Building Web Applications with Flask

A Template for Creating a Full Stack Web Application with Flask, NPM, Webpack, and Reactjs
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The following corrections apply to the first and second releases of the first edition of the book. If you have something else to report please contact the author at flaskbookfeedback gmail. The following corrections apply only to the first release of the first edition of the book, and were corrected in the second release.

Create the project

We are creating an instance of the Flask class and calling it app. Here we are creating a new web application. Line 5: It represents the default. n this blog, I am going to take you through a step by step guided tutorial on How to build a ToDo List App using Flask? We are not just going to.

This video tutorial uses use short and simple examples to help beginning Python developers explore the features of Flask and some of its extensions. By the end of the class unit testing and application deployment are also explored. The approximate duration of this course is 4 hours and 17 minutes. The first two chapters are available to watch for free at oreilly. Example Code This course features a variety of example projects that demonstrate specific features of the Flask framework or its related extensions.

You are welcome to browse through the source code.

Installing Flask

But in general, the React community has adopted webpack as the preferred tool for this job. Installing Webpack : Webpack can be installed through npm. Install it globally using npm install -g webpack or add it as dependency in your project with npm install — save-dev webpack. In this project, we will add webpack as dependency. The package. The init command will ask you a series of questions regarding your project such as project name, description, information about the author, etc.

With a package. However, webpack has a lot of different and advance options and allows for the usage of loaders and plugins to apply transformation on the loaded modules. Although its possible to use webpack with all options from the command line as above, the process tends to get slow and error-prone. A better approach is to define a configuration file — a simple JavaScript module where you can put all information relating to your build.

It must reference the entry file and the destination for the bundled file as shown below:. The bundle. Add Run Command : To make the development process more fluid, we will add some few run commands build, dev-build, and watch to the package. Build is used for production builds, and dev-build for non-minified builds. Watch is similar to dev-build , with the added benefit that it monitors your project files.

Any changed files will be automatically rebuilt, and refreshing your browser will show the changes you just made. Your package. You may notice some variables with my personal information like url , author and homepage. You may want to change it to your own personal information. Generating source maps : One of the most important and used configurations for webpack is Source Maps. It becomes very challenging to locate exactly where the code you are trying to debug maps to your original authored code. This is where Source Maps comes in — A source map provides a way of mapping code within a bundled file back to its original source file, making the code readable and easier to debug in the browser.

To configure Webpack to generate source maps that points to the original files, we use the devtool setting. Though it comes with some disadvantages, we will use it only on development mode.

Flask and Flask-RESTPlus

With PyCharm, it is quite straightforward. In this tutorial you will not only build your own website; you will also deploy the website in a live server. Select Flask in the New Project dialog. Any changed files will be automatically rebuilt, and refreshing your browser will show the changes you just made. But flask calls click, and it seems to have some Unicode issue with Python 3. Enter your email address and we'll send a download link to your desktop. The following exercises consists of searching for a Twitter user in our web application that will consume our API.

There are even faster options for devtool. Loaders : One of the most exciting features of Webpack are loaders. Through the use of loaders, webpack can preprocess the source files through external scripts and tools as it loads them to apply all kinds of changes and transformations. Loader configuration setting includes:.

Continue below to see how to install and configure babel.

Babel is a platform for JavaScript compilation and tooling. It let you;. Though babel is a stand alone tool, we will use it in this project as a loader since it pairs very well with Webpack. Babel is distributed in different npm modules. Now that we have installed babel, we can enable our project to use ES6 modules and syntax, as well as JSX by adding as presets in the webpack.

However, many developers opt to create a separate babel resource configuration-namely, a. The only babel-specific configuration we have in place so far is the presents definition-which may not justify the creation of a babel-specific configuration file. But since additional webpack and babel features will be added with time, we are better off using babel configuration file. Create a. Babel will look for a.

Flask Development - Python Project - Build An App with Python and Flask - Jose Salvatierra

If one does not exist, it will travel up the directory tree until it finds either a. You can read more from the official website. Flask offers an exciting, flexible, simple, and fine-grained control over the web app process. It executes bare-bones coding and makes use of other add-ons made automatically or via the developer. Flask is easier to learn and implement, hence offers a good starting point for learners. Below are the impressive features to benefit from using flask in your web application framework:. From blog applications to make a replica of Facebook, practically everything is conceivable with Flask.

Flask offers several libraries like flask-google-maps, flask-sockets, and more which allow embedding numerous features in your web app. The Website models or types to consider under flask includes:. Dedicating more time to this platform can get you a fantastic career in the long run.

Quickstart: Create your first Python web app using Visual Studio

Hopefully, you are feeling motivated enough to take the next step forward! Before installing flask, a basic knowledge of Python is required to aid the process. Still learning Python? You can refer to Python Documentation here. And Flask should be installed! Some packages like Jinja, MarkupSafe, Werkzeug, and more are added during the installation process.

You can verify the installation by running the following single line command in the Python environment. If it successfully runs without any error, you are right and ready for the next PART! But if you are faced with any challenge, feel free to try again or ask questions in the comment.

Flask Configuration

I would be glad to assist you on this fantastic trip. Flask is terrific and most feature-rich Python microframework available today. It comes with exceptional benefits and extensive documentation to make your first website experience an amazing one. With Flask, every new website gets lots of features and vast extension facility to keep them relevant.

I am glad to be helping you through this journey and would love to get feedback, ideas, and question about the project.