Homecoming (Stargate: Atlantis, Book 16; Legacy, Book 1)

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I get some need to point who is talking to whom in a written medium, but the series itself always managed just fine, and even if I could accept that wraith might have their own names, they have never bothered giving them to humans even when politely asked. And a name like "Queen Death" is certainly very reminiscent of baby's first OC. Not to mention her actions are stupid, the way the wraith interactions are portrayed are nonsensical, and while I am at it, the human politics as they were portrayed were are just as cringeworthy.

Series by cover

I could certainly go on. Aug 10, Belle rated it liked it. Did Sheppard just mock the size of a woman's breasts on page !? This one was very hard to rate.


Cover: STARGATE ATLANTIS: Homecoming (Book 1 in The Legacy series) Click for large cover. × ISBN: Series no: SGA Pages: The first of a six book series set after the end of Stargate Atlantis's Showing 1 .. Homecoming is a strong start to the ongoing Stargate Atlantis "Legacy".

I was pleasantly surprised to discover that a lot of the second half of this book deserves 5 stars. Rodney even gets some laugh out lou Did Sheppard just mock the size of a woman's breasts on page !? Rodney even gets some laugh out loud worthy lines. And we see the return of my favourite sometimes enemy.

Stargate Atlantis: Homecoming: SGA (Stargate Atlantis Legacy) | giuliettasprint.konfer.eu

There are far too many 'misses' overall for me to be able to rate this one any higher unfortunately. But because of my giant need for nostalgia - I ended up giving this book a pass. Bad, just really bad : It's as if the writers know nothing of Atlantis and it's characters. No, just no. And I refuse to believe that the expedition team would have reacted with even half the amount of animosity, towards General O'Neill from chapter 8.

If you're going to change up the characters and make them virtually unrecognisable, you could have AT LEAST given us some courtesy and found a way to get rid of Keller!!! Here's the thing. It is probably my all-time favorite series.

Stargate Atlantis: Homecoming: SGA-16 (Stargate Atlantis Legacy)

I could almost just check 5 stars and be done with it, JUST because someone wrote a book to keep things going. I would LOVE to see the movie based on this book. Parts of the book itself were just strange, though. I do not understand the organization. There were chapters, but in the middle of most chapters, without any kind of break or Here's the thing.

It was jarring and confusing. At least give us a couple spaces to set things off, or a "Meanwhile, on the other side of the galaxy Jarring is the right word. I'm not sure if this is what the writers intended. If it is, I have no idea why they would do something like this. Start a new chapter, perhaps! The characters were also a bit different. Their personalities were altered from the characters in the series, just a bit. It was not so bad that it ruined the story. It was just odd that things were a bit "off. Some of the expressions used were very different.

I have never heard this expression used in real life. It may be a very common phrase in some parts of the world. It did not ruin the book for me.

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But I did find myself perplexed, several times, just because of the language that was used. Overall, good story. A little weirdly presented. Nov 21, Allison rated it it was ok. I finally finished this book. It's not perfect, but it takes the SGA story towards a much better direction than the television series' finale. Hence the title, Homecoming to the Pegasus galaxy, after schlepping all this way The book hints a lot at "Sheyla".

I'm not complaining. I've heard some complaints that some of the characters, particularly Ronon, seem out of character. Personally, in my mind, I was able to read the dialogue in everyone's voices, so no issues there either. The introduction of a new character whose name is escaping me at the moment struck me as a bit of a self-insertion tactic, but I suppose I'll learn to like her as the series progresses.

I think what was the most offputting to me, perhaps, was how much more colorfully they're allowed to swear on-page versus the generally PG-rated television show.


Overall, as official fanfictions go, this one isn't bad. I'm going to try to go through the sequel more quickly.

Stargate Atlantis #16: Homecoming - Book One of the Legacy Series. Jo Graham, Melissa Scott

On the way, they will be tested to their mental and physical limits by their past mistakes, their greatest fears and their deepest desires A high cloud layer? I would be reading and then I'd be lost because without starting a new chapter or even having space another character would take over it was confusing. Nov In this classic SG-1 adventure, the team must dig deep to survive.

Sep 16, Ana Gutierrez rated it it was amazing. I held out hope for a movie as I'm sure many of the other fans did as well. More unhappiness when that fell through as well.

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This book? This would have been an amazing sixth season plot line and if the rest of the books in the Legacy series are even half as good I will be a very happy fangirl! I don't even mind the cliffhanger ending because I can dive straight into the next book with out the maddening season hiatus! Jo Graham and Melissa Scott, you make beautiful beautiful new connon. A fan I only recently found out that a series of books was written taking place just after Atlantis returned to Earth.

Stargate Atlantis The Furies Stargate Atlantis Legacy Book 4 Stargate Atlantis

I stayed up all night to read it! I laughed, I cried. I have only one complaint: the transitions between characters needs to be handled better! I would be reading and then I'd be lost because without starting a new chapter or even having space another character would take over it was confusing. While probably not the best written book, I was incredibly happy to have a continuation of the Stargate Atlantis story.

I feel that some of the negative comments about how characters were handled, especially Sheppard, were probably well-founded, however I didn't feel that it ruined the story overall.


Jul 05, Blanka rated it it was amazing. I loved this book. It's been a couple of years since I rewatched Stargate Atlantis but this book revived all my feelings for it. The cliffhanger was unreal and I had to grab the next book immidiately. If you love Stargate this series is a must. I'm on a Stargate Atlantis kick after seeing the re-runs on El Rey. I found out about the sequel books and jumped to read this one.

Stargate Books Series Complete Book List for SG-1, SGA, & SGU

Overall, I'm disappointed. While it was cool to read about Atlantis getting back to Pegasus, a lot of the "drama" between characters felt contrived.

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May 18, sunnygecko rated it liked it. This book is mostly set up. Not a lot of action and ends on a cliffhanger setup for book 2. About as good as decent fanfiction. Mar 23, Jemma Aussie BookWorm rated it liked it. Wish I could watch this, but read it I will. Fun time with Todd The wraith Todd is crucial in helping Shepard and his team but This is a fun reading with the characters voices spot on. Now I'm off to book 2. The Journey Continues As a fan of all the Stargate TV series, I was glad to finally come across the Atlantis continuation after the unfortunate end of the series.

This first book in the Legacy series starts up right where the series ended, with the same friends, allies, and enemies, and then some new ones Jan 26, Holly rated it liked it. As a huge fan of SG1 and Atlantis, I was ecstatic to find out there had been audiobooks and novelisations published; specifically a series of eight books taking place after series five. Featuring many familiar faces from both series', from Col. Sheppard and team, to Richard Woolsey, Col.

Carter and Gen. O'Neill, the book did quite well in starting a new season for the Atlantis crew. It was bogged down a As a huge fan of SG1 and Atlantis, I was ecstatic to find out there had been audiobooks and novelisations published; specifically a series of eight books taking place after series five. It was bogged down at first with some heavy politics stemming from the fact that season five ended with a cloaked Atlantis floating in the ocean just off San Francisco, but there were many uplifting - sometimes funny - moments from our beloved team, specifically Teyla and John with baby Torren.