Asked 9 years, 5 months ago. Active 9 years, 5 months ago. Viewed times.
I replaced the "java" and "c " tags with "programming-languages" and "oop", since the question relates to programming languages in general. Ken Liu Ken Liu Tomas Petricek Tomas Petricek k 16 16 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password.
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Using Prolog as metalanguage for teaching programming language concepts. MIPS assembly language programming.
Programming language pragmatics. The Scheme Programming Language. The C programming language. C Programming Language. The D programming language. Programming Language Pragmatics.
Programming Language Structures. LINUX assembly language programming. The C Programming Language. The challenge is whether and how it is possible to inject architectural information into the code with the goal that as the result we get a structured description of large software systems, they go beyond the simple structuring into file structures as we find it today. An integration of architectural issues and additional architectural documentation in the code that can be used at compile time but also at runtime for performance analysis and runtime optimisation would be one of the goals.
From a model-driven software engineering perspective, it is to be investigated, which architectural elements in a language make other redundant, as specific abstract concepts can be used to generate code e.
The idea would be to have a coherent architectural concept that also supports the distributions of parts of the software onto distributed hardware architecture as a result, a smooth integration of a number of execution concepts is necessary going away from purely sequential execution models at the level of components. In this respect many problems have to be considered and to be solved which can only be done by a community of scientist that understand the various aspects involved.
To see whether such an approach is possible and finds enough support it is suggested to carry-out a workshop of about two days where a number of people are invited and should discuss among them chances to do steps and to an integration of architecture information in code.
We suggest reservation as early as possible. Pontzen: Tel. Prices are very reasonable.
We suggest reservation as early as possible. Concepts of Programming Languages. Hundreds of programming languages are in use today—scripting languages for Internet commerce, user interface programming tools, spreadsheet macros, page format specification languages, and many others. Concepts in Programming Languages by John C. Dijkstra, E. Hoare, C.
Any of the centrally located hotels in Garching will provide good access to the workshop. Important Links. Workshop: Architectural Concepts and Programming Languages.