The Hall Algebra Approach to Quantum Groups

Professor Alexander Molev
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Lebedev, S. Gessel and C. Cylindric Partitions. Goodman and H. Littlewood-Richardson coefficients for Hecke algebras at roots of unity Bibliography Hatayama, A. Kuniba, M. Okado, T. Takagi, Z. Paths, crystals and fermionic formulae, MathPhys Odyssey, , Prog. Q analogs of Clifford and Weyl algebras: Spinor and oscillator reprsentations of quantum enveloping algebras - Hayashi, Takahiro Commun. Nonsymmetric Macdonald polynomials and Demazure characters. Duke Math. Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras.

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Cambridge University Press, second edition. Infinite dimensional Lie algebras, theta functions and modular forms - Kac, Victor G. Global crystal bases of quantum groups. Kirillov and N. Reshetikhin, Bethe ansatz and the combinatorics of Young tableaux. Kirillov, M. A generalization of the Kostka-Foulkes polynomials, J. Algebraic Combin 15 Quantum groups and their representations - Klimyk, A. Berlin, Germany: Springer p.

Korff and C.

The sl n k-WZNW fusion ring: A combinatorial construction and a realisation as quotient of quantum cohomology. Noncommutative Schur polynomials and the crystal limit of the Uqsl 2 -vertex model, J. A: Math. Krattenthaler, A.

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Guttmann and X. Vicious walkers, friendly walkers and Young tableaux: II. With a wallJ. A 33 Vicious walkers, friendly walkers, and Young tableaux. Between two walls.

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Krob and J. Kuniba, K. Misra, M. Takagi, J. Paths, Demazure Crystals and Symmetric Functions.

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Vol 4 , pp. Frenkel, N. Miwa, Spaces of coinvariants and fusion product II. World Scientific, pp. Duke Mathematical Journal , 2 , Noumi, J. View Metrics.

Lascoux and M. Sur une conjecture de H. Foulkes C.

Seances Acad. Ricerca Sci. Le monode plaxique. In Noncommutative structures in algebra and geometric combinatorics Naples, , volume of Quad Singularities, character formulas, and a q-analog of weight multiplicities, Analyse et topologie sur les espaces singuliers II-III , Ast erisque , Canonical bases arising from quantized enveloping algebras - Lusztig, G. Introduction to quantum groups, Progress in Math.

Cylindric skew Schur functions. Linear Associative Algebra.

Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics

With notes and addenda, by C. Peirce Son of the Author, Amer. J Math. Affine approach to quantum Schubert calculus. Nekrasov and S. Exner eds. Nelsen and A. Wensley ed London Math. Notes , Cambridge University Press,, Novelli, J. Thibon, L. Combinatorial Hopf algebras, noncommutative HallLittlewood functions, and permutation tableaux.

Multiplicative properties of dual canonical bases of quantum groups Bibliography Rimanyi, V.

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Schechtman, V. Tarasov, A. Cohomology of a flag variety as a Bethe algebra. On a three-fold symmetry in the elements of Heines series, Proc. London Math. In case of symmetric pairs of diagonal type, our work reproduces of [Bridgeland]'s Hall algebra realization of a quantum group, which in turn was a generalization of earlier constructions of Ringel and Lusztig for half a quantum group. Mater of Arts M. Master of Applied Mathematical Sciences M.


Date and time:. Title: Hall algebras and quantum symmetric pairs Abstract: As a quantization of symmetric pairs, a quantum symmetric pair consists of a quantum group and its coideal subalgebra called an i-quantum group. Featured Content.