Geometrical and Algebraic Aspects of Nonlinear Field Theory

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Workshop on Higher Structures in Geometry and Physics. With an eye towards the use and need for higher structures, this workshop will bring together experts in algebraic geometry, symplectic geometry, and theoretical physics to focus on common areas interacting with HMS. Potential topics are Bershadsky--Cecotti--Ooguri--Vafa theory, shifted symplectic structures, higher Donaldson-Thomas invariants, and symplectic duality, in relation to HMS.

We look forward to seeing you in the Conference, and we invite you to present a talk based on your research work. Spectral and Scattering Theory and Related Topics. Supergeometry, supersymmetry and quantization. The conference will bring researchers across both the fields of mathematics and physics together in order to discuss recently developed topics, on-going work and speculative new ideas within supergeometry and its applications in physics.

This event offers a unique opportunity to unite physicists and mathematicians who share a common interest in supermathematics. There will be enough time available for discussions between the participants and there will be a poster session. Supermanifolds and their generalizations e.

Geometrical and Algebraic Aspects of Nonlinear Field Theory

Representation theory is the study of the basic symmetries of mathematics and physics. Recently, it has known some spectacular developments, thanks to the introduction of new technics such as categorical representations or parity sheaves. The continued development of the subject has motivated a trimester in representation theory at the IHP that will take place in from January to March. This program will begin with an introductory conference. It will consist of 6 mini-courses on the main topics categorifications and quantum groups, quiver varieties, character varieties, geometric representation theory.

It is devoted to younger researchers, but also to senior ones in order to promote the discussions between young mathematicians and seniors. Operator Theory, Analysis and Mathematical Physics. The main aim of the conference is to bring together leading experts and young promising researchers from all over the world working on mathematical problems within the framework of mathematical physics. The idea is to facilitate exchange of ideas, and develop future and already existing collaborations.

Integrable Systems, Frobenius Manifolds and Nonlinear Waves | Mathematics Area - SISSA

Geometry from the Quantum. A complete understanding of quantum gravity, as it pertains to our universe, remains one of the biggest challenges in theoretical physics. As our observational constraints on the early universe and black hole physics improve, this theoretical challenge has become even more urgent. This conference aims to explore the latest developments in quantum gravity and string theory, ranging from ideas motivated from holographic dualities to new results developing the landscape of string theory vacua.

This is the 9th in series of international conference focussing on aspects of quantum walks and quantum simulation. Quantum simulation has recently established itself as an area of study in quantum physics that merges fundamental and applied questions. Such an interaction results in a more operational understanding of aspects of quantum mechanics in terms of nature description.

The idea to simulate the dynamics of a quantum system by a quantum device was first introduced by Richard Feynman and developed in different frameworks, from mathematics to Computer Science and fundamental physics. Coming to Melbourne, Australia January , the 10th International Conference on Spontaneous Coherence in Excitonic Systems ICSCE10 aims to bring together the community of researchers studying quantum collective phenomena in various kinds of electronic excitations in solids, and related phenomena in other physical systems. Interlayer and indirect excitons, 2.

Novel materials organics, perovskites, 2D monolayers , 3. Exciton-polaritons, 4.

String topology coproduct: geometric and algebraic aspects - Manuel Rivera

Quantum dots, 5. Ultrastrong coupling, 6. Spontaneous coherence in cold atomic, plasmonic, and other systems. This conference will bring together experts in cosmology, particle physics, and fundamental theory to address how and when the universe thermalizes following inflation, and the associated particle physics and dark matter phenomenology. Important topics that will be covered include hidden sector model building in the LHC era, thermalization of the universe following inflation, possibilities of post-inflation cosmic history prior to nucleosynthesis, and associated experimental signatures.

The conference aims to attract researchers in different areas to develop new directions in model building and establish new experimental paths for probing early universe cosmology and dark matter phenomenology. This three-day workshop is intended to bring together young and more experienced researchers working in the fields of symplectic geometry, contact geometry, and Floer theory.

Significant developments in the spectral analysis of non-self-adjoint operators since the turn of the millennium include the explicit construction of well-localised almost-eigenvectors, the systematisation of the notion of pseudospectra and the rigorous setting of unbounded solvers for evolution problems.

At the same time, a deep understanding of complicated physical phenomena such as cloaking in metamaterials, turbulence and explosive behaviour, has been achieved by means of close examination of the underlying non-self-adjoint operators. These developments involve combining techniques from diverse disciplines and in recent years groups who had been working on similar problems from different perspectives, often using different terminology, have been unaware of each other.

Active Matter at the Frontier. Active matter is a class of non-equilibrium, many-body systems that consist of individual energy-transducing components. The collective dynamics of such active entities underlies phenomena on scales from the molecular to the macroscopic, and it includes both living and non-living systems. The field of active matter focuses on understanding how the collective behaviors of internally driven components can give rise to patterns of motion and stress on large scales.

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While active matter systems violate detailed balance at the molecular scale, it remains unclear how such non-equilibrium dynamics manifests itself and can be quantified at meso- and macroscopic scales. In particular, it is interesting to investigate, given a particular set of microscopic elementary units, what range of possible macroscopic patterns, structures, dynamics and functionalities can be realized.

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The conference will bring together experimental and theoretical researchers from a broad range of disciplines to discuss recent advances that have transformed active matter into a rapidly growing field that spans diverse disciplines, ranging from physics to biology, to materials science and engineering. Complex Systems, Chaos and Self-Organisation. This conference will synthesize recent observational discoveries of massive star clusters in nearby galaxies and the high-redshift universe. It will connect the observations to theoretical modeling of galaxy formation on large scales and star formation on small scales.

The topics for discussion will include the efficiency of star cluster formation as a function of environment, and the origins of the cluster age and metallicity distributions. The meeting will aim to highlight the similarities and differences in star formation in low-redshift and high-redshift galaxies. Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology. Chromosomes: Organization, Function and Dynamics.

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Continuing rapid development in the field of chromatin biology has lately attracted enormous interest among biologists, physicists and mathematicians. Recently, the static structure of the folded genome inside the cell nucleus has been determined with increasingly high resolution. Studies of the roles of these features in gene regulation and other biological processes are currently ongoing.

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In particular we prove the existence of the E-product and we discuss both its properties and the renormalization ambiguities in the underlying procedure. Research in numbers. The construction of instantons in the s, to which we turn in more detail later, was an example of this: a problem derived from quantum physics but refined to one in conventional, but modern, differential geometry. Manin Globus Seminar September 13, Matiyasevich, B.

In addition, research on chromatin dynamics has shown that the genome moves in space and time, thus these structural features might be dynamic, too. Currently, it is not clear how to reconcile the static picture with the dynamic nature of the genome. Following the recent surge in activity on both the biology and physics fronts, this conference aims to provide a platform that would facilitate an interdisciplinary exchange, cultivate new ideas and identify new frontiers. The application of topology to physics has become an integral part of a second quantum revolution in the sciences.

The discovery of topological insulators and progress towards topological superconductors realizing non-abelian statistics has moved topological phases of matter onto the center stage in the interaction of topology and physics beyond the quantum Hall effect. While topological physics has been intensively investigated by physicists for the last few decades, the mathematical theory lags far behind.

Scientific Sections

Geometrical and Algebraic Aspects of Nonlinear Field Theory. A volume in North- Holland Delta Series. Book • Edited by: S. De Filippo, M. Marinaro. Purchase Geometrical and Algebraic Aspects of Nonlinear Field Theory - 1st Edition. Print Book & E-Book. ISBN ,

One challenge is formulating the right definition of topological phases of matter, which is closely related to the notoriously difficult problem of finding a rigorous mathematical formulation of quantum field theory. In this summer school, we will focus on two relatively mature foundational topics, and two new directions in the mathematics of topological phases of matter.

This conference will highlight the diverse applications of emerging spatio-temporal quantum control techniques as well as the novel theoretical and experimental tools being developed to advance these techniques. The implications of many-body quantum control are far-reaching: stabilizing entangled states, realizing new forms of topological order, enhanced precision measurements, guided quantum dynamics for computation, probing quantum chaos, etc.

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The goal of this conference will be to survey both recent experimental developments in both spatial and temporal control for analysis of many-body quantum optical systems, and recent theoretical progress, with the purpose of identifying fruitful future areas for exploration. Geometry, Mechanics, and Dynamics. Conference in Honor of the 70th Birthday of Tudor Ratiu. This conference contains contributions that give an overview of the current research in geometric mechanics. This scientific subject is simultaneously close to mathematics, physics, and engineering and its general philosophy consists in taking advantage of fruitful interactions between geometry on the one hand and dynamics and mechanics on the other.

This conference will be the occasion to celebrate the 70th birthday of Tudor Ratiu who over the years has made many fundamental contributions in the development of this field. Theoretical aspects of applied mathematical research on nonlinear waves and coherent structures are relevant to subjects as diverse as general relativity, high-energy particle and plasma physics, fluid and solid mechanics, nonlinear electrical circuits, Bose-Einstein condensation, nonlinear optics, random media, atmosphere and ocean dynamics, chemical reactions, and biology.

  1. Conference homepage.
  2. Metalworking fluids.
  3. Geometry and physics.

Geometric rigidity. Algebraic, differential and geometric topology. Topological quantum field theories. Algebraic and arithmetic groups. Non-commutative harmonic analysis. Geometric methods in representation theory.