Building Web Solutions with ASP.NET and ADO.NET

Building Web Solutions with ASP.Net and Ado.Net
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The database connection is no longer required. If the application has finished all operations on a database, then the database connection may no longer be required. Working with Various programming languages — As noted in an earlier section, a developer can develop an application in a variety of.

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Net programming languages. Language - The first level is the programming language itself, the most common ones are VB. Net and C. Compiler — There is a compiler which will be separate for each programming language. So underlying the VB. Net language, there will be a separate VB.

Net compiler. Similarly, for C , you will have another compiler. Common Language Interpreter — This is the final layer in. Net which would be used to run a.

So the subsequent compiler will send the program to the CLI layer to run the. Net application. Class Library The.

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NET Framework includes a set of standard class libraries. A class library is a collection of methods and functions that can be used for the core purpose. For example, there is a class library with methods to handle all file-level operations. So there is a method which can be used to read the text from a file. Similarly, there is a method to write text to a file. Most of the methods are split into either the System. We will learn these namespaces more in detail in the subsequent chapters. Languages The types of applications that can be built in the.

Net framework is classified broadly into the following categories. WinForms — This is used for developing Forms-based applications, which would run on an end user machine. Notepad is an example of a client-based application. Net — This is used for developing web-based applications, which are made to run on any browser such as Internet Explorer, Chrome or Firefox.

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The Web application would be processed on a server, which would have Internet Information Services Installed. The result of the execution is then sent to the client machines, and the output is shown in the browser. Microsoft always ensures that. Net frameworks are in compliance with all the supported Windows operating systems.

Net Framework Design Principle The following design principles of the. Net framework is what makes it very relevant to create. Net based applications. Interoperability - The. Net framework provides a lot of backward support. Suppose if you had an application built on an older version of the. Net framework, say 2. And if you tried to run the same application on a machine which had the higher version of the. Net framework, say 3. The application would still work. This is because with every release, Microsoft ensures that older framework versions gel well with the latest version.

Portability- Applications built on the. Net framework can be made to work on any Windows platform. And now in recent times, Microsoft is also envisioning to make Microsoft products work on other platforms, such as iOS and Linux. Security - The.

NET Framework has a good security mechanism. The inbuilt security mechanism helps in both validation and verification of applications. Every application can explicitly define their security mechanism. Each security mechanism is used to grant the user access to the code or to the running program. Memory management - The Common Language runtime does all the work or memory management.

Net framework has all the capability to see those resources, which are not used by a running program.

It would then release those resources accordingly. This is done via a program called the "Garbage Collector" which runs as part of the. The garbage collector runs at regular intervals and keeps on checking which system resources are not utilized, and frees them accordingly. The Web Form. Server controls are declared in your code and can be accessed programmatically through properties, methods, and event handlers. They run on the web server and render HTML to send back to the client.

HTML elements are static, client-side controls; they are not, by default, programmatically accessible. However, they are well suited for static text and images on a Web Form. Web Forms can access data through ADO. You can connect an ASP.

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NET data source by using the data components included in the. NET components. Web Services provide application components to many distributed systems using XML-based messaging. A web service can be as simple as an XML message updating values in a remote application or can be an integral part of a sophisticated ASP. NET application. Web Services and ASP. NET share a common. NET infrastructure that allows for seamless integration.

You can use both IIS and Cassini on the same computer, provided you configure them to use different ports. IIS is a comprehensive, scalable web server and is included with Windows Server You can deploy applications to a computer running IIS. Cassini is a web server this is used during the development process, but is not intended for application deployment. It is easier to use than IIS because there is no configuration.

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Cassini was developed by Microsoft and made available for free download with source. NET support. When you create an ASP. You can set the default server and location for new applications, as well as the Cassini location and port, on the Tools Options ASP. NET options page.

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If you position the mouse over the highlighted HTML, a hint window is displayed indicating the probable cause of the error. Alternatively, you can set it as the default formatter, instead of the internal formatter. You can also define tags that HTML Tidy would otherwise detect as invalid, such as those prefixed with asp:. Double-clicking a node in the tree view positions the HTML file to the corresponding tag. When designing a Web Form, you can use either grid layout or flow layout for the Designer.