Proteomics in Functional Genomics: Protein Structure Analysis

Proteomics in Functional Genomics
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Protein Structure Analysis

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In addition, the equation does not take into account the stochastic nature of gene expression see above Chen et al. Protein interaction proteomics As mentioned in the introduction, many proteins do not act in isolation, but form complexes with partner proteins and a major goal is to identify the detailed composition of these respective multi-protein complexes. Naaby-Hansen S. Explore This Subject. Luscombe, N.

Shuigeng Zhou. Weimin Zhu.


A wealth of information has accumulated over the last few years on the human genome. The new insights have completely changed the focus of protein analysis . EXS. ;XI-XIII. Protein structure analysis of today: proteomics in functional genomics. Jörnvall H, Jollès P. PMID: ; [Indexed for MEDLINE].

Yunping Zhu. Yuxia Jiao. The course is divided into two parts:. The course will be delivered by experienced and dedicated EMBL-EBI trainers, and will involve presentations, demonstrations and practical exercises to give participants hands on experiences. Participants will have the opportunity to address some of their research question and use examples from their work.

Registration is run by the National Veterinary Research Institute. This course is available to staff and students within the NVRI only. Workshop Materials.

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