European Values At The Turn Of The Millennium

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An unknown error has occurred. Please click the button below to reload the page. If the problem persists, please try again in a little while. No cover image. Read preview. Synopsis This volume deals with the values of the people in contemporary Europe. Using the survey data from the European Values Study, a number of basic values and the dynamics of value change are explored from an economic, political, social, and religious-moral point of view. Excerpt This book is the sixth volume in a series on European values published by Brill Academic Publishers.

As a result, entitlements were generally limited to those that have been mandated by applicable international, European, or domestic law.

ES 322.3 European and Asian Values Compared (GER) -Johannes Ch, Abdieva A, Arykbaeva D.

Some exceptions were further reduced at the political level. Functional values of bureaucratic efficiency and pragmatic political considerations converged to create the lowest common denominator. On the other hand, voices in civil society were raised to protest this approach, advocating that normative values that underpin international human rights law should serve as the interpretative context.


In light of this debate, this may be an appropriate rime for the international community to revisit the question of status for those not described in the Geneva Convention. Le tournant du millenaire a vu beaucoup de travail accompli dans le domaine de la protection des droits des refugies, debouchant sur les initiatives de l'UNHCR, Agenda pour la protection et Convention Plus.

En plus, en , l'Union Europeenne a lance un programme etale sur cinq ans et visant a developper un systeme europeen commun sur le droit d'asile comme mandate par le Traite d'Amsterdam. Le travail deja accompli par la Commission Europeenne visait a inscrire le droit d'asile dans les questions plus larges de l'immigration, de la securite aux frontieres et des relations exterieures.

Par consequent, les criteres d'admissibilite furent generalement limites a ceux deja mandates par les lois internationales, europeennes ou domestiques applicables. Certaines exceptions subirent une reduction supplementaire quand ils arriverent au niveau politique.

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Les valeurs fonctionnelles de l'efficacite bureaucratique se sont donc alliees a des considerations politiques pragmatiques pour produire le plus petit denominateur commun. D'autre part, des voix se sont elevees dans la societe civile pour protester contre cette approche, arguant que les normes qui sous-tendent le droit international en matiere de droits de la personne devraient servir de cadre interpretatif. She argues that it is not labour but work — a separate activity — that produces artefacts such as factory goods, art, books and other objects which allow us to orient ourselves in the world.

The Crisis of Contemporary Society and Transformation of Values at the Turn of the Millennium

Although the products of work do not last forever, they are durable and can outlive their maker. Although individuals are able to distinguish themselves through action, this process is futile without memory. Speech and deeds leave nothing behind.

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Their experience must be preserved by the saving power of remembrance. Storytelling is crucial because it preserves action temporally and allows its renown to spread. It is only after words and deeds have been situated within a plot that they can be passed on to future generations.

Politics and International Relations

Molecular Orbital Diagram HF. All branches of government within the EU not only must acknowledge the autonomy of the EU legal order, but have to assume their responsibilities in actively protecting and promoting the foundational common values. In a time of renewed populism and nationalism, it is all the more important to preserve the memory of totalitarianism and the dangerous contradictions of the nation-state that led Europe into two devastating world wars. The additional space made available was used to probe more deeply into key topics, particularly democratization and global change. This volume builds upon the findings of these surveys and analyzes value change in a number of key countries around the globe.

Arendt links storytelling to history, which preserves words and deeds for posterity. It thus offers human beings the chance to gain immortality as individuals. Although Arendt appreciates the importance of primary sources, she notes that they are quickly subsumed within the meaning-giving narratives.

Download European Values At The Turn Of The Millennium

It is the outsider who fuses accounts of individual events into meaningful stories by overlooking the narrow aims of the actors to concentrate on the meanings that participants in the events themselves cannot have comprehended. While storytelling makes remembrance tangible, it produces memories that depend on the fragility of oral retelling. In order to gain permanence in the world, memory must pass from action into the realm of work, of things.

Arendt argues that communities must fabricate memory through collective symbols. This highlights the importance of political community, which provides a safe haven from violence. By ensuring the safety of its members, it guarantees that witnesses will be present to testify to action and preserves action in the form of law. The memories preserved by the political community are sticky and difficult to change.

However, certain events are so violent, so disrupting and so consequential that they undermine existing narratives. While such ruptures present the opportunity to tell new narratives, they also threaten the capacity for remembrance upon which action itself depends. For Arendt, the paradigmatic example of rupture is totalitarianism.

The aspect of this political phenomenon — particularly in its National Socialist variant — that concerned Arendt most was its desire to destroy plurality. As human life is restricted and constrained, action and the public realm are subsumed by the unity of das Volk. The spontaneous natality of action is replaced by mechanistic conceptions of nature that have a past and a present, but no future.

Following the defeat of Nazism, Arendt believed that its survivors had to find a way to overcome this experience without forgetting its lessons. After she realized that the historical rupture caused by the experience of totalitarianism was an opportunity to reassert the power of natality. Arendt found just such an initiative in the postwar European movement. She endorsed integration as a solution to the European crisis.