American Power, the New World Order and the Japanese Challenge

American Power, the New World Order and the Japanese Challenge
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The alliance system among rival empires proved volatile, exploding into murderous conflicts in and again in Worse yet, industrialization had spawned the battleship and the airship as engines for warfare of unprecedented range and destructive power, while modern science would also create nuclear weapons with the power to potentially destroy the planet itself. Meanwhile, the colonies that covered nearly half the globe refused to abide by the institutionalized denial of the very liberty, humanity, and sovereignty that Europe prized for itself. With Europe struggling to recover, its empires could no longer constrain colonial cries for independence.

With much of Europe and Asia suffering from mass hunger, the swelling surpluses of American agriculture fed a famished humanity. There, 44 Allied nations created an international financial system exemplified by the World Bank and then, at San Francisco in , by a U. While the Congress of Vienna was an ephemeral gathering of two dozen diplomats whose influence faded within a decade, the United Nations and its member states have, for nearly 75 years, sustained 44, permanent staff to supervise global health, human rights, education, law, labor, gender relations, development, food, culture, peacekeeping, and refugees.

In addition to such broad governance, the U. Not only did the Bretton Woods conference create a global financial system, but it also led to the formation of the World Trade Organization that regulates commerce among member states. You might imagine, then, that such an extraordinarily comprehensive system, integrated into almost every aspect of international intercourse, would be able to survive even major upheavals. Yet there is mounting evidence that climate change, as it accelerates, is creating the basis for the sort of cataclysm that will be capable of shaking even such a deeply rooted world order.

The cascading effects of global warming will be ever more evident, not in the distant future of as once thought , but within just 20 years, impacting the lives of most adults alive today. Last October, scientists with the U. Sooner or later, sea levels might rise by a full foot thanks to nothing but the thermal expansion of existing waters.

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William Nester is the author of more than thirty books on international relations, military history, and the nature of power. He is a Professor in the Department of. American Power, the New World Order and the Japanese Challenge (): William R. Nester: Books.

In sum, an ever-escalating tempo of climate change over the coming decades is likely to produce massive damage to the infrastructure that sustains human life. Seven hundred years later, humanity could be facing another catastrophe on the scale of the Black Death, one that might, once again, set the world in motion. This means that the threat of devastating drought is going to be brought to a historically dry region bordered by sprawling deserts in North Africa and the Middle East.

Anti-immigrant parties soon gained in popularity and power across the continent while Britain voted for its own chaotic Brexit. Just last month, the U.

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If we translate those sparse words into a future scenario, sometime before when average global warming is likely to reach that dangerous 1. Such intense heat will produce protracted droughts far worse than the one that destroyed those Bronze Age civilizations, potentially devastating agriculture and sparking water wars among the nations that share the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, while sending yet more millions of refugees fleeing toward Europe.

Under such unprecedented pressure, far-right parties might take power across the continent and the EU could rupture as every nation seals its borders. As tensions rise on both sides of the Atlantic, the U. In a distinctly ironic twist, a rising China has defied the long-standing doctrine of open seas, now sanctioned under a U. More broadly, Beijing is building an alternative international system quite separate from established institutions.

By shedding current ideals of human rights and the rule of law, such a future world order would likely be governed by the raw realpolitik of commercial advantage and national self-interest. Alfred W. To stay on top of important articles like these, sign up to receive the latest updates from TomDispatch. Buy Now, Pay Later. Already a Subscriber? The history proved, however, its subsequent policy mistakes, which prompted the country to pursue further development through rapid expansion into neighboring regions and to turn to armed force to resolve the problems it confronted.

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Japan's reconstruction from the devastation following the Pacific War was based on our deep reflection upon its preceding policies. Japan abandoned the notion of resolving international conflicts by force and decided to pursue world peace and stability through diplomatic efforts with an emphasis on the United Nations.

Japan entered into security arrangements with the United States of America as the main pillar of its defense policy, while building its own minimal necessary defense capability. While ensuring its own security and a stable international environment through these measures, Japan placed its first and foremost priority on the pursuit of economic development in the principle of market economy. In the political sphere, Japan has embraced democracy as its fundamental principle.

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It goes without saying that Japan, as a result, has achieved remarkable economic development and become the world's second largest economy. Simultaneously, Japan, with its economic and technological strengths, has played an active role in various areas including development assistance, through which it attained high reputation and gained trust of the international community.

Japan's influence at the political stage has been also recognized, for instance, at the United Nations and G8 Summits. In this way, Japan's post-war foreign policy has provided the foundation for the secure and prosperous lives of the Japanese people. The end of the Cold War has dramatically reduced the risk of war on a global scale.

Democracy, basic human rights and other values have been gaining universality. Amid these favorable developments, we are now entering into the 21st century. The core of Japan's foreign policy, including the Japan-US security arrangements, that has brought security and prosperity to the Japanese people, should be maintained over the next century. Yet, in light of the new trends and emerging challenges, Japanese diplomacy must embody a new perspective in order to address them.

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The future remains uncertain. Difficult as it may be for anyone to foresee the exact shape of the international community that surrounds Japan in the 21st century, we could recognize major trends in the international community that would govern the general direction of the international relations in the coming century. These trends will be discussed from political, economic, and security aspects.

National power, which underpins a nation's foreign policy, derives from various factors, including military strength, economic power, technology and culture.

American Power, the New World Order and the Japanese Challenge

In real international politics, military strength continues to play an important role as the last resort in maintaining and restoring order. Since the end of the Cold War, however, the role played by other types of power has grown in relative importance. With international cooperation weighing more in maintaining order in today's world, persuasiveness matters more to win the support of other countries in forging a favorable international order.

With advances in information technology, people exchange information more freely across national borders via the Internet and other media. Progress in the means of transportation facilitates traveling.

2. Japan's foreign policy and the international community at the turn of the century

Against such backdrops, international networking is taking place at various levels in today's world. Diplomatic authorities are not necessarily the only actors engaged in international relations. An increasing influence of non-governmental actors on the international relations cannot be overseen as shown in NGO's active roles in such areas as antipersonnel landmines and global warming. Distinction between international and domestic affairs is becoming less rigid, exposing internal affairs to the scrutiny of the entire world.

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In the economic arena, for example, with the unification of markets on a global scale, it is market players, regardless of their nationality, that evaluate a nation's policies. As the number and seriousness of issues that have global impacts like environmental issues increase, domestic policies inevitably become subject to international consideration.

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The world trading system is also ripe for change. Like most people, Americans generally like to believe that they are behaving justly in the world, that they are on the side of the right. Now our duty is to choose the path to realize this vision. By creating international regimes and organizations Washington can imbed its interests and values in institutions that will shape and constrain countries for decades, regardless of the vicissitudes of American power. Against such backdrops, international networking is taking place at various levels in today's world. In its struggle for survival, Japan strived to catch up with the Western countries and, at the start of the 20th century, emerged as one of the world's major powers in the wake of the Russo-Japanese War.

Thus, the long-standing principle of non-interference in internal affairs is likely to be challenged more frequently. The ongoing process of globalization has given a new impetus to worldwide economic development through expansion of trade and investment. Globalization will continue as a major, irreversible current as we foresee further consolidation across borders, inter alia, growing interdependence among nations. Rapidly deepening of interdependence in the global economy and the rise of huge private-sector capital has also created a systemic risk that cannot be solved by individual countries.

The Asian currency and economic crises, the recent Russian economic crisis and their immediate effects on the global economy have demonstrated the extent of such a risk. A crisis that occurs in one region can no longer be contained within that region; rather, it reaches every part of the system instantaneously. The intensification of worldwide competition accompanying rapid globalization brings about losers and dropouts of the competition, not only in developing countries, but also in industrialized nations, which poses as a potential social destabilizer.

There is also a growing sentiment against market principles which are seen as ignoring humanity, cultures and traditions and an emerging resistance to the imposition of global standards by the markets. Our task is to secure economic benefits of globalization from counter-productive backlash against this trend. Armed conflicts between nations have posed the biggest threat to the lives and security of people in the international community. The collapse of the Cold War structure has dramatically reduced the possibility of a global-scale war. However, military conflicts on a smaller scale as well as other kinds of threats to the lives and security of people are increasing and endangering even our daily lives.

Given the uncertainties in today's international politics, there will continue to be a threat of conflicts between nations. In addition, there is a growing need for international efforts to address unconventional types of conflicts such as ethnic conflicts within nations. There are also new types of threats such as terrorism, backed by non-government entities without any tie with a particular nation, which cannot be adequately addressed under existing frameworks.

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There is now a growing awareness of the need to control various "means" of threats, ranging from weapons of mass destruction to conventional weapons. As shown in the nuclear tests by India and Pakistan and the missile launch by North Korea, the danger of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and their delivery means has been rather intensifying since the end of the Cold War. It should be also noted that conventional weapons such as antipersonnel landmines and small arms, that have not been internationally controlled to date, have become a major factor to escalate conflicts and to expand damage, particularly in civil wars.

Threats in today's world can no longer be measured simply by their military capability or power to physically blow others. Such threats as environmental destruction, infectious diseases, refugees, illegal immigration and international organized crime have become increasingly serious global problems that threaten people's lives across national borders, and thus require international cooperation.

Amid the diversification of threats, Japan is facing a mounting uncertainty, as in the increasing danger of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. However, what is more important for Japan is that the direction Japan is to take is now being questioned. Japan, with its economic strength, has kept a certain degree of influence in the international community.

It is now apparent, however, that its economic growth will reach its limit if Japan takes its existing systems for granted and fails to make reform efforts. Our concern that Japan's relative position in the world will no longer go up is even more real as other individual or groups of countries, riding on a tide of globalization, achieve further development. This is all the more likely in light of the difficulties such as a falling birth rate and aging population that Japan will face as a mature nation.

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Since Japan continues not to rely on military strength as a means of securing its national interests, it is important to bear fully in our minds the relative change to Japan's position against the international match ground, to identify the sources of national power, which underpins its foreign policy, and to take necessary actions. It discusses issues of contested memory and shows On October 24, , more than two hundred American soldiers realized they were surrounded by On October 24, , more than two hundred American soldiers realized they were surrounded by German infantry deep in the mountain forest of eastern France.

As their dwindling food, ammunition, and medical supplies ran out, the American commanding officer turned The Internment of Japanese Americans. This series provides multiple views of momentous events in recent history; each book helps readers This series provides multiple views of momentous events in recent history; each book helps readers develop critical thinking skills, increase global awareness, and enhance their understanding of international perspectives about historic events.

Islands of Discontent: Okinawan Responses to Japanese and. Exploring contemporary Okinawan culture, politics, and historical memory, this book argues that the long Japanese Exploring contemporary Okinawan culture, politics, and historical memory, this book argues that the long Japanese tradition of defining Okinawa as a subordinate and peripheral part of Japan means that all claims of Okinawan distinctiveness necessarily become part of the larger It is Palgrave Macmillan UK.