Adapting Configuration Management for Agile Teams: Balancing Sustainability and Speed

General Best Practices for Configuration Management
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Now however, all tests have been conducted at test stations with no problems reported. It is a great resource to read and to have on your shelf if you want to understand the scope of SCM. I tend to think that time boxed approaches are more useful, but the other good information in the book still makes sense if you use any approach to developing software. Instead it means that CM should be adapted to allow the lean nature of Agile. If you haven't The data that the authors provide about lean manufacturing practices and software development will convince you that there is a lot that we can learn from this metaphor.

What is risk management? What is IT Governance? Free ITIL v. What is the main reason. Orchestrated Release Management Gain insight and control, eliminate ineffective handoffs, and automate application deployments Solution Brief Challenges Release management processes have been characterized. Published by. HP Application Lifecycle Management Overview HP Application Lifecycle Management is a software solution expressly designed to allow your team to take control of the application lifecycle while investing.

Table of Contents Executive. No part of this publication may be published, reproduced, copied. At M4, we provide our clients with innovative.

Agile software development - Wikipedia

Log Management 1 Log Management A great deal of events cross your network, servers,. What is Application Lifecycle Management? Challenging ALM: What really matters when picking tools? Beyond features, performance and price. It is a given: software teams must rapidly respond to change to keep pace.

  1. Adapting Configuration Management for Agile Teams: Balancing Sustainability and Speed - Lib?
  2. Agile software development!
  3. Gartner Magic Quadrant: Application Release Automation.
  4. What Is Agile Methodology?!
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Or risk the software they create. The Basics of Scrum An introduction to the framework Introduction Scrum, the most widely practiced Agile process, has been successfully used in software development for the last 20 years. While Scrum has. Goals Quality. Log in Registration. Search for. Size: px. Start display at page:. Kelley Goodwin 3 years ago Views:. Similar documents. Your Software Quality is Our Business. February 1 Executive Summary Adnet is pleased to provide this white paper, describing our approach to performing More information.

Agile software development

An introduction to the benefits of Application Lifecycle Management An introduction to the benefits of Application Lifecycle Management IKAN ALM increases team productivity, improves application quality, lowers the costs and speeds up the time-to-market of the entire application More information. Release Management Goal Deploy application changes into More information. Continuous Delivery. Reproduction Prohibited Hello and welcome to today s talk To help people More information. Purpose Challenge traditional concepts for More information.

Agile Scrum Methodology

Surviving SOX with Scrum. More information. Continuous Delivery Software-Deployments ohne graue Haare. April Corsin Decurtins Some numbers 4 15 deployments per year bank, insurance company, government, transport authority deployments per More information. Continuous Delivery: implementation considerations. A Viable Systems Engineering Approach. Presented by: Dick Carlson richard.

Why continuous delivery needs devops, and why devops needs infrastructure-as-code. Serena Dimensions CM. Bernhard Keprt Likes Agile More information. Brisbane, 5 December Global presence demands uniformity within the processes across disparate locations of More information. Industry perspective Business drivers Trends More information.

HP DevOps by Design. Filippo Lanubile. Suzette Johnson Northrop More information. Keys to Continuous Delivery Success. Philipp Fuchs. IT Governance. Infocom India Presentation. All technical managers at all levels should have read a copy of this book. The section on having one on ones by itself is worth the price. The examples are simple to understand, and show you how to do useful work quickly. This book is an bridges the gap between tutorial and reference very well and should be useful to those new to SCM, as well as those comfortable with SCM concepts who want to learn more about Distributed version control systems and Git.

While many of the examples are geared towards software developers, anyone who wants to learn how to use their time and energy more effectively will benefit from reading this book. This book is a great mix of background material to help you understand how you learn, resources to enable you to learn more, and techniques to help you practice right away. Effective Java is a well written book that will help new programmers learn how the right way to solve problems, and provide experienced programmers with a refresher course so that they can break out of bad habits, and make use of new library and language features.

Read or skim the book from start to finish to get a sense of what's there, and keep it nearby when you are coding as a reference. Weinberg on Writing: The Fieldstone Method by Gerald M Weinberg This is an inspirational and practical book that will both help you be a better, more productive writer and make you want to write. Weinberg explains timeless techniques you can use to collect and organize your ideas effectively when you are writing about a topic you care about. Jerry Weinberg's books have had a positive influence on my life as a technologist and manager, and with this book, he is now inspiring me to be a better writer.

If you are a writer, or want to be one, you will want to read this book once for inspiration, and refer to it again later for it's exercises and advice. The book covers the whole lifecycle form planning to design and coding, showing you how to balance the agile dogma with practical considerations. The book also addresses common misconceptions about agile practices. People new to agile will benefit from the book, but those who have been working using an agile method will get a lot from a fresh look at why they are using agile practices.

Implementation Patterns by Kent Beck The title is misleading, as the book really isn't a Patterns book, and it's not a detailed handbook. This is a good terse summary of principles to apply when writing code that others will need to work with. While the book is light on details or examples, reading it can help you consider what coding and micro design conventions to apply to make your code more readable. This is a good companion to Bob Martin's Clean Code as Martin and Beck, excellent coders both, sometimes make opposite recommendations about the same situations.

These contrasts drive home the point that rules for good code need to be considered, not just accepted without thought. While many of the guidelines were familiar, reading the book helped me reconsider some rules that I had followed out of habit, but which no longer make sense.

Like many good books even if you know and agree what it says, reading the book can help you explain "the obvious" to others. Clean Code has all the qualities of a classic book.

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Adapting Configuration Management for Agile Teams: Balancing Sustainability and Speed [Mario E. Moreira] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying. Adapting Configuration Management for Agile Teams: Balancing Sustainability and Speed. Adapting Configuration Management for Agile Teams: Balancing.

Bob does not just a list of rules for "good" code. He explains why following the rules makes for better code, and provides several examples of how following the rules make arguably good code like JUnit better. Buy this book if you write code or manage people who write code. This is a must read if you are developing a coding standard for your team. Even if you don't accept all of Bob's guidelines, reading this book will help you think about what standards make sense for your team. Related books Implementation Patterns Prototype and script.

This book does an excellent job of straddling the line between reference and introduction. The writing style is readable enough that you can read a few chapters just to get a sense of what to do, while at the same time, terse enough that you can find what you need quickly. What Every Body is Saying: An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Speed-Reading People by Joe Navarro This book can not only help you to be more aware of when to probe further about whether what someone says is inconsistent with what they may be feeling, but it also can help you be more aware of the messages you may be sending by your gestures, posture, etc.

One of the things I like most about this book is that the author sets the expectation that you won't be able to know the "truth" based only on body language but that awareness of body language will help you to understand when you should be paying attention to other details of your interaction with someone. Anyone who works with people, especially in a customer-facing role, would benefit from reading this book. In this regard Johanna Rothman follows in the steps of authors like Jerry Weinberg by showing you how to set up a project environment that helps software developers be more effective and thus be better able to deliver value to their customers.

Measuring Success in Agile Teams

This book has pragmatic advice on how to make progress and issues visible, how to plan a project, and most everything else you need to help a project come to a good conclusion. This book is unique in that while it discusses the benefits of agile lifecycles, it shows you how to make progress in a variety of software lifecycles, and gives advice on when to use the various lifecycles she discusses. Buy this book if you want to be a more effective project manager or technical lead who works with project managers , or if you want to be more agile but are not sure how. Some of the specific examples are dated, though many caused me to nod in acknowledgment, especially his observations about alarm clocks and TV remotes, Inmates describes goal directed design, the concept of Pesonas, ideas which, whether they make sense for your project are not, are ones that you should be aware of.

Adapting Configuration Management for Agile Teams: Balancing Sustainability and Speed

This book also explains what "polite software" is and emphasizes the market advantages to good interaction design. Even if this book doesn't change the way you work, it will help you think about the relationship between interaction design and programming. Among the interesting points Cooper makes are Customer Driven isn't aways the best model customer influenced is better , and neither is Engineering Driven; software designers should go beyond customers say they want and help them to understand what they need.

There were a few things towards the end of the book that struck me as just wrong. For example Cooper says that most developers don't believe that they are the best people to test their code. Most Agile software developers would challenge that point. Agile developers would also challenge the recurring theme that the engineering team can't make the leap to understanding the customer enough to build good interaction design. He ignores the value of a specializing generalist, which is an important concept in today's projects.