Barack Obamas Secrets to Success

The secrets of Obama's success
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Maybe some of these people were working every weekend, or taking a shift every Tuesday night after work -- everybody had their own stories. And the campaign was pretty hands-off at these dinners: We didn't interrupt the conversation to get a better angle with the camera and it was off the record. They could ask the president anything they wanted. It was really effective for fundraising, and a lot of people asked: "Isn't this really gimmicky?

How many contests are we going to do? I doubt any of the winners would tell you it was too much of a gimmick. A: We knew it worked, sometimes with dramatic effect. But even without dramatic effect, it was worth our time. Let's say you're testing a new web page and you see a 2 percent increase in conversions.

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Two percent adds up to a lot of money over time -- in our case, to millions and millions of dollars. So we saw the benefit of testing day-to-day as well. We tested things we could use over and over again. We also tested things that we knew would only work once.

We spent a lot of time on email tests and, in particular, subject lines. We found a winner from that group and it was a runaway success. If we had sent any other message, we would have left hundreds of thousands of dollars on the table. That kind of optimization is a make-or-break part of your program. Q: Establishing a unified voice for the president and his campaign can't be easy. How did you manage it? A: We did a lot of training on what kind of tone and voice we wanted to achieve.

Much of it was, "Just be authentic -- just be real. We did a lot of crazy things, but we also had to build trust with our communications shop, our press shop and our senior staff.

This one quote reveals the secret to the Obamas' extraordinary 25 years together

We had a lot of people supporting what we did and who allowed us to be creative and to not just stick to the talking points. Instead, we were giving them the resources they needed to tell the story themselves. A: It's always a small percentage that you are actually able to move.

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We started with the assumption that these people were with us, that they were supporters. The biggest drivers of getting people to move were actual big moments in the campaign. That part gets left out a lot: there are real moments when even the most cynical or least-engaged people are moved to act. Whether that was the debates or the conventions or just something the other guy said, there were moments where people rallied around the cause. That drove a lot of people to take the first step in supporting the president in Eric Shinseki was confirmed by the U.

By Jennifer Robison

Dec 11, Barack Obama is about to be tested as never before. But things haven't exactly been easy for him up to now. If George W. Bush was born on. Aug 2, Barack Hussein Obama II was born in in Hawaii. His father was from Kenya and his mother was from Kansas, USA. When his parents.

Senate on a voice vote and assumed the office of Secretary of Veterans Affairs on January 20, On June 29, , it was reported that U. Janet Napolitano was confirmed by the U. Senate on a voice vote and assumed the office of Secretary of Homeland Security on January 21, Secretary of State Jan Brewer became the governor of Arizona, as the state does not have a lieutenant governor.

2. Have a strong point of view

On July 12, Napolitano announced she was resigning to take a position as President of the University of California. The below is a list of confirmations that were approved through the Senate from January to April , by a recorded roll-call vote , rather than by a voice vote.

Notes: All dates are in For later votes, see the table below. President Obama has included members of his cabinet that are not traditionally considered members of the Cabinet.

He resigned his congressional seat effective January 2, Some Republican leaders criticized Rahm Emanuel 's appointment because they believed it went against Obama's promises to make politics less divisive, given Emanuel's reputation as a partisan Democrat. He's tough but fair — honest, direct and candid. Ira Forman, executive director of the National Jewish Democratic Council , said that the choice indicates that Obama will not listen to the wrong people regarding the U. Some commentators opined that Emanuel would be good for the Israeli—Palestinian peace process because if Israeli leaders make excuses for not dismantling settlements, Emanuel will be tough and pressure the Israelis to comply.

Emanuel left office on October 1, , to be replaced on an interim basis by Pete Rouse , and was elected Mayor of Chicago the following February. William M.

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Lew took office on January 27, , but he, too, left the job a year later on January 25, when he was nominated to be Secretary of the Treasury see above. Orszag would be his nominee for director of the Office of Management and Budget , the arm of the White House responsible for crafting the federal budget and overseeing the effectiveness of federal programs. Orszag resigned, effective from July 30, Senate confirmed Burwell 96—0. Ambassador to the United Nations , [66] [83] a position which he also upgraded to cabinet level.

Rice was confirmed by the Senate by voice vote on January 22, Jackson as the nominee for Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Senate on January 23, Lisa Jackson decided not to stay for Obama's second term. However, Sen. Roy Blunt R-Mo. The Senate ultimately confirmed McCarthy on a 59—40 vote. Although there was speculation that Ron Kirk would be appointed Secretary of Transportation by President Obama, he was given the position of Trade Representative. On January 22, , Kirk announced that he would be stepping down as U. Trade Rep.

On May 2, , President Obama announced the nomination of deputy national security adviser for international economics Michael Froman as Trade Representative.

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Senate in a 93 to 4 vote. After her nomination and before the Obama administration took office, Romer was tasked with co-authoring the administration's plan to recover from the recession. With economist Jared Bernstein , Romer co-authored Obama's plan for economic recovery. In a video presentation, [] she discussed details of the job-creation package that the Obama administration submitted to Congress.

Romer resigned in September to return to positions in academia. Austan Goolsbee was designated chair of the Council on September 10, succeeding Christina Romer. On June 6, , Goolsbee announced that he would return to the University of Chicago, claiming that the economy was "a million miles from where it started". Goolsbee's resignation became effective August 5, On August 29, , Alan Krueger was nominated by Obama to be chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, [] [] and on November 3, , the Senate unanimously confirmed his nomination.

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As Krueger had to return to Princeton University in the fall of or face the prospect of losing tenure, he chose to resign as Chair. Karen Mills was nominated by President-elect Barack Obama on December 19, , confirmed unanimously by the Senate on April 2, , and sworn in on April 6, Tom Coburn , M. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Main article: Democratic Party United States vice presidential candidates, Joe Biden 's Office of the Vice President.

See also: Unsuccessful nominations to the Cabinet of the United States. See also: Illinois's 5th congressional district special election, The New Yorker. Retrieved November 24, June 23, Retrieved August 23, The Washington Post. Retrieved August 24, The New York Times.

By James Harkin

One of the real goals of the book is to take Barack Obama and make him a three-dimensional, living, breathing, talking person who is quoted not just at the head of the situation room table, but in the presidential limousine, and backstage, and when he's relaxing at the end of the day. Obama had chosen 54 of these judges. Bush Bill Clinton George W. What was your relationships like with Barack Obama? Howell reported in a study, spurred previously reform-averse states to adopt measures such as testing teacher effectiveness and allowing charter schools. Obama's press secretary, Robert Gibbs, resigned in February and was replaced by Jay Carney, a journalist who had served as Vice President Biden's director of communications. Donald Trump lashes out at Barack Obama for condemning leaders who 'normalize racist sentiments' in wake of mass shootings saying 'I am the least racist person' and retweeting: 'Did George Bush condemn Obama?

August 25, The New Republic.