The Employment Relationship: Causes and Consequences of Modern Personnel Administration

The Employment Relationship: Causes and Consequences of Modern Personnel Administration
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Findings — This paper finds that a clear model of systematic personnel management evolved in Australia's colonial public services between and Please note you might not have access to this content. You may be able to access this content by login via Shibboleth, Open Athens or with your Emerald account. If you would like to contact us about accessing this content, click the button and fill out the form.

Contact us. To rent this content from Deepdyve, please click the button. Rent from Deepdyve. People are an organization's primary asset. You must hire , onboard , pay , satisfy , motivate , engage , manage , develop , and retain your employees.

Customer Reviews

Your HR department is your investment in accomplishing these goals with the people you employ. Whether their customer is management or individual employees, your HR staff is accountable for producing the results you need in each of these areas.

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This does not mean that the HR department is solely responsible for results in these areas. Foremost in accomplishing these goals with employees are your managers or front line supervisors to whom the employees report. They are the people who interact with employees every day to ensure that you have a motivated, contributing workforce.

The HR office supports their front-line efforts. HR provides the framework, processes, programs, procedures, training, and the information they need to succeed. Over time, this has changed and enhanced the role of your HR team. Dave Ulrich of the University of Michigan identified three significant roles for the HR team: strategic partner, employee advocate, and change champion. He believes that everything HR does must add value to the business. If your HR staff remain focused on designing innovative business practices in areas such as sourcing, hiring, compensation, and communication, they are not transforming their role to align with forward-thinking practices.

If every action is not focused on creating value, your senior leaders must question HR leaders about their contribution to the overall organization. HR must focus on finding, developing and retaining talent ; driving organizational culture , and organizational leadership.

The origins of personnel management: reasserting the public sector experience

Annual performance appraisals, outdated hiring practices that include discrimination, a command and control management style, and disempowering micromanagement are examples. See how these new roles of the HR employees have evolved. And, of course, changing the name of the HR service organization results in changes to HR job titles.

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What matters in organizations are issues such as how:. Using the longer term titles for HR roles, learn what an HR manager, generalist, and assistant does at work. Here are specific job descriptions for four key roles in HR:.

Customer Reviews

The Employment Relationship. Causes and Consequences of Modern Personnel Administration. Authors: Bridges, William P., Villemez, Wayne J. Free Preview. Read The Employment Relationship: Causes and Consequences of Modern Personnel Administration (Springer Studies in Work and Industry) book reviews.

Careers in HR are a popular choice because HR professionals earn above median wages and the work is fast paced and ever changing. No two days ever look the same. They will also advise you about how to best plan and pursue a career in the HR field. They offer advice about necessary education, the skills HR leaders must bring to the table, and how to find a job in HR.

Concept of Industrial Relations

They cover the responsibilities in HR as a career choice and even let you know when you might want to leave the field and transition to another. These resources will also help employees in any role take charge of their career progress and success.


You are the person who is most interested in your career success. While the HR staff and your manager can help you make progress, owning your career is your responsibility. These resources will assist you to create a career path , make a mid-career transition , make your current job work , find happiness at work and keep your job. Since so much about HR involves managing people and resources, fundamental management skills are critical players in the HR role. And not just for HR staff, the managers who do the day-to-day managing of the people in your organization need all of the development help they can get.

Managers set the tone and pace for your organization. Why not empower them to create a motivational, engaging, productive, continuously improving work environment in which people will thrive. Use these resources to find out how. Nicely Done!

Employee Relations Definition

The employment program also reduced interest in mercenary work in nearby wars. Free delivery. This e-book provides photos and basic information with specifications. In this case the basis for wage negotiation is becoming more reliant on the understanding and application of economics ; shorter hours of work; improved working conditions for greater efficiency of equipment rather than of employees. Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. There are many ways that employees are paid, including by hourly wages, by piecework , by yearly salary , or by gratuities with the latter often being combined with another form of payment.

By clicking, you consent to receive culture and engagement communications from Officevibe. Employee relations, known historically as industrial relations, is concerned with the contractual, emotional, physical and practical relationship between employer and employee. Essentially, it alludes to the relationship between manager and employee, and it can either be one that is founded in mutual respect, appreciation, and trust, or fear and lack of transparency. Employee relations also references the efforts that a company makes, typically an HR department to manage the relationships between managers and employees.

A good employees relation program ensures that all employees are treated fairly, helps to strengthen relationships between employee and managers, and help to remediate problems that surface between them. Having good employee relations is crucial to every company, as when employees and managers share a positive relationship , employee engagement, productivity, motivation and morale are high. Employees who get along with their manager and enjoy rather than feel anxious about going to work in the morning have a better overall work experience.

Happy employees work harder, produce better work, and ultimately keep the customer happy and the business thriving. In any relationship, communication is the key. Let your team know that you are there to talk about their work or anything else they need, and be as transparent with them as possible about what you need from them. One way to keep a constant pulse on how your team is feeling is to conduct simple weekly surveys that allow employees to submit anonymous feedback.

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