Lectures on linear algebra

Matrix Algebra for Engineers
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Solving the apples and bananas problem: Gaussian elimination 8m. Going from Gaussian elimination to finding the inverse matrix 8m.

Matrix Algebra for Engineers

Determinants and inverses 10m. Summary 59s. Quiz 2 practice exercises. Using matrices to make transformations 12m. Solving linear equations using the inverse matrix 16m. Video 6 videos. Introduction: Einstein summation convention and the symmetry of the dot product 9m. Matrices changing basis 11m. Doing a transformation in a changed basis 4m. Orthogonal matrices 6m.

The Gram—Schmidt process 6m. Example: Reflecting in a plane 14m.

Welcome to the 18.06 linear algebra front page!

Non-square matrix multiplication 20m. Example: Using non-square matrices to do a projection 12m.

Show More. Video 9 videos. Welcome to module 5 52s.

A First Course in Linear Algebra (A Free Textbook)

What are eigenvalues and eigenvectors? Special eigen-cases 3m. Calculating eigenvectors 10m. Changing to the eigenbasis 5m. Eigenbasis example 7m. Introduction to PageRank 8m. Wrap up of this linear algebra course 1m. Reading 1 reading. Did you like the course? Let us know! Selecting eigenvectors by inspection 20m. Characteristic polynomials, eigenvalues and eigenvectors 30m. Diagonalisation and applications 20m. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors 25m. Career direction. Career Benefit.

Linear Algebra: 2018-12222

Samuel J. About Imperial College London Imperial College London is a world top ten university with an international reputation for excellence in science, engineering, medicine and business. Imperial is a multidisciplinary space for education, research, translation and commercialisation, harnessing science and innovation to tackle global challenges. Our online courses are designed to promote interactivity, learning and the development of core skills, through the use of cutting-edge digital technology.

About the Mathematics for Machine Learning Specialization. This specialization aims to bridge that gap, getting you up to speed in the underlying mathematics, building an intuitive understanding, and relating it to Machine Learning and Data Science. In the first course on Linear Algebra we look at what linear algebra is and how it relates to data. Then we look through what vectors and matrices are and how to work with them. The second course, Multivariate Calculus, builds on this to look at how to optimize fitting functions to get good fits to data.

Overall, the text is very easy to navigate and visually attractive. This book contains all of the material that would generally be covered in a Freshman or Sophomore Linear Algebra course. The section on vectors is quite extensive, and would be excellent to use in a Freshman course that needed to introduce vectors The section on vectors is quite extensive, and would be excellent to use in a Freshman course that needed to introduce vectors very early for use in Engineering courses.

On the other hand, the sections on Linear Transformations and Eigenvalues are exactly what I would want to see in a Sophomore course that was designed more for mathematicians. The section on abstract vector spaces I find somewhat deficient for a more theoretical course. The content is fully accurate.

The theorems and proofs that are provided in each section are presented with precision, and yet easy to read. The fundamental courses of mathematics are not generally given to change, but Linear Algebra perhaps more than the rest does need to keep itself updated with the rapidly changing field of Numerical Analysis. I think that Kuttler has done an excellent job of keeping up with the current methods, but has not written in such a way as to make the text dependent on any particular numerical methods that are in vogue. I like very much the style of writing and even the formatting of headers and content titles.

I found it very readable and easy to find what I was looking for. I did not detect any inconsistency in the way that the material was presented. The only thing that might be considered an inconsistency is that Subspaces and presented in the text prior to vector spaces. It is somewhat unnatural to define the subspace of something that is not defined as yet, but sadly it has become somewhat commonplace to do things in this way.

The sections of the book are easily adaptable. I did like the fact that the section on vector spaces was written in a way to be included earlier if desired. Other than this issue with the section on vector spaces, I found the organization and flow of topics to be quite natural.

Each topic comes in its proper place, but not in such a way as to detract from its adaptability. I like the way that sections and headings and theorems all are very descriptive, but also numbered, so that they can be easily found. Exercises are provided at the end of each major section, and I found them to be ample both in quantity and in terms of the level of difficulty.

In my experience, text book works extremely well with the learning outcomes defined by my institution for entry level linear algebra course. For my students, textbook provides a foundation for the course. Techniques to solve the problems are easy Techniques to solve the problems are easy to follow and build upon as the topics gets harder.

Text stays consistent throughout with definitions, solutions and responses. Students get used to the pattern of solving the problems. Text book can be taught using sections and subsections without creating much confusion. Few chapters that are interconnected may need extra care to rearrange since students would need to have some basic understand of the concept. Math has a great flexibility when it comes to being culturally relevant. An inclusion of socially conscious everyday problems may help students with the following question- when would I use this math in real life.

The book includes all the topics we require in our introductory linear algebra course. The content is up-to-date and includes applications that are relevant to many of the students' future plans.

  1. A First Course in Linear Algebra - Open Textbook Library.
  2. Seminaire dAlgebre Paul Dubreil et Marie-Paule Malliavin.
  3. Read this book.
  4. Donate to arXiv.

I found no grammatical errors, but a typo on p. I plan to propose that we adopt this text as our required text for our introductory linear algebra course. Then the following sentence is true. I find the title of Cor.

Vectors are objects that move around space

This text covers all the material an instructor could want to include in an introductory Linear Algebra course. The first three chapters Systems of Equations, Matrices, and Determinants are standard in any introductory Linear Algebra course, The first three chapters Systems of Equations, Matrices, and Determinants are standard in any introductory Linear Algebra course, but the content of the remainder of such courses varies quite a bit.

Course summary

It truly shows. I am very happy. The course features a careful treatment of polynomial spaces, with applications to Stirling numbers and cubic splines. Thanks Mr Strang. We describe the Gaussian elimination algorithm used to solve systems of linear equations and the corresponding LU decomposition of a matrix. Class Central is learner-supported. Thaks to MIT for providing this great professor lecture.

The subsequent chapters of this book are each pretty well self-contained, so it would be pretty easy to adapt the content to a particular curriculum. There is no glossary, and the index, while short, seems to be comprehensive. The book is over pages, so I have not proof-read the entire book.

However, a few hours of reading revealed no errors or inaccuracies. It is clear the author took great care with the presentation of the material, so I didn't expect there to be a significant number of errors. The material is so fundamental in mathematics, and this book covers all the important topics.

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  • Account Options.
  • A First Course in Linear Algebra.
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  • Video Lectures | Linear Algebra | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare.

The clarity of the writing is what I find most appealing about this book. The proofs are all included and easy to read. This book would be suitable for students' first exposure to proofs. There are also plenty of thorough examples.

Lec 01 - Linear Algebra - Princeton University

Terminology is always an issue with students in this subject, but the author has used a color scheme to identify definition boxes in the text and differentiate them from examples, theorems, etc. Linear Algebra texts often suffer from aggressive detail paid to procedure and computation. This book includes a lot of prose to motivate technical procedures.

While it increases the length of the text, it is done very well. Branch: master New pull request. Find File. Download ZIP.

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