Entangled Histories of the Balkans, Volume I: National Ideologies and Language Policies

Entangled Histories of the Balkans - Volume One
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Entangled Histories of the Balkans - Volume One

All Departments Documents Researchers. The Romanian-Hungarian reconciliation process, from conflict to cooperation.

Title, The Romanian-Hungarian reconciliation process, : from conflict to cooperation. Publication Type, Journal Article. Authors, Iordachi, C.

National Ideologies and Language Policies

Journal title, Romanian Journal of Society and Politics Journal title, Romanian Journal of Society and Politics. Year, Pages, 88 - Volume, 1.

Entangled Histories of the Balkans - Volume One: National Ideologies and - Google книги

Issue, Save to Library. Nation-building and contested identities. Constantin Iordachi, Dorin Dobrincu, eds. General Bibliography on the Collectivization of Agriculture in Romania.

LESSONS IN DEMOCRACY: The 8 absurdities of the Balkan Greater State nationalism - Episode 23

Markian Prokopovych. Marina Cattaruzza and Constantin Iordachi, eds.

The authors in this volume take a different approach. They all seek to treat the modern history of the region from a transnational and relational perspective in terms of shared and connected, as well as entangled, histories, transfers, and crossings.

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This goes along with an interest in the way ideas, institutions, and techniques were selected, transferred and adapted to Balkan conditions and how they interacted with those conditions. The volumes also invite reflection on the interacting entities in the very process of their creation and consecutive transformations rather than taking them as givens.

Rethinking Balkanism

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  3. Daskalov, Rumen [WorldCat Identities].