Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things

Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things
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Emotional Design will appeal not only to designers and manufacturers but also to managers, psychologists, and general readers who love to think about their stuff. Wired : "The book pops with fresh paradigms, applying scientific rigor to our romance with the inanimate. You'll never see housewares the same way again.

Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things

Press Wired : "The book pops with fresh paradigms, applying scientific rigor to our romance with the inanimate. Purchase Amazon.

Moreover, research also showed that when people are relaxed and happy, they become more creative and more imaginative in problem solving situations. Attractive things work better because they make people feel good, thus people are more tolerant of minor difficulties and they think more creatively.

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  • 2. The multiple faces of emotion and design.

Plus, they are willing to work harder to find the solution to what they are trying to do. These are response mechanisms that analyse and generate physical responses. The visceral is a biological level that reacts to certain things like temperature, shapes, lightning, textures, smells, etc.

Behavioural and reflective level are directly affected by culture. Behavioural is about function, performance and usability, whilst reflective is about interpretation, understanding and reasoning. The question is how to combine these 3 levels or 3 designs in one product. There is no clear answer to that question but it should be take into consideration that no product will never satisfy everyone. Products must be attractive and pleasurable but also effective, understandable and appropriately priced. Products must strive for balance among the 3 levels.

Each of the 3 levels of design Visceral, behavioural and reflective play its part in shaping the experience of use. Each is as important as the others, but each requires a different approach by the designer. Visceral : People learn sometimes to overcome the visceral response of the body to be in noisy places, to eat spicy food, etc.

Effective visceral design requires the skills of the visual and graphic artists and industrial engineers. Behavioural : What matters here is function, understandability, usability and physically feel. Observation is the appropriate type of research for this situation, instead of focus groups, questionnaires or surveys which rely to much on the user opinion.

Reflective : There is nothing practical or biological about the this level. Attractiveness is to visceral, what beauty is to reflective.

Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things by Donald A. Norman

Beauty comes from conscious, it looks below the surface. The overall impact of a product comes through reflection again, the example of the roller coaster , that is why costumer relationship plays a mayor role in the reflective level.

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Emotional design: why we love (or hate) everyday things / Donald A. Norman. p. cm. Includes . In the s, in writing The Design of Everyday Things, I didn't. Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things [Don Norman] on giuliettasprint.konfer.eu *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Why attractive things work.

How to maintain excitement, interest and aesthetic pleasure for a long time? Like in music, literature and art, through the depth and richness of the things. That way, it is possible to perceive something different on each experience.

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Products that give joy over the pass of time usually follow these 3 steps: Enticement make an emotional promise , Relationship continually fulfil the promise and Fulfilment end the experience in a memorable way. In chapter 5, the author refers to humans and the natural tendency to interpret emotions in people and objects. Computer anger is a case in point of how people humanise and interpret as animated something that is not. The reflective level is the one that relates past events and makes conclusions.

People tend to blame the computer as if it was its fault, similarly to team work relationship. Moreover, the fact that computers do not express shame or blame makes it more frustrating. People naturally want to trust, but trust comes from experience and it must be earned. It implies reliance, confidence and integrity. Norman describes how in this time back in machines have reasonable amount of intelligence but no emotions.

He states that non-verbal feedback, facial expression and body language will be needed in robots in order to understand them better. Machines will not be smart and sensible until they have both intelligence and emotions. Emotions not necessarily similar to humans emotions, but any other way of affective system.

Emotional Design (Why we love (or hate) everyday things

He goes deeper imagining possible home-robots and how they should interact.