Rapid Review of Small Exotic Animal Medicine & Husbandry

T.J. Lafeber Avian Practitioner of the Year
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Undetected location. NO YES. Rabbits: Health, Husbandry and Diseases. View on Wiley Online Library.

This is a dummy description. Rabbits are the third most popular pet in the world and the trend to keep them indoors will make the "house rabbit" the pet of the next century. Rabbit owners expect and deserve the same standard of veterinary care for their rabbits as they receive for their cats and dogs. Devoted entirely to the pet rabbit, this book is a practical and concise guide to health, husbandry and diseases. Cataracts are not uncommon in pet rabbits. Causes can be infection or metabolic, genetic, or degenerative diseases. Secondary lens-induced uveitis is not an uncommon sequela to long-standing cataracts in rabbits.

This can be seen in all breeds. In rabbits, steroids should be used with great caution and they are not recommended. Removal of the cataract to control the inflammation is not practical for most rabbits. Once the eye becomes inflamed from lensinduced uveitis, the likelihood of complications subsequent to cataract surgery increases dramatically.

It is important to determine if a primary cause of the cataracts is present e. Ocular antibiotics are used if there is an infectious component to this disease. A CBC, plasma biochemistry panel, and urinalysis are performed to rule out metabolic causes of cataract development. An ophthalmologic examination, including ocular pressure measurement, is needed to rule uveitis in or out.

Examination of the lens and anterior chamber is necessary to make a definitive diagnosis.


Both eyes have hypermature cataracts. The red appearance is from lens-induced uveitis. The leakage of lens protein initiates an autoimmune response that results in chronic inflammation of the uveal tract. The anterior chamber of the left eye is full of blood. This is technically called hyphema. It is likely that the severe inflammation in the left eye resulted in frank intraocular hemorrhage. The vessels of the chronically inflamed iris are so fragile that even minor trauma results in bleeding. Antiinflammatory medication and decreased leakage of lens material may eventually control the uveitis.

Cataracts may become hypermature and some sight may be restored. A two-year-old neutered male rabbit has these intermittent thick, pudding-like stools during the day The soft stools are produced daily along with normal-sized dry droppings.

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Poor diet leading to dysbiosis. Other causes of enteritis include bacterial, parasitic, and metabolic conditions.

The most important diagnostic test is the diet history. Normal hematology and biochemistry results, along with a positive history, rules in dietary related disease. Fecal floats and cultures can be performed. This predisposes the animal to abnormal cecal fermentation due to prolonged retention of digesta in the cecum. Low-fiber diets and those high in carbohydrates stimulate production of volatile fatty acids, resulting in pH alterations and ultimately changing the cecal microflora. This loss of intestinal homeostasis causes soft stools in the rabbit.

The soft stools are actually liquid cecal contents, which should be formed cecotropes that the rabbit would normally ingest. Other signs include obesity and GI ileus sometimes incorrectly identified as a gastric hairball. Simple sugars and starches provide an environment in which pathogens such as Escherichia coli and Clostridium species proliferate. The addition of dietary glucose causes the production of iota toxin by C.

Diets high in fiber seem to have a protective effect against enteritis. The beneficial effect is associated with the indigestible fiber component, lignocellulose.


Digestible fiber sources do not have this property. Fiber stimulates cecalcolonic motility. Other effects of fiber are indirect. High-fiber diets naturally have a lower carbohydrate concentration, which decreases the chance of carbohydrate overload enterotoxemia. Low-fiber diets are common in pet rabbits. Obesity and GI stasis are common presentations to veterinarians. Rabbits with soft stools are treated with supportive care and fed a diet high in fiber and hay. Adult pet rabbits should be offered a good quality grass hay marsh, orchard, timothy, or Bermuda ad libitum.

The protein and calcium content of alfalfa is greater than that required by an adult rabbit. Most adult nonbreeding rabbits can be maintained on unlimited grass hay and fresh herbage without pellets in their diet. Foods high in starch such as grain or refined sugar must not be fed.

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The breath has an acetone odor and several masses are palpable within the uterus. Analgesics are used post catheterization, as urethral spasm is common. Exot Pet Pract ; 3: Klenk Editor , M. We now have a clearer picture of the etiology of jaw abscesses; elongated, overgrowing premolar and molar tooth roots causing damage to the maxilla and mandible and allowing the cesspool of bacteria in the mouth to invade the bone. A 22 gauge needle attached to a 3 ml syringe is used for the jugular vein. Severe laryngospasm can also be a problem at light.

Excellent if the rabbit is not very debilitated. Fluids and assisted feeds are key to improvement. A three-year-old rabbit is acutely paralyzed in its hindlimbs. The paralysis occurred after the rabbit was handled by several small children.


The patient is alert and responsive, with normal mentation and normal appetite. The forelimbs have no neurologic abnormalities; the hindlimbs are bilaterally hyporeflexive and show no evidence of voluntary motion. The most likely cause is a traumatic vertebral fracture. Less likely, but necessary to consider, is a herniated disc. Another consideration would be acute aggravation of chronic pain associated with spondylosis with associated osteophytes, arthritis, discospondylitis, and metabolic disease.

All of these differentials are possible, but with acute paralysis the etiology is almost always trauma leading to vertebral fracture. A CBC, biochemistr y panel, and urinalysis should be performed to rule out metabolic disease. Radiographs will rule out bony disease. In this rabbit the lateral radiograph reveals a comminuted fracture visible in the fourth lumbar vertebrae, resulting in misalignment of the vertebral column caudal to the fracture The most likely diagnosis in a rabbit that is acutely paralyzed in the hindlimbs is a vertebral fracture, most likely in the lumbar vertebra.

Rabbits have extremely powerful hindlimbs and a poorly calcified vertebral column. If adequate control of the hindlimbs is not maintained during restraint, vertebral fractures or luxations can occur if the rabbit kicks and hyperextends the spine.

Exotic Small Mammal Care and Husbandry / Edition 1

Vertebral fractures are common in rabbits that are improperly handled. Some rabbits can exhibit improvement weeks to months later with supportive care including cage rest and antiinflammatory drugs. Each case should be evaluated individually.