Can Business Move Beyond Efficiency

Re-energising efficiency: looking beyond technology and economics
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Another company compares energy use among factory shifts and found the first shift was more efficient than the second, leading to focused training on what those employees can do to match up to the more efficient shift. Schneider Electric itself tracks energy floor-by-floor in its seven-floor headquarters in France, Hanna said.

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Mar 22, Abstract The aim of this paper is to articulate to a wider practitioner and academic audience the value and importance of moving the. Mar 22, the value and importance of moving the sustainable business agenda beyond the notion of eco- and socio-efficiency. This in itself is not a new.

Regardless of what leading U. Data illustration by Sergey Nivens via Shutterstock. View the discussion thread. Energy efficiency leaders move beyond small wins to Big Data. President Grimsson studied economics and political science at the University of Manchester, and in , became the first person in Iceland to earn a PhD in political science.

He was the University of Iceland's first Political Science professor. Vietnam is becoming an increasingly inviting market for foreign investment. However, working with foreigners and expanding business abroad can be risky for all parties involved. The diversity among business cultures frequently During his Inaugural Address, President Barack Obama resonated with the ideals of many Americans—prosperity, freedom, good will, faith, and determination. He spoke of the market as having "umatched" power, "to generate wealth and expand freedom" Obama.

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However, the market also has deeply complex roots in our society, where corporatism, consumerism, corruption, and exploitation all However, the most important lesson I learned from this book was a simple one, the one upon which American fundamentals rest: the beauty of business is that it is a voluntary transaction between two parties that results in mutual benefit for both parties. This is a profound idea; a nation of people could work together to better Follow SP. Latest in Environmental Studies Climate Change.

Numerous social groups have drawn upon a wide assortment of Climate Change. Nature or Culture?

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The Anthropocene as Social Narrative. Is it possible to objectively define the Anthropocene? This essay argues that whether or not it is precisely definable as a geological epoch, its true value, as a concept grounded in futurity, lies within the social realm.

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The origins of the term Environmental Ethics. Environmentalism and Postmaterialism in China. Published by Clocks and Clouds. Postmaterialist values, those that emphasize higher-order human needs, have become widely accepted as the determining force behind environmentalism in the West. Little research has been dedicated to studying the importance of these values outside By Christopher T. Published by Earth Common Journal. Despite all the information we have regarding climate change and the potential perils of continuing on our path of consumption, people are slow to make the necessary changes.

Our tendency to live habitually and the dampening effect continuous negative Whenever a decision is made in a social, political, or economic context, it is implicitly grounded in an ethical outlook. But where do these outlooks come from? To investigate this query, I examine the basis for ethical decisions regarding technology Species Conservation in a Globalized World. In today's globalized world, international cooperation and information sharing becomes increasingly important. What are you looking for?

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Marketing Management , We will examine approaches for dealing with poverty alleviation and smallholder inclusion, gender and other development challenges. Tilley and Young pointed out several challenges that sustainable entrepreneurs will need to overcome, beginning with the fundamental issue of how to measure wealth generation. Log out of Readcube. Achieving mastery.

International Sustainable Development Research Conference. Our Common Future. Bruntland GH.

Sustainability: Is It a Good Choice for Small Companies?

Environmental accounting, managerialism and sustainability: Is the planet safe in the hands of business and accounting? Robert Gray , J.

Achieving sustainable development through industrial ecology Braden R. Corporate social responsibility in international development: an overview and critique.

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