Lectures on Abstract Algebra [Lecture notes]

Cambridge Notes
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That would be incredibly kind of you. I'm actually taking abstract algebra right now and struggling with ring homomorphisms, so the presence of that lecture was very tempting. However, as we'll be moving on from ring homomorphisms very soon, don't if it'd be too much work midterms next week. There are handwritten notes scanned in on the OP's link. They are not transcriptions, but include a lot of the thought processes that Dr.

Gross expounds out loud. Man, that would be great for sure. My strategy when working with this is to read the relevant parts of my algebra book after or before watching some lecture.

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I know that he says which book they use in the very first lecture. Buying that book is probably a good idea if one wants to follow this lecture series completely on ones own.

YouTube playlist , although to get the notes it seems like you have to go the the archived link OP posted. I remember that the guy was very abstract about everything and didn't really go into enough detail to be helpful for me. I think maybe putting the recitation sessions up instead of the lectures might have been a better idea for them to do. I also remember him getting really political in the Galois video.

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I remember looking up some of the stuff he talked about afterward and was like "oh come on that's bullshit. The bright side to his lectures was that it was more helpful to get an intuition about the jargon in the course than in my actual undergrad course I honestly feel like these lectures give me very deep understanding of the course. I am very glad to do the recitation myself, as I don't really need a lecturer then. Can someone please tell me what is the prior knowledge to watch this course? That'd be great. Don't sweat set theory.


If you've done any proof based math you should be fine. Otherwise a chapter on logic and a chapter on sets is more than enough. Yeah, that's really what I meant, certainly a thorough treatment of Axiomatic Set Theory is not prerequisite for Abstract Algebra.

Kaplansky's "Set Theory and Metric Spaces" is one of my favorite mathematics books of all time.

MATH2070A - Algebraic Structures - 2018/19

Also, check out this free book by a great topologist and mentor from my alma mater:. This one is actually an introductory real analysis book, but it explains the set theory and logic that you need in the first chapters. If that's too many, then notice which ones consistently get recommended. The first few chapters of "Naive Set Theory" by Halmos give a pleasant introduction to the topic.

Can't see on mobile if these are the Harvard lectures but if not I'd like to give those a shout out too.

If someone could be so kind as to link as I'm on mobile and can't do so. They were very useful for Sylow theorems in my Abstract 2 class in undergrad. This should be good.

Lecture Notes

Prof Gross is one of those rare outstanding mathematicians who are also brilliant teachers. Does this lead to Category Theory? Or does it give a good foundation for it? I've been reading Category Theory but would love to learn the foundations of it. I think having some abstract algebra background is very useful for understanding the motivations of category theory, but it's not truly necessary.

Category theory provides a unifying framework that will show you that various constructs eg tensor product, disjoint union, other producty things result from the same types of constructions just on different "categories".

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I do try to check these things, of course, but sometimes web pages act differently for users inside and outside the Math department. Examples of Rings Week 9: Rings. Basic properties and constructions of Rings. Language: All Filter by language. John O.

There is an intro book by arbib and manes that I remember finding lots of fun to read. And you get to draw cool diagrams. Does anyone have the videos downloaded by any chance, as it seems the site is down and I only managed to download a few of them. Sign up to join this community.

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The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Reference request: Volume 2 of Abhyankar's lectures on algebra? Ask Question. Asked 1 year, 5 months ago. Active 11 months ago. Viewed times. The description: This book is a timely survey of much of the algebra developed during the last several centuries including its applications to algebraic geometry and its potential use in geometric modeling. Friendly Beast. Friendly Beast Friendly Beast 56 4 4 bronze badges.

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