in the pub, At home theres a Celtic love triangle and the life of shabby bohemians. Sep 28, Denni rated it liked it. I always enjoy Alan Warner's books. Don't want to say too much but, despite describing a very different set of circumstances and a different environment, the book has for me, anyway some very Withnail and I elements which was not a problem for me.

I was going to say something about how it ends but I won't as that would be a spoiler other than to say it was unexpected. Sep 16, Chris rated it liked it. Within six pages Warner has first-person protagonist Douglas Cunningham introduce himself to antagonist Llewellyn Smith. Already we know Cunningham is a lapsed English Lit student and soon learn Smith is recovering from heart surgery, quotes James Joyce and regards Dylan Thomas as a role model. Such a clear world-to-be-inhabited in this book: a tragedy in the classic sense.

The microcosm of life that Douglas, Lou and Aoife inhabit - through every stage of their muddled relationship - is perfect in its separation from the world. You forgive each of them for not being perfect, just as they forgive one another. Nov 18, Brit McCarthy rated it liked it Shelves: arcs-and-first-reads , reads.

Their Lips Talk of Mischief

This did not alter my review in any way. They are very easy to dislike. To start with I was okay with this. The writing was really good and I was enjoying disliking them. But unfortunately by the time I was halfway through I felt pretty done with it. By the time the inevitable happened, which I could see coming a mile off, I was quite disinterested in the rest of the book and could put it down for a couple of days without thinking about it.

But they do sound like idealistic twenty-one year olds, not that I know much about what life was like in England in the 80s. I recognise their self-entitlement in some of the people I know, so Warner got that spot on.